According to one fashion brand, their design team has 'created a true work of art that will appeal to those who create trends rather than follow them.' Wait a sec....... create trends? In this case, you've got a be a very wealthy trend-setter, no cutting-edge bohemia artists here. Key Closet, a clothing brand, was refering to a pair of jeans they'd just launched. Apparently if you create a line of jeans with a $10,000 price tag per pair, they go from being, well jeans, to 'art'.
Each pair of jeans/art is set with 1,000 Swarovski crystals and a one-carat diamond on each back pocket.
Not all is flash and cash with these denims though. The company states that 30% of the profits from the sale of the $10,000 Jeans will be donated to help build a primary schools for children in Kampala, Uganda.