Michelle Obama to Ring in the New Administration

President-Elect, Barack Obama, hasn’t let a little thing like appointing a new cabinet, a sinking stock market, the failing auto industry, two wars and global warming get in the way of a little romance. And what better way to show her you love her than with a little jewelry?

Smart man.

The Daily Mail reports that Obama has commissioned famous Italian jewelry designer, Giovanni Bosco, to create a special ring for his wife to thank her for her support during the campaign. He plans to give her the gorgeous gem in time for the inauguration ceremonies on January 20th.

The Harmony ring is made of rhodium - the world's most expensive metal --and is encrusted with diamonds. One of the world's rarest and most precious metals, only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined each year, setting the price at over $7,660 per ounce -- or about ten times the cost of gold.

The ring is expected to cost around $30,000 – or close to a year’s salary for Joe the Plummer – so we’re not sure how much the jewelry conservative Mrs. O will want to flaunt the gift from the nation’s First Husband.

But will the public let the J-Crew wearing Michelle Obama get away with wearing a big time bauble without calling foul?

I think this well-deserved ‘thank you’ can be considered ‘bling we can believe in’. When she breaks out a rhodium and diamond tiara, then we’ll talk.