And another thing, I think that Republicans who negotiate across the aisle with socialists should be thrown out of office. This bill should be voted down in whole. Also, the funding and appointment of the treatment decisions panel in the previous stimulus bill needs to be revoked and/or taken to the Supreme Court.Why are these criminals still in office? They are trying to install Socialism in our Country. The Guy in the Oval office is trying to force Socialism on us..
Saying the public now senses that Øbama has been less than straightforward with them, is an understatement. This clown lies through his teeth. He has broken every single campaign promise he ever made. The real kicker is when he promised there would be 5 days to discuss every Bill put before Congress, then he rammed through a thousand-something-page stimulus Bill and gave Congress less than 24 hours to read it and vote on it. Then the crook-clown Øbama takes a liesurely 4-day weekend to go on another vacation to Chi-town and signs the Bill on a Tuesday? Then to add insult to injury, his so-called stimulus Bill that cost nearly $800 billion and if we passed it RIGHT NOW unemployment would not go above 8 percent? Hello? Would you buy a used car from this man?
That's it in a nutshell. The public does not believe that BO has leveled with them. Or to put it another way he's a liar.