Gifting the Bride

A few days ago I told you about my bridesmaid BA's recent wedding in Argentina, now I want to tell you just a tad more about BA. Aside from being a beautiful bride and uncanny remember-er of song lyrics, BA is also a great friend and has been a part of my family since we were kids. In fact my sister and I often refer to BA as our “fake sister.” BA even accompanies us on many of our family vacations. Here we are in the Caribbean a few years ago:

Me, Sister Cheetah, & BA

And just because I love this picture so much, here is BA with Baby Brother Cheetah in Wisconsin, just before BA moved to Argentina to be with her (now) husband:

Tall Baby Brother Cheetah is proving that his wingspan is longer than BA’s average height.

Since the Cheetah family (especially Sister Cheetah and me) is so close to BA, it was very difficult knowing we would not be present at her wedding. So Sister Cheetah and I wanted to do something special for the bride to be. We can up with the idea to gift BA with Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, & Something Blue and send it to her in Buenos Aires.

Sister Cheetah took care of Something Old (a Victorian charm shaped like a perfume bottle) and Something Blue (lacy undies):

Since Sister Cheetah and I live in different cities, we sent our gifts in 2 separate packages*, but we coordinated the gift-wrapping to be in shades of blue, white, & silver.

Sister Cheetah’s wrapped gifts:

I was in charge of the Something New (a garter set) and Something Borrowed (a hair flower given to me by bridesmaid Mrs. P to wear at her wedding):

All wrapped up:

We each threw in a wedding magazine to help with her planning—both for the wedding and the Chicago reception.

The bride loved her gifts and had an amazing wedding!

*don't use Fed Ex for international orders, my packaged arrived the day after the wedding—8 days after the guaranteed delivery date.

all personal photos except where noted