Jamie-Lynn's Jewels

From ‘badda-bing’ to making bling, former Soprano, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, is adding jewelry designer to her glittering resume. Sigler and friend, Holly Freeman, have joined forces to create a custom jewelry line that will be ready for special order in the New Year.

The gal pals started the project while Jamie-Lynn spent a month living with Holly and her son in Los Angeles.

“We would put the baby to sleep, and we would just start beading and talking, and we realized this would be a fun thing for us to do,” Sigler explains.

The beaded jewelry line, called C.J. Free after Holly’s son, will feature bangles and pendant necklaces and is made from gold, rose gold, white gold with custom charms and precious stones. Jamie-Lynn and Holly do all the beading themselves.

“We love accessories; we love jewelry, so we’re having a lot of fun,” says Sigler.

Make that jewelry magic happen for us, Meadow. Bead, baby, bead!