Former Fugee Sued for Unpaid Jewelry Bills

Jacob the Jeweler is taking no prisoners and ironically, well, will soon be one. While the namesake of the famous celebrity jeweler, Jacob Arabov, will be reporting to prison in January for lying to investigators of a multi-state drug ring, the company itself is apparently in the mood to settle old scores. The first high-profile culprit? Former Fugee and political activist, Wyclef Jean.

In court papers filed Tuesday in Manhattan, Jacob and Company Incorporated alleges that the international hip-hop star owes $319,680 for jewelry and watch purchases made between March 2002 and January 2006. Apparently, repeated attempts were made to collect the outstanding debt to no avail.

Now, of course, a debt is a debt is a debt. No matter who you are. But I wonder how much you can trust the book keeping of a company whose founder was allegedly laundering money to the tune of $270 million for the formidable Black Mafia family? That’s a lot of bling. It’s also interesting that a debt incurred almost 6 years ago by Wyclef is only now being pursued in court by the jeweler? Hmmmmm.

Color me Pollyanna, but I like to think a stand up guy like Wyclef, who has devoted much of his adult life to helping the people of his native Haiti, will have a lot to say on the matter. As of now, his representatives have not commented.

In the meantime, The Jewelry Insider will be interested to see who just might be next on the “King of Bling”’s hit list. Madonna? Elton? Puffy? Stay tuned…

The Engagement Ring Debate Takes A Celebrity Turn - Calling It Quits? Who Gets The Rock?

Brace yourselves readers for a real shocker. The Bachelor’s Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas have called off their engagement! Mere month’s ago, the 27-year-old British financier told Reality TV World, "When I proposed, I said the only reason there's been any question really is because it just seemed too good to be true." Apparently my dear Matt, it was.

While an official statement reports the split was a mutual decision, the rumor mills put the young bride-to-be as the dump-er. A ‘devastated’ Shayne tells she plans to keep the 2.85-carat Tacori platinum-and-diamond eternity ring,” a glass box, like a slipper.” Yeah. Right. Diana’s rock from Dodi might be worthy of a shrine, but my guess is this bauble will find its way on eBay in no time.

Call me clairvoyant, but a few days ago this “keep it or chuck it” engagement ring dilemma was on my mind, and I encouraged jilted women to keep the rock and make it their own. But what happens when it’s us gals who do the jilting? Bachelor Matt wants his ex to donate the bauble to charity. Seems a fair solution to me. Legally, though, I discovered that the ring is the property of the ‘giver’ until a wedding takes place. Gasp! In other words, until you say those “I Do’s” the bling on your finger isn’t really yours in a court of law. Kind of takes the romance out of it, no?

So to those newly betrothed like CSI Miami’s Eva LaRue (who was presented with a - wait for it - 4 carat(!) diamond from her businessman boyfriend), proceed with caution. If you or your guy has a change of heart, better hope the bloke doesn’t want to take it to the judge – or the local pawnshop.

The Pendant Necklace - A Summer Jewelry Trend for Everyone!

Diamonds, gold, tassles, shells, beads – the fashion forward are using anything and everything to adorn the long chains flowing around their necks this season. Yes, it’s true. The pendant necklace is making a comeback. But The Jewelry Insider is happy to report it’s a far cry from Flavor Flav’s signature clock and the blinged out styles of Hip Hop’s fashion past. Whew!

And there’s more good news. This look isn’t just for the LC and Miley set. We spotted a fab gold snake pendant on Michelle Yeoh at this week’s The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer premiere and absolutely love how actress, Mamie Gummer (daughter of Meryl), layers her look at mum's Mama Mia debut.

Hey. If you want to go big like Flav, I support you. But there are so many ways to skin this cat. Dig into your grandmother’s jewelry box for a vintage locket. Replace the standard gold chain with a ribbon or a long, leather cord. Splurge on an unforgettable diamond piece or scout for a unique gold medallion. Wear not one but two - or even three - pendants in a mix and matched look. Any way you slice it, this trend will have your signature style written all over it. And that, my dear friend, is the best part about it.

Summer won’t last forever, so get out there and show off your unique interpretation!

Carpe Diem!

Mad About Mad Men Jewelry Fashions

Break out your pencil skirts and matching sweater sets, AMC’s acclaimed series Mad Men is back! Last night’s highly anticipated premiere brought us die-hard Don Draper junkies back to the era of three-martini lunches, well-dressed ad men and the women who love (or are forced to tolerate) them. The surprise hit and critical darling earned 16 Emmy nods, and the show’s authentic early 60s fashions have inspired trendsetters and designers around the globe to find their inner Tippy Hedren.

This season begins on Valentine’s Day 1962. Jackie Kennedy is winning over America with her White House tour, and women are falling in love with her distinct brand of sophistication and grace. Rumor has it the show’s female characters will take center stage this season, which means more yummy period fashions for us to drool over.

Look out for more Grace Kelly-inspired evening wear, swing skirts and neck scarves. Button pearl earrings, signature pendants, costume jewelry and the classic office brooch will all be on display. And of course every Mad Men must-have is the ubiquitous pearl strand. Not to worry, though, ladies, the dashing Don Draper and his exploits are still the series’ main focus. And those suits! Growl.

So those of us who miss gathering every Sunday for Sex and the City fashion fixes can now look forward to planning viewing parties filled with fondue, cocktail dresses and clip ons. Move over Cosmos, there’s a new kid in town! She prefers her drinks shaken…not stirred.

Was The Earth Once One Great Big Diamond?

The saying 'Diamonds are Forever' may be more relevant than the admen first thought. According to a survey by German scientists, diamonds maybe the 'first' forever. In a study about to be published by the American Chemical Society, the European brianiacs have concluded that diamonds must have jump-started life on this little planet of ours.

According to the report, diamonds are crystallized forms of carbon that predate the oldest known life on the planet. Also, the tests found electrical conductivity that could have been key to forcing chemical reactions needed to generate the first birth.

The three German scientists, Andrei Sommer, Dan Zhu, and Hans-Joerg Fecht discovered that when diamonds are treated with hydrogen, crystalline layers of water form on the surface of the rocks. (And to think you probably do nothing more than wear your diamonds).

"Hydrogenated diamond advances to the best of all possible origin-of-life platforms," the researchers was quoted as saying in a report by Live Science website.

The study though doesn't conclusively say how life began on Earth. They'll save that for another installment.

Jilted - Take The Diamond Ring and Make It Yours

Once an engagement is called off, should the women return her engagement ring? Some say absolutely, others say absolutely no. If she keeps it, what should she do with it? Some say put it in a box, stuff it under the underwear and let it be a reminder of a 'narrow escape'. Others say sell it, auction it, give it away or even have the diamond reset into a solitaire pendant.

A friend of mine, whose boyfriend bought her diamond engagement ring from Wal-mart (a good deal it was too) actually returned it for store credit and for at least a year, didn't pay a dime for her toilet-paper, bleach and mega-sized bags of potato chips.

But, the return of the ring is going to be the least of a jilter's troubles if a recent ruling is anything to go by. A woman in Florida was awarded $150,000 when her fiancee called off their wedding.

Apparently leaving a note in the bathroom expressing doubts isn't the best way to let your intended know you're having second thoughts. This intended obviously wasn't going to go with the 'we'll still be friends line'. Instead, the jilted bride to be, Rose-Marie Shell took her once-betrothed to court claiming she suffered significantly, both and emotionally and financially, from his decision to call off the nuptials.

The 2-carat diamond engagement ring remains hers, although she said she plans to sell it. Instead of selling your rings - take the pain and make it yours. Have the diamond re-set in a cocktail setting - after all if this doesn't call for some self-indulgence - what does?

Bare On The Bling - Jewelry Exhibition

Once upon a time in a land far far away there lived a people, a strange and peculiar people with a taste verging on the unbelievable. Ok, so I exaggerate, the land wasn't far away, in fact it was here, but they did have peculiar taste - apparently these 'art nouveau' folk didn't care much for bling.....

Boston's Museum of Fine Arts' new exhibition, "Imperishable Beauty: Art Nouveau Jewelry" is taking a look at the jewelry of these strange, minimalistic folk. Most of the pieces veer to the organic side - instead of diamonds it's enamel, elephant ivory, manipulated horn and molded glass. Lovely, who wouldn't want a piece of elephant or a slice of a rhino hanging around their neck?

"Art Nouveau jewelry is regarded by many as the most beautiful and technically sophisticated jewelry ever created. It was flamboyant, fantastical, sensual and poetic," says Curator of Jewelry Yvonne Markowitz.

The collection includes a selection of privately-owned pieces, some of which have never been on display before. Included are a circular gold box made by Lalique and a gold necklace the designer created for the mistress of French writer Emile Zola.

Rappers' Ice and Hip Hop's Jewels On The Block

Hip Hop isn't going mainstream - it's gone mainstream. And now, it's going upstream. No longer the domain of urban angst, Hip Hop has entered the echelons of high-society parlours. In this case, some of the most blinged out bling from the genre's stars is going under the hammer at tony auctioneers, Phillips de Pury.
Among the lots of diamonds, gems, rings and pimped out pendants is a jeweled Rolex watch worn by Notorious B.I.G., Lil’ Wayne’s jeweled Money Bag pendant and Biz Markie’s Headphone Necklace. The sale isn't though only about weighing down the jewelry boxes of well-heeled doyennes, proceeds from the sale of select items will benefit the National Museum of American History’s new "Hip-Hop Won’t Stop" collection.

The auction's going down on October 1st but you can get a sneak preview of the rappers' jewels between September 23-30 at the auction house's Chelsea headquarters.

A Blinged Out Bear Hug

Would you love your scraggy, mauled teddy anymore if his eyes were made from emeralds and diamonds, and his cute little snout from 24-carat gold? Of course not. Come to think of it, it sort of makes me want to gauge out the furball's eyes and pluck off his nose - after all we have the makings of the world's first bear cocktail ring.

Over in London, tony department store Selfridges is about to start selling a bejewelled teddy bear. The Steiff bear that has gold leaf entwined in his fur along with his blinged out eyes and golden nose will sell for around $86,000. Seems a tad expensive? Well, you'll also get a Mont Blanc pen with an ink pot filled with liquid gold to go with teddy.

The bear will be on sale from August thru to December and will be available only in the Selfridges flagship store in London.

Diamonds For The Jane Bonds Of The World

For anyone who likes to be in charge of selecting her own bling, thank you very much, H. Stern is hoping you’ll be directing your attention their way. They’re about to launch a new campaign targeting the ‘H. Stern woman’. Apparently she’s “James Bond and a ‘Bond girl’ all in one package” [may we call her Jane Bond, please?].

Adventurous, strong, sexy, and smart, she is the ideal of today’s empowered femme who isn’t afraid to show off what she’s got. As far as I know, this type of women has been around, well since Adam and the apple. Today though, it's not a club and fig leaf they sport - it's a diamond right hand ring. After all, Adam, James Bond and most other members of the less 'fairer' sex aren’t the most reliable when it comes to showing their affection with gems.

As far as these women are concerned (methinks Samantha, Carrie and co) fabulous jewelry is even more fabulous when they buy it themselves.

Back to H. Stern, their campaign which is set to launch in September 2008 features four collections: Stars and Highlight, Celtic Dunes, Golden Stones, and SUTRA, a watch collection inspired by Diane von Furstenberg.

But why wait for a ‘campaign’ to buy your own jewelry. Sometimes ladies, patience is not a virtue.

Why not flaunt your confidence today with a diamond right hand ring like the one below from to show everyone just how strong and marvelous of woman you are, inside and out.

Dark Knight's Jewelry's No Joke

He ain't no Knight..... the Dark Knight has taken over as King - King of the Box Office that is. Beating all expectations, (and mighty high expectations they were too), the second Batman movie to feature Christian Bale as the caped crusader set a new box office record. The movie's opening weekend scored a total $155 million in ticket sales opening in over 4,360 theaters.

The opening day set the precedent with the movie raking in $67.85 million. Not bad for a day's work.

Critics have been lauding the movie, with Heath Ledger's performance getting the most Oscar-buzz we've heard in ages.

As the movie crossed into European territory, Batman fiercely battled his foreign foes. Ok, he turned up at the premieres looking extremely swanky. The only thing this Batman was battling over the past few days were the buttons on his tux.
As for the heroines, they played the premieres to the fullest with simple gowns and barely there jewels. All the emphasis was clearly going to be on the performances taking place inside - not the poses taking place outside.

Maggie Gyllenhaal chose simple earrings for both premieres in the USA and the UK. No over the top posturing allowed Batman.......

Other celebs attending also went for the less is more look, like Law and Order's Mariska Hargitay and her simple gold cross. Whatever she wears though she's got an OK from this jewelry policewoman.

A Jeweler Trashes Her Diamonds

If you thought you go over and above what's necessary at work - try being a sanitation worker in Staten Island. When a local jeweler accidentally threw away a pair of earrings, the city's cleaning crew jumped into action sifting through mounds of garbage to try and find the missing diamond jewels. And they did.

The jeweler, Haya Sharon ,had put her 3 carat diamond earrings in an empty jar of jewelry cleaning solution. They were cleaned alright. All the way out of the store into the local landfill.

The $20,000 earrings were an 11th anniversary gift from her husband and had just become one expensive load of garbage.

Still, in Staten Island it ain't gone until they say it's gone. The day after the garbage was hauled away, the workers sifted through the garbage and spotted the jar of diamonds.

If you're looking for an earful of diamonds - Macy's has a jarful of diamonds for just $1,000 at They're probably not as smelly though as those you could find in a trash heap for free.

Diamond Vines and Gourmet Jewelry

Everyone has their idea of what heaven is like. For some it's angels, harps and flowing white robes. For others, it's pearly gates, flowers and childhood pets. For me, it's free-flowing wine, endless food and as many jewels as I can hold. I think my heaven just came to earth.

Fashion Week Daily reports on the latest Chopard offering to celebrate a 'heavenly' festival. Over in the Napa Valley, the Festival del Sole is taking place with everything a decadent blogger could wish for.

The Festival, which runs from July 12-20, offers concerts and presentations followed by five-star meals and select wines at the best gastronomical venues throughout Napa Valley. Why didn't I know about this earlier?

Chopard, the luxury sponsor of the event, created a necklace and earring set that plays on the celebrated vineyards of the Valley. The grapevine motif jewelry set features a necklace containing 22 carats of white and colored diamonds and 445 carats of colored briolette gemstones set in 18 karat rose gold.

The earrings, also set in 18 karat rose gold, feature acolored diamonds and 144 carats of handpicked gemstones.

These really are some gourmet jewels.

Sporty Jewelry and Man Candy

Tiger Woods may have been the man of the night winning three trophies at the ESPY Awards - but come on who, reading this blog, cares? What we care about is what did the stars sparkle in as this sporty event. The Becks were there with Victoria showing off a chisled gem on one hand and a ring on the other....

Hayden Panattierre was following this blog's jewelry fashion advice with a black cocktail gem by Erica Courtney - she's obviously not the only one with her ear (or ears) to the jewelry grapevine. Both Ashanti and Sophia Bush knew that this season it's all about over-sized earrings and bare necks. For Ashanti, big means really big - you go girl.

Kate Moss - A Diamond Ring - A Dead Cat - And A Missing Owner

Remember the case of the missing owner of a $40,000 Diamond Ring - they've been traced thanks to a lot of hard work by the jewelry store and they surreally honest finders of the ring.

The Stetzers found the diamond ring a parking lot of a Virginia Mall and traced it back to a local jewelers, Mervis Diamond Importers. The jewelers and the Stetzers advertised, investigated and tried every which way to return the ring to its rightful owner. Finally, yesterday, a happy Mark and Susan Brahms were reunited with their ring.

The Stetzers said the grateful couple gave them a reward, which they plan to donate to a charity.
If they hadn't found the owners, he and his wife had already decided to auction off the ring, valued at $40,000, and give the money to charity. It was never theirs to keep, Stetzer said.
"We didn't earn it," he said. "That's not the way I was brought up; my wife neither."

In other diamond news, bad boy rocker, Peter Doherty is planning to have the ashes of his cat Shelley made into a diamond ring. According to UK Now Magazine, he's reportedly commissioned the piece from Lifegem and is planning to give the sparkler to his ex, spindly super-model Kate Moss. Apparently the cat was her favourite pet when they dated last year. I'm sure wearing the carbonized ashes of a cat is just what she dreams of.

If you're interested in wearing your dearly departed, Lifegem turns the cremated ashes of grandma, Fido, Uncle Barney and great-aunt Maisy and her pets into diamonds. If saying goodbye is too painful - don't - turn them into a jewelry instead. (The ring picture is an actual diamond ring of a 'Precious Pet Lifegem').

Gold Earrings, Black Gems - The Longchamp Look

Exclusive French accessories brand, Longchamp, is celebrating its 60th year of styling the jetset and that means it's time to partyyyyyy. They've partied in Europe, and now they're crossing the Ocean and partying in the US of A - well at least New York.

Yesterday La Maison Unique in the Big Apple celebrated the luxury brand's B-day with some stylish sparkle and stylish guests.

Accessorizing in style were stars such as Brooke Shields, Susan Sarandon and Leighton Meester, all following our advice to keep the jewelry to ONE statement making piece. Necks were bare and the ears, once again, had it. Dangly earrings and outsized circles were the jewels du jour. Both gold hoops and black stones were popular - it appears the stylists are following this blogger's advice to the tee.......

And so they should.

Diamonds, Gems And Jewels For Under $100 - Summer Styles At A Steal

Rubies and diamonds, sapphires and gold all for under $100. The Jewelry Insider's been scouring the stores to find this month’s ‘too good to be believed’. See the five summer steals you've simply ‘gotta have’.

Dazzling Diamonds
This tri-color gold and diamond pendant by for Zales is shapely steal at under $100. Are you ready to square-off for this golden summer steal?

On The Beach
If you’re looking for the perfect beach bauble – look no further. This colorful gemstone swirl by Gordons is holiday have-to have.

Belle Of The Ball
This is our all time summer fave at a ridiculously wonderful price. Zales’ diamond moon pendant studded with golden stars is going to make your summer nights sparkle with style.

Ruby Tuesday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, in fact any day this month is ruby day. Rubies maybe the birthstone for those born in July, but who says only July babes can wear them? At under $100, this pair of ruby and diamond earrings by celebrates any July occasion.

The Big Blue
There’s nothing that says ‘nautical’ more than splashes of blue and white. Even if you’re an affirmed land-lover, this nautical gem by Kay Jewelers will have you sailing away all year-long.

Angelina's Diamond Duo - Two For One

So she did it..... Angelina - always one to push the limits - this time pushed twice as hard. Well, almost pushed. The super-sexy mom welcomed on Saturday two more to the world's most beautiful family

Joining the Brangelina's fiercesome foursome (Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh) are twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, weighing in at 5.03 lbs and 5 lbs respectively .
Always one to take on a challenge, Angelina admitted to Entertainment Weekly that when she and Brad found out they were expecting twins they were somewhat taken aback. "It did shock us, and we jumped to six [children] quickly," she said. "But we like a challenge."
Anyway Brad, the question today is what are you going to get the woman who has just given birth to two more (hopefully) mini Brangelinas. A woman half the world wants and the other half wants to look like.

This was a non-brainer as far as jewelry (and really Brad, what else is there to give?) is concerned. It has to be a diamond journey necklace. A 'Journey' necklace has a series of diamonds, each one larger than the previous representing growing love. After all, isn't that the very cruxes of a relationship. It evolves, it moves, and in Brangelina's case it grows and grows.

This necklace (and we know how Angie loves a bargain) is currently on sale - reduced to $260 at for Zales.

If not a Journey necklace then a 'Duo' ring. These feature two perfectly matched diamonds. What's more appropriate for a woman who's just had twins?

Back to and the sales and here we have one for just $255.

Leo's Saving The World Minute By Minute

Long gone are the days when environmentalism meant men with shaggy beards and gorilla-legs ladies. Take one super-cute, A-lister who actually does more than just talk the talk - add a Swiss watch company and a ultra-chic product and welcome to Leo's "Time To Care". Jaeger-LeCoultre – in partnership with the divine DiCaprio – has created the"Time to Care" program, that's benefiting Leo's Leonardo DiCaprio Fund at the California Community Foundation.

The fund-raising focal point of the initiative will be the sale of two unique watches that will go on sale this coming autumn.

The first watch will be a one-of-a-kind Master Compressor Extreme Lab, worn by DiCaprio to the premiere of his documentary, "The 11th Hour." It ain't cheap though saving the world - the watch is valued at approximately $300,000,but it comes with a whole bunch of gizmos and gadgets.

This watch though is a bargain compared to the price of the 2nd 'save the world' timepiece. The Reverso Gyrotourbillon 2 comes with a $400,000 tag and of course has even more really important dials and technological stuff that I can't pronounce (let alone spell).

Now, if time with Leo was included I may just start saving up.

Jewelry Designers Call To Cast

Reality competitions aren't always about who's got the cutest outfit or slogan. In fact, some talented designers can actually get a hand up without a camera in sight. Some of New York's undiscovered creatives are about to get the chance to be 'branded' for free - and we don't mean with a burning iron.

Jack + Bill, a new pop-up advertising agency is about to hold an open casting call to find a 'model, stylist, women’s apparel designer and jewelry designer' who'll each get a package of recognition.

The winners of each category will get some free branding, buzz building, media relations and viral marketing services for the months building up to the lead-up of New York's September Fashion Week.

So if you're convinced your jewels are simply 'too fierce' to be believed or your gems are better than the diamond rings seen on Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Kidman and other Hollywood hotties head over to New York's Sandbox Studio on July 15 and 16 - you never know - you maybe the next biggest bling.

Diamond Rings For Nicole And DeAnna

This week, it's all coming together with diamonds, gold and some rocking rings. Nicole had her Sunday (that's the name of her new baby girl - not the outrageous idea that the Australian actress had eaten some ice-cream....... god-forbid) and hubby Keith Urban is rumored to have gifted his wife a $73,000 Cartier diamond 'trinity' ring. It's actually three rings intertwined - a yellow gold ring dusted with diamond that represents friendship - a rose gold diamond encrusted ring for love and a white gold ring with diamonds symolizing fidelity.

As we talked about yesterday, Lindsay's love give her a diamond ring for her B-day and then on Monday, the suspense was finally over thanks to a Tacori diamond ring. Yep, the world has been put to rights and we can all rest easy - the Bachelorette, DeAnna Pappas has chosen her man.

Cyncism aside (as well as issues such as gas prices and the threat of an Iranian super-missile) -

DeAnna Pappas chose pro-snowboarder Jesse Csincsak to be her man. Both Jesse and account executive Jason Mesnick proposed to the once-spurned 'Bachelor' contender, but DeAnna went for the snowboarder who presented her with a platinum and 2.3 carat diamond ring that featured a princess cut center stone and princess-cut channel set diamonds.

The nuptials have apparently been set May 9 in Bahamas.