Sarah Palin has several years’ more experience actually “organizing” a “community” effectively, as Mayor, than Barack Obama has. Sarah Palin has more actual foreign policy experience than either Obama or Joe Biden. As Governor, she has been to Iraq as many times as Barack Obama. The National Guard that she commands shares a military border with Russia, not something true of every State NG. It’s not like McCain’s experience commanding a squadron… *but it’s still more than either Biden or Obama*. And she has negotiated a gas pipeline with Canada, which is more formal diplomatic experience than Joe Biden or Barack Obama.
Yes, she’s young and not all that experienced. Meanwhile, BOTH Democrats are completely inexperienced, when it comes to life as a commander or executive who must be responsible for a new decision every 10 minutes of the day.
So, criticizing Palin’s experience level is a battle the Democrats are about to lose. And, shall we say, a “distraction” from “the conversation we should be having” about “what helps Michelle Obama’s kids” – i.e., it takes the Obama campaign delightfully off-message.
So lefties… Let’s keep it going, by all means. And Powerline: Normally I love you guys, but you have missed the boat on this one.