Today is the Day

I'm getting married today.

Just a few more hours, baby.

Hive: Thank you so much for being a part of this journey. I am forever grateful for all the comments, suggestions, advice, and PMs. I can't imagine planning this wedding without the glory that is Weddingbee. Blogging Bees: You guys are the best! Mr. Cheetah calls you my bridal sorority--I had no idea being in a sorority was so fun! And so helpful.

I still have so many posts/projects I didn't have a chance to share with you before (OMG, I haven't even showed you my invitations yet! Bridal Blog fail.), so I still have a quite a few planning posts left for you guys. Weddingbee is the best place on this big wide inter-web and I feel honored to be a part of it.

Mr. Cheetah: I am am so excited to become your spouse today. Let's do this!

See you all on the other side!