And Then There Was One

So now we had 7 amazing venue choices in 3 different cities. So here’s how we broke it down:


-Salvage One, amazing, but the only dates available were over a year away or in the dead of winter.

-Ravenswood. While they had more dates available, we began to realize a Chicago wedding wasn’t in the cards for us. I love Chicago with all my heart, and I loved the idea of showing off my awesome hometown to all my Cali people, but we (I) didn’t want to plan from 2,000 miles away. Plus we wouldn’t want to ask people to travel to Chicago during the colder months, which meant a longer engagement (and hey, we’ve been together a decade, we really didn’t want to be engaged more than a year), and a lot of the venues in the city get snatched up quickly during those prime months anyway.

And then there were two:

Los Angeles

-The Smog Shoppe. Oh, how we love you. The look and vibe is perfect. The coordinator is great. The price… a bit hefty.

-Union Station. Think of the amazing photos! But the event manager wasn't the best.

I was really excited about the possibility of having my big Chicago family all see the great city I’ve been calling home. But I kept imagining the days before the wedding—all the guests were in hotels all over the city (so I wouldn't have any time to see them before/after the wedding), I was in our tiny place, which would be a cramped mess full of wedding stuff, and I knew I’d be running all over town getting last minute details finished. Then I imagined the wedding in Palm Springs. All of our guests would be staying within a couple miles of each other, if not the same hotel. I’d still have last minute details—but most of those would have been done before we left LA. The house is still a mess, but it’s 2 hours away . I talked to the fiancé and he felt the exact same way.

Palm Springs it is!

Now we just need to decide the venue…
