EITHER GIVE THE GENERAL WHAT HE ASKED FOR, OR GET OUR TROOPS THE HELL OUT! He says that he is carefully evaluating the situation! He is an idiot. Even Democrats are wondering about his sanity. He will be lucky not to be impeached for aiding the enemy.
As for the time he is taking to make a decision on the number of troops that are required to assure a victory in Afghanistan, How would this ignorant imbecile know ? He don't have a clue . He is too worried about not PO' ing his Islamic friends , RE; .. Let's not jump to conclusions or rush to judgement about Major hassan in the matter of the fort hood "Tragedy" . He does not have the guts to admit exactly what it really is . It is the first (large) incident of ISLAMIC terrorism on American soil since the 911 incident , and it happened on HIS watch. Yes on HIS watch, did you hear that all you Blame Bush’s!
Followed by the shooting by a fellow Muslim at Foot Hood and now the clincher of it all. The stupidity to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terrorists in New York City. How freaken dumb can you be? Or is he dumb? And is this trial all about George Bush and America it self!
The one good thing about this insanity is that Obama already lost his re election regardless. He destroyed industry, small business, health care. jobs are all time high and rising national debt is incomprehensive. This administration has made our nation vulnerable to attacks by bowing and apologizing to the whole world and refusing to call the largest Terror Attack on US soil since 9/11 just that. There is no way he will get re elected he can not lead he is clueless about national and international affairs. The great news is that there is approximately 1150 or less days until real Hope and Change comes to America, and Mr. Bubble Ears is outta here.