Ring Tones

I've had my engagement ring for about 8 months and I'm currently shopping for a wedding band, but I've been wearing rings on my left hand ring finger for years. Some people may have assumed that I was wearing a promise/engagement/wedding ring, but that wasn't the case until recently. Since I'm right handed I prefer wearing my rings on my opposite hand and I don't subscribe to the idea that the left ring finger is reserved only for engagement and wedding rings.

Here is my collection of rings. All are vintage except for my engagement ring (the blue sapphire) and the rose ring, which once belonged to Tori Spelling. I guess you can say that Donna Martin graduated that ring to me. (Please tell me someone out there gets that lame attempt at a joke. Please.)

I don't like wearing more than one ring at a time, so the rings above have been ignored in the past few months. I plan to work them back into my ring rotation after the excitement of the engagement and wedding rings have died downwhich I happily suspect will take a while.

Are there any other ring collectors out there?

all personal photos