There are three aspects of Kwanzaa that most folks don't know. First, most blacks DON'T celebrate the invented holiday. Secondly, very few non-Americans even know of its existence and finally, its inventor is a kook and a violent convict.
Born Ron Everett, Maulana Karenga gave up what he calls his "European name" right about the time he began to adopt his Marxist, black nationalistic views in the 1960s, right around the time he invented Kwanzaa (Dec. 26, 1966), a week-long celebration focusing on African heritage and culture. You see, Karenga believes in black separatism and black isolationism. He's a radical extremist; a member of the Black Power movement and founder of a group called Organization Us.
It takes a real scam artist to peddle bogus holidays, and I include the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons. This non-existent holiday is still rabidly promoted by all Blacks, even the well meaning ones.
It's very nice to have Holidays ain't it! I tried to be an atheist once, but I gave it up--they get no holidays!