My first dress fitting is just a couple days away and I was told to make sure to have my wedding shoes with me. So I turned to one of my favorite places to shop: my closet.
I raided my closet looking for shoes that were 1) adorable 2) bridal 3) would work with my dress and 4) somewhat comfy. I came up with four solid options:

Clockwise from top left: Blush pink t-strap wedges, pink & black hearts, ivory t-straps, shimmery sling-backs.
I love them all but I think I'm leaning towards these two:
1. The Ivory T-Straps

Oh how I love t-straps... I've worn these to dinner twice and they seemed comfortable. You can't tell from the photos, but the shoes have a slight shimmer to them. They seem so perfectly bridal and I could always add a shoe-clip if I feel the need for more pizazz.

Not actual shoe clips--but they work!
Fun fact #1: The name of the shoes: Gabriel. Guess what Mr. Cheetah's name is?
Fun fact #2: Mr. Cheetah bought me these shoes: Why? Because he accidently chipped my tooth trying to kiss me once after he'd had a few. My numerous dental trips earned me many surprise gifts from Mr. Cheetah ;)
2. The Pink & Black Hearts
I adore these shoes and I've worn them many times. I've never had a comfort problem with them, but my foot does slide into the point after a while. They are more worn than the t-straps, but they they don't look old yet. They just seem to scream fun wedding shoes to me! And as you know I have a thing for heart shoes...

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I'm planning to bring both pairs to my first fitting, but which pair is your favorite?
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