The Final Countdown

We are dangerously close to single digits in the Cheetah Wedding countdown.

I can't wait for all these last minute projects to be finished (and out of my house) and I am so freaking excited for our wedding to finally be here. I'm looking forward to standing at the altar with Mr. Cheetah, reciting our vows, surrounded by our nearest and dearest. It's going to be amazing to be on the dance floor in the best dress I'll ever wear, dancing the night away with my new spouse and all our fabulous guests. Hearing the toasts our loved ones are writing for us is going to be a beautiful, once in a lifetime experience. But the fact is I'm really going to miss being engaged.

We've had ten plus years as a dating couple. We'll have decades of marriage. But we've had only about 10 short months of engagement. Mr. Cheetah has also expressed sadness that this special period in our relationship is almost over. Being engaged has been fun. Sure, there have been lots (and lots) of stresses and hurdles in planning this wedding, but we've also enjoyed it. It's not everyday we get to plan an awesome party for all our favorite people. We've enjoyed the genuine interest and excitement that people have for us when they hear that we're engaged.

We're sad to end the engagement chapter in our relationship, but we're ready and thrilled to begin the next one. Here's to hoping that being a newlywed is just as fun!

Do you like being engaged as much as I do? Or are you ready to have it over with and just be married already?