This new book of Sarah's is going to put the lefties into overdrive. I was watching Chris Matthews this afternoon to get his reaction to Sarah and the crowd she drew in Michigan. These guys just don't get it. They've totally lost touch with real people. They are sooo afraid of Sarah Palin. Their vicious attacks on her only show their desperation. They're the big losers in the end.
I am constantly amazed by the way this small courageous woman can so enrage and frighten the left.
The Lefties go bananas when Sarah gets all this adulation and attention b/c they think she's a lightweight, inexperienced dunce. Yet when a lightweight, inexperienced Communist Marxist community organizer like messiah o'bama' gets the adulation and attention, that's as it should be.
The N.O.W. gang have their noses so far up lord messiah's o'bama's butt that they "See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil".
She is a patriot who is gonna lead our country! People, including me, can't get enough of her. She's a national treasure. I watched that idiot, Sally Quinn on Bill O'Reilly's show last night who tried to bad mouth her. Sally just doesn't get it, she needs a crutch to stand up.