I’ll believe he’ll close Club Gitmo when he does it.

He’s lied about “change”.
He’s lied about “bipartisanship”.
He’s lied about pork.
He’s lied about the economy.
He’s lied about raising taxes.
He’s lied about America.
He’s lied about Iraq.
He’s lied about Pock-EEEE-stahn.
He’s lied about “transparency”.

I can go on, if you like. But I think that you got the point.

What the f*ck were we thinking?

What the f*ck were we thinking when we put him into office! What were the people that voted for him thinking? He didn't keep one promise, and his "lets spend our way out of debt" idea actually put us in worse debt, they'll be more than happy to show him the door and say, burr bye.. Thanks for Nothing......

The Democrats’ Super-rich.

The Democrats’ super-rich, limousine-socialist donors – which include Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford, btw – aren’t the top 1%, and therefore *didn’t* necessarily do better under Bush. They’re maybe the top 0.0001%. The top 1% would be 3 million Americans! For the top *3 million* Americans to do better under Bush is, comparatively speaking, a sign of improved economic opportunity for the masses.