MTV Rockers In Black And White

It was a usual starry L.A. evening. Traffic was snarled, the C-listers scouted around for an invite and the A (and B) listers hit the stylists, make-up artists and hairdressers for another day's preening.

The MTV movie awards is, like other awards, just as much about the fashion, as the accolades. This year it was, once again, a case of black and white. Or, to be more precise, black and black.

Take lovebirds Paris Hilton and Benji Madden, she was b/w retro and he was classic rocker grunge. Sarah Jessica Parker was black mini and white booties and the Pussycat dolls were just going for black.

And, once again, it was bare necks and sparkly ears. Diamonds were the jewels of choice under the hair, with black stones (such as black diamonds and onyx making sure the dark side was included).