The Engagement Train

A few of years ago I knew 8 couples that all got engaged within a two week period between Thanksgiving and Christmas! That lead bridesmaid WD40 and I to coin the phrase “the engagement train.”

Woo-Woo! That’s supposed to be a train whistle noise—what, you didn’t get that? ;)

Arranged by me in Photoshop, source images: train & rings.

It seems that similar news seems to occur in bunches. Most of the engagements amongst my family and friends have happened in groupings, large and small. Mr. Cheetah and I even rode an engagement train. We got engaged just a couple weeks after our friends E & T, who got engaged within hours of E’s brother. I’ve even seen engagement trains in the world of celebrities.

It seems like there are other types of “trains” as well. Right now many of the same passengers from the first engagement train are hopping on a new track: the baby train :)

Was your engagement part of an engagement train?