But it’s for the Wedding!

Tomorrow is the Cheetah engagement photo session and currently I’m completely raiding my wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear. In fact, our bedroom looks like it’s been hit with a clothing tidal wave. This is what our bed currently looks like:

Personal photo of my comfy bed

We’ll be changing into 2 outfits—I have a new dress and I'll likely pair these shoes with something more casual—I’m just not sure what yet (hence the apparel tsunami). At least I know our clothes won’t be wrinkled, because yesterday I used a 20% off Bed, Bath & Beyond coupon to pick up one of these bad boys:

I have wanted a garment steamer for years, but since I already own a pretty nice iron, it just didn’t make sense to spend money on one. But then I kept thinking about all the wedding related uses for the steamer; engagement photo outfits, bridesmaid dresses, my veil, and maybe even my wedding gown. Although I’m scared to actually do anything to my dress myself—are personal steamers safe for wedding gowns?

It’s not the first time I’ve use the wedding as an excuse to buy something, I finally got my Xyron using the same wedding justification, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

What purchases have you used the wedding to justify?