The Streak

My group of college roommates has a streak of running into celebrities at our bachelorettes.

The Streak Begins

First up was freshman roommate, L, who got married about five years ago. For her bachelorette we had a night on the town and a slumber party in Santa Barbara. After being kicked out of the bars at closing time someone was drawn to L's peni-adorned veil. That someone was Michael Jordan.

He talked to the bride for a few minutes and I shook his hand and tried to tell him about all the Bulls games I had gone to as a kid (Yeah, I'm sure he just loved that.).

This is the totally amazing picture I tried to take of him... hey, it was dark and I'd had a few! Damn, I wish I had gotten the shot....

L's legs. MJ is just a few feet away! He was leaving at that point because we started to freak out.

The Streak Continues

Last spring my roomie for all four college years, bridesmaid Mrs. Peabody, tied the knot. We spent a weekend in the wine country North of Santa Barbara for her hen party (does that make me sounds British?). When we went to the bar after dinner, we ran into our celeb of the night: John Corbett, aka Aidan. We danced with him for hours and he even caused some property loss. He was telling me not to take pictures and just dance when he grabbed my camera and it fell to the ground. Yes, Aidan broke my camera. John, if you're reading this, send me a PM and I'll tell you where you can send me a new camera.

At least the memory card was safe!

Aidan & the Bride

Me and John on the dance floor

The Streak: My Turn

So when it came time for my bachelorette, we wanted to keep the celeb streak alive. We had high hopes of seeing Sandra Bullock, since she has a house in Austin, but no luck there. We kept our eyes peeled, but no celebrities in sight. The weekend was ending and I thought the streak had ended. But guess who was on my flight back to LA? Lou Ferrigno aka, The Incredible Hulk! The streak lives on, just in the nick of time!


Lou on the flight back to LA

Do you and your friends have any silly "streaks"?

all personal photos except where noted