The crazy-Left is at it again!

The crazy-Left is, of course, determined to destroy Palin, so they are busy manufacturing smears about her. Many of the smears are so stupid, so sexist, so craven, that they have to be heard to be believed.

One of the craziest is an allegation that Palin’s new baby must not be hers, it was her teenage daughter’s, Palin faked the pregnancy to cover it up, blah blah blah. It has a name: Trig Trutherism. It has the same spirit (i.e., mean) and factual and logical accuracy (i.e., none) as 9-11 Trutherism. One piece of “evidence”, for example, is that Palin did not appear obviously pregnant until her seventh month. These geniuses don’t seem to know that Down Syndrome causes low birth weight.