Solid Gold Meets Heroin Chic

Move over Rue McClanahan, there’s a new Golden Girl in town. The UK’s Independent reports that a 110-pound, solid gold statue entitled ‘Siren’ will debut at the renown British Museum on October 4th. The subject? Kate. Moss. And we thought gold chocolate, gold facials, and gold doggy beds were a little wacky.

The runway’s golden girl is the muse of artist, Marc Quinn, who created a solid gold replica of the supermodel in some kind of yoga pose. The piece is worth $2.8 million and is thought to be the world's largest gold statue since the time of ancient Egypt. Leave it to Kate to give Cleopatra a run for her money.

"I thought the next thing to do would be to make a sculpture of the person who's the ideal beauty of the moment," Quinn said of his creation. "But even Kate Moss doesn't live up to the image." Tell us about it. Ms. Moss has thankfully not been in the headlines much since splitting with troubled rocker, Pete Doherty, but the image of her snorting that “white powdered substance” is perhaps the most lasting one to date.

The museum released only a close-up pic of the statue as a teaser, so we’re not sure what yoga pose dear Kate is immortalized in. Our money’s on Child’s Pose.