Been there done that? How about a case with not one, not two, but 6.7 carats of brilliant-cut diamonds imbedded in the shape of a sun and moon. That’s 272 gems in all. Luxury case manufacturer, Noreve St. Tropez, is offering this little trinket for a mere $14,990. Chump change, darling. Oh, you want it in pink? You got it. In fact, you can choose from 15 different colors – one to match your every mood.
“This case is yet another step we are taking to help the Noreve brand become one of the most unique and recognized case manufacturers in the world,” said Sam Brust, Vice President of Sales for NoreveUSA. “We look forward to working with additional types of precious stones in our future designs.”
Give us a ring once you do that, Mr. Brust. We’ll just be here on the beach with George…and Brad…and Javier….