I think it is obvious Zippy, Piglosi and Dingy Harry have no intention of changing their plans to ram health care down our throats. Zippy is playing us for fools if we think we are going to get anything else from him but lip service. That is the reason he was chosen - obfuscate, confuse and lie to the electorate whenever it will further his aims. It was pretty plain to see this past week when the DemoCRAPs voted on purely partisan lines to increase the debt ceiling another trillion-plus dollars before Scott Brown is sworn in. They are like addicts on crack when it comes to spending our money. The DemoCRAPs will do whatever it takes to ram healthcare through with the willing help and willing ignorance of the MSM. Obama has no real beliefs. He parrots what he has been taught and will say anything to get approval. It is all about the great Obama, the all knowing Obama, the benevolent Obama, he is the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ, without the heart. I can no longer bear to watch him or listen to his deceptions. Even the Kool-aid drinkers are beginning to not like the taste... Obama and his Democrat cult of communists, will not change tack. These evil people have a plan to destroy this nation and remake it into a Marxist hellhole. The people that elected this man to the most powerful office in the world are a concern. I must admit that his charisma even appealed to me during the campaign. Fortunately, I knew what he and the DemoRats would do once elected and voted for the other bad choice. The good news is, many of the people that voted for him (think independents) voted for "change" and were willing to give Barry a chance. They didn't vote for arrogant Marxism. I think that Scott Brown's success in MASS shows that there are still enough conservatives (and conservative tendencies) in this country to beat the progressives back down and let them sulk for another 30-40 years. This administration may be doing us a favor by giving us our own "Remember Pearl (progressive/socialist) Harbor (takeover)" moment. Be ever VIGILANT people. Help conservatives take back Congress and NEVER let this happen again! When Numb Nuts in Chief...."lectured" the Republicans and accused them of portraying health care overhaul legislation as a "Bolshevik plot." That was really trying to be bipartisan wasn't it. The main purposes of Obama's going to the Republican's meeting was to bully and try to shame the Republican's It was not to attempt bi partisanship, but just aother Photo-Op. I think that things are "Changing" and that we now have some "Hope".. He's is looking weaker and weaker every day since the big Scott Brown Victory in Massachusetts. And another thing, The majority of Americans want terrorists treated like crap and then hung with pig guts, not READ THEIR RIGHTS AND TRIED IN A CIVILIAN COURT! Something the Liberals are finding out now AFTER THEY LOST THE ELECTION in Massachusetts.
Quote From The IDIOT Of The Week. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said that Hurricane Katrina was “the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans” because it gave the city a chance to rebuild and improve its failing public schools.
In an interview to air this weekend on “Washington Watch with Roland Martin” Duncan said “that education system was a disaster. And it took Hurricane Katrina to wake up the community to say that we have to do better. And the progress that it made in four years since the hurricane, is unbelievable.”
The Education Department confirmed the quote to ABC and Duncan released the following statement in response: “As I heard repeatedly during my visits to New Orleans, for whatever reason, it took the devastating tragedy of the hurricane to wake up the community to demand more and expect better for their children.”
Hey, did I tell you that 9-11 was the “best thing” that ever happened to NYC? It’s given them a chance to build some really nice, modern structures that give the city a whole new look. Is this Administration full of the World’s Biggest Jackass’s Or What?
White House orders Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial! Obama is only doing this to take some of the heat off of him. It does very little to alter his master plan. Don't think he's going to change anything else because he's listening to the people, because he's not! How about holding it in Chicago they are the ones responsible for giving us this Idiot in the first place. I'm really not sure who is the most despicable , that Marxist we have for a president or the idiots that elected him. I'll even supply the wine and crackers. And popcorn!
So how did you like that typical stupid Liberal/Progressive claptrap they called the State of the Union address last night? All I heard that dipstick say was"I did this, I want that, and oh by the way anything that is still a problem is George Bush's fault... I inherited it" When Obama said "I Don't Quit" That really pissed me off. I thought that perhaps there was a chance that he might. The president himself looked good. He strode down aisle, confident, seeming cool and collected, in command, kind of reminding me of A pre-war Benito Mussolini. Madam Nancy’s hemorrhoids must have been itching and burning last night. she was jumping up and down at every lie and couldn’t seem to sit still. During his State of the Union address last night, President Obama did something extremely unusual. He criticized and insulted the Supreme Court while the justices were sitting directly in front of him. Then, after insulting them, he called on Congress to “fix” the Court’s “mistake”. Justice Alito, breaking the tradition of justices not responding to what the President says, made a face, shook his head and mouthed the words “not true”. He should have yelled YOU LIE! His dissing of the Supreme's was just plain dumb. And did you notice Justice Ginsburg...I hope she still has her mental faculties.
And how long do you think it will be before the resignations start? How long do you give Tim Geithner before he submits his resignation? It will not be long and the house of cards that Obama built will start to fall. After that dreadful Massachusetts election defeat, you would think that Obama would suddenly become humble and start listening to America. But no, that only made him more arrogant then he already is.
I heard it all last night, and I must admit that I heard it ALL before!
Blame Bush, Blame Bush and Blame him again.... "the end"
No sorry, it's not the end, he'll blame Bush again very soon. The American people want this. The American people want that. The American people deserve thus and such. Bush did this and Bush did that and "I" INHERITED it! Typical stupid Liberal/Progressive claptrap. I did this, I want that, and oh by the way anything that is still a problem is George Bush's fault... I inherited it. All those, "I'm going to fix it" promises, don't mean a Bats Behind. This guy has learned nothing and continues to be all form and no substance, all promises and lies like a rug.. He talks about "Finger Pointing" and then continues to bash Bush , this is the sign of a man with nothing useful or substantive to offer and the total inability to accept responsibility for his actions. By the way, did anyone besides me notice that Joe Biden's head looked like a Bobble head!
He said that we should stop finger pointing..and that the American people are tired of the partisanship and in the next sentence he gets on the Bush Bashing wagon again. Well Mr. Cool, we are tired of the way you blame Bush, and treat Republicans and react to the criticism aimed at YOU!
Certain acts should always be avoided if one values life. Never pull a wig off a tranny. Don’t dare eat anything from a strip club buffet.
And never, ever piss off a French chick.
Dose bitches be crazy, dawg!
No one understands this latter lesson better than Michel Delassalle, the pivot of a Paris love triangle in the 1955 film “Diabolique.” Michel is married to Christina, a mouse of a woman who runs a poor-as-dirt boarding school and literally suffers from a broken heart. Olde Michel is quite a bag o’dicks – a favorite pastime of his is beating his sickly wife and doing the nasty with Nicole Horner, a sultry teacher at the school. Christina is a former nun, and believes that if she divorces Michel not only will she go to hell, but violent Michel will immediately send her there. Things seem hopeless, and her heart condition is only getting worse. But soon beating his wife isn’t enough for Michel, and he starts bouncing mistress Nicole off the walls. Admiring each other’s bruises, Nicole and Christina form a strange bond over their hatred for Michel and the two decide to end their torment once and for all. They’s gonna whack dat mutherfockle!
The women drug and drown Michel in a bathtub, then move him to the school pool in an attempt to make his death seem accidental like. But when the pool is drained, Michel’s body is nowhere to be found. What!? Soon strange occurrences related to Michel being to plague the murderous mademoiselles, and the two are left to question, “Is Michel alive? Is he a zombie? Is someone just f-ing with our heads?” Murder and mystery entwine in the 1955 psychological thriller “Diabolique.”
The Low-Down: An ending can make or break a film. The producers of Diabolique realized this, and deliver a great twist in the last three minutes that leaves a viewer with more than a smile. But can a great ending alone dictate whether or not a film is enjoyable? The RDHP has struggled with this question in the past, and continues to do so when it comes to Diabolique. The great ending was preceded by a somewhat humdrum, slow start and mediocre middle.
Of course, we would never give away this or any ending. So conversation on the topic is tricky. Let’s put it this way. This film is like a somewhat lame magic trick. The magician had us looking one way, while sneakily conducting “magic” in his other hand. When we turn back, presto, a bunny in a hat! Now, I’m sure the first time this trick was performed people fainted, gasped, and ran to their friends to talk about how they saw this dude make rabbits appear in headwear.
But today, this once innovative trick has become old news, tired, overdone. Sure, most of us don’t know how the magician pulled that rabbit out of the hat, but does it even matter at this point. We know it is a trick. And we know they got us while we were distracted. All that hand waving for minutes on end, and the end result is a stupid bunny in a top hat. Pass.
The same can be said of Diabolique. We’re sure back in 1955 this saucy thriller would have been quite shocking and thrilling, especially the last three minutes. But by today’s standards, especially standards for twist endings, this one just seems like that old tired magic trick. It's quaint, in an old school way. But that's about it. That is not to say this film isn’t worthwhile, we just feel that maybe the magic of this one hasn’t burned strong through the last 55 years. We are jaded now, and not as willing to look one way while the magician creates the magic.
Still, let’s give credit where credit is due. Diabolique is very original for its time, even beyond its chill inducing final minutes. The idea of a wife and mistress teaming up to kill their lover is still tantalizing enough for a Jerry Springer episode. The film is clever in the way it builds tension between the two women – who are more enemies than friends even before the stress of a missing corpse steps on their necks. And of course, there are some great life lessons one can take from this Frenchy-flick. If there is anything the RDHP’s viewing of Diabolique taught us, it is the only thing worse than crossing a French chick, is crossing two French chicks. Unless you cross them together, but that just might be too many hairy limbs and armpits for one bed. It’s called a razor, ladies!
RDHP Ratings: C-Rating: 2.9 Chris Dimick ooh-la-la's: “Some film had to follow the masterpiece that was last week’s “Let The Right One In,” and unfortunately for the French it was “Diabolique.” For this guy, a film can’t depend on an awesome ending in order to be considered entertaining. The entire package must be delivered in order to break the “3” rating barrier. Now, this one wasn’t awful to watch. The suspense was wonderful to sit in for two hours, and I loved how the husband’s death was merely an afterthought of the plot. The ditty really started to cook AFTER the corpse was discovered missing, a fresh concept rarely used even in today’s films. Also, the dynamic between the meek wife and the forceful scorned mistress was too irresistible not to like. However, please, don’t try to be freaking’ Sherlock Holmes when watching this movie -- trying to figure out exactly what is going on. Not only do you ruin it for yourself, but for all the other people you brag to after or during the flick. Just sit back, relax, RELAX, and let this movie do the thinking for you. Though I give it a 2.9, I’d still recommend you take a watch on this classic work of horror. Sure, it doesn’t meet 2010 standards, but it’s still better than another Hostel installment.”
N-Rating: 2.6 Nick Rich ooh-la-la's: “I too greatly lament poor Diabolique’s position in following “Let The Right One In”. I mean, McDonalds can be super tasty, but it’s difficult to thoroughly enjoy after you had a Hodad’s burger the day before! I really wanted to give this flick a 2.5, but bumped it up a dial because I’m sure for its time it had some original things going for it… not super original as good ol’ Alfred H. was already kicking out the suspense on the regular… but original enough to distinguish itself. I found myself wanting it to be cinematically stunning, but was woefully left lacking – not to mention the unrealistic nightwear of the former nun! As we’ve established, I am a stickler for authenticity, especially in nightwear. I was on the road to almost believing this character was actually a former nun (and that it wasn’t just written to give the character sympathy) and BAM! They end the film with her in a sultry getup! Ignoring the incongruent apparel, there were some interesting uses of light towards the end, but most of the time this just felt like a conveyer belt film (complete with multiple shadows from one person lingering in the background of some bedroom scenes). I suppose the thing I found most interesting about this film was the expectation that something awesome was going to happen… unfortunately, nothing really did. I agree with Chris, it may not rock your socks off, but contrary to how my review sounds, there were still some good things going on in this one and the ending was genuinely enjoyable. The Skinny: Watch this film if a) you need to be reminded that it’s not worth it to cheat on your spouse, or, b) you want to pretend you have the frayed nerves of a 1950’s girlie girl! (It will make you GASP and say “Oh MY!” quite often – and who doesn’t love to do that?)
Quote of the Viewing: [Scene: Earlier in the film, Christina had refused to swallow her stinky fish dinner in the school cafeteria despite the repeated demands of Michel to “Swallow, swallow, you're setting a bad example for the children, SWALLOW!” In a later scene, Christina picked up a long, thick loaf of bread and begins chewing, then swallowing.] Nick: “That's a nice looking baguette.” Chris: “Oh I see how it is. Typical woman. She won’t swallow when her husband asks her to, but as soon as he’s gone she swallows the first chance she gets.” Nick: [silence…head shaking…finally laughter] "All I said was that was a nice looking baguette!”
Things the RDHP Learned from Watching “Diabolique”: -French people love their Radio Jeopardy -Former nuns wear super sexy sleepwear -Doctors prognosis on the heart: “When it’s used, it’s used.” -Water pipes in France sound like a jackhammer -Phones don’t bite or slap, but French men do -Both the “f” word and the expression “be cool” were used by 1955 French children -You can’t have it all… especially if you are a jerky, French, former tennis champion
RDHP Salutes the French!
Eiffel tower
Stinky cheese
Pepe LePew
Joan of Arc
French toast
Hairy women
Douchey men
Nazi occupation
“Stupeed Americun” Xenophobic French Jokes of the Week: Q: How do you get a French waiter's attention? A: Start ordering in German.
Q. How many jokes are there about the French? A. One, the rest are true.
Q. What do women who are snipers in the French military use as camouflage? A. Their armpits.
Q. What is the first thing the French teach their kids in school? A. How to say "We Surrender" in German.
Q. What’s the difference between a Frenchmen and a bucket of shit? A. The bucket.
As Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 46 percent, according to a new CBS News poll.He is going to stand before the US public and plead his case. The first and main thing he's going to ask is "How come everybody's picking on me" Why are we picking on him? I'll tell you why! Obama has soiled our White House with some of the most disgraceful, vile people imaginable. And he himself has lied and put this country through hell since he's in office. . And seeing a picture of him with his feet propped up on his desk in the Oval Office shows the contempt and disrespect Obama has for US and the Office. Our great country deserves far better! And as we await the State of the Union address to be given tonight, a remarkable thing is happening to Rahm Emanuel, he is losing his aura of invincibility. Or to put it in a more correct perspective, HE IS BEING THROWN UNDER THE BUS!. Lets look at the video tape, a year ago, Emanuel was the untouchable attack dog for a president on top of the world. Now, according to some liberal critics, he is “a cowardly, petty, small-minded thug.” Discontent among liberal progressives against President Obama’s chief of staff has been bubbling for some time. It’s now nearing a boiling point, it's either he ( Rahm Emanuel) or Obama himself that's going to be the one to be called out on the carpet so to say. Someone is going to have to be the scapegoat for Obama after the losses in VA,NJ and ESPECIALLY in Massachusetts, which I think, resulted in death for Øbamacare, and the Democratic party. And the real biggie to hit the fan is: Who is going to take the blame for the 9-11 trial to take place in New York? Here is where the Hot Seat is going to begin for the administration. Barack Hussein Obama and his fellow Jihad apologist Attorney General Eric Holder are hoping to repeat on that success with their newest smash hit “Blame America” starring 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but yes the heat is already on and someone is going to have to back off and take the blame for this shenanigan, because the people here in New York are getting, sick, and tired of being the showplace for Obama's follies. Futher proof that Obama does not care about the American people.
What is really pissing off the folks is the fact that they are transporting these pieces of garbage to NYC (hopefully in a NYC Sanitation Truck) which will be a security nightmare just like back in 1993 when we treated these vermin like criminals instead of the terrorists they are, thanks to Obama and Holder. Typical liberal pre-9/11 thinking. If we get hit again you can blame Obama and his crew, and the fools who voted him into office. Anybody else furious over this?
The community organizer and his loving Attorney General have decided that trying the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the criminal justice system is the best way to move forward and defend the nation. And while they are at it absolutely giving an insane Muslim terrorist a pulpit from which to preach to the world about the glory of Jihad and the “religion of peace” while slamming America once again. This is a travesty and an affront to all of those folks and families who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 at the hands of the religion of peace and its mouthpiece Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. And of course the tax payers will have to foot the bill. The low estimate for this trial is $200 plus million a year..... By the time the trial is over it's going to be ONE BILLION! And bullets cost only 35 cents each.
Part of me says we should take the cheap way out and pay only the cost of one bullet to the put this guy in the proper place.
No, “Mr. Kool” was never cool, nor does he know anything about heat. Obama just doesn’t get it, and neither does his supposedly “brilliant” Attorney General Herr Eric Holder! He is over his head and panicky and should get some sensible people around him who care about the country rather than the cult of The One and left wing weirdo programs.”
One of his MANY problems is that his closest advisers are his top campaign staff holdovers, from Timothy Fritz Geithner,to Eric Holder, to Jarret and Rahm Emanuel may know how to run a campaign but they don’t know sh*t about governing the country... Fortunately, he will be a one term president and hopefully his agenda won't get any further than the floor of Congress.
I’ve been blogging for 2 and a half years with 713 posts and all our Queen of Progressives comes up with a few sentences that in her suspicions and slanted mind is similar to other people's writings. And because of this, she calls me a cheat, a school yard bully, Blatantly dishonest and a SERIAL plagiarizer. And has been caught plagiarizing other people's work time and time again. I make no mistake about the fact that many of my of ideas may come from stories that I have read on the internet or in the newspapers . This is what influence most peoples blogs, posts and or comments. So freaken what? To say that I’ve STOLEN other peoples work without giving them credit for it. And repeating it all over and over again like a broken freaken record is insane to put it mildly. How insane is someone that scrutinizes ever line that someone else writes from 2 and a half years back and copies it into Google? That to me is the work of a INSANE lunatic. And then she has the couliones to say that she NEVER reads my blog. That is the profile of a psycho. Lets not forget that we are talking about someone who spends her life calling Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin names and posting cartoons.. But we have to give her some slack after all she’s a Left-wing psycho, and that’s to be expected.
Obama will attempt to transform his presidency in a State of the Union address focusing on jobs, the economy and controlling mounting national debt.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what John McCain suggested in the campaign? Obama criticized McCain for exactly this proposal while on the campaign trail Well maybe the administration has been rocked by the shock loss of a previously safe Senate seat that belonged to a Champion Swimmer in Massachusetts for the past 45 years, which has put Mr Obama's fellow Democrats at serious risk of big losses in congressional elections in November. The president's own job approval rating has fallen below 50 per cent.
The dems have often attacked republicans when they suggested in simply reductions of planned increases in government programs. Proposing a reduction in a yearly increase from 3.70% to 3.68% in a government program was viewed by many dems to be the end of the world. The liberals went as far as to say republicans want to see dead seniors in the street when a republican proposed a slight decrease in the amount of a proposed budget increase in a seniors program.
If Obama and the dems propose a spending freeze it will have a serious impact on many groups of people. If we judge the democrats by the same standard they applied to republicans when they attempted to reduce budget increases - it would be safe to assume that the democrats want to see: dead seniors lying in the street, poor children going to bed hungry, sick poor people will be dying because of a lack of care, bridges will be falling down because of cuts in infrastructure funds etc. Come on dem's, you can't have it both ways. Were you lying through your teeth when you told the electorate that the republicans proposed freezing or reduction in budget increases was an indicator that the republican were thoughtless and irresponsible, or are you lying now that a democrat is proposing a spending freeze. How about a freeze on hiringmore Czars!
How about Bambi forgoing the use of Air-force One, to date's night in Manhattan, or Pelosi and her three jets to Copenhagen and having Oprah pay her own way!, Or any of a number of hypocritical spending these thieves can think up?
Seven in Ten Americans believe that the Democrats' loss of their 60 seat super majority in the Senate is a positive move for the country. With the stunning Republican come-from-behind victory in Massachusetts. With the STUNNING win in the fight for control to take back our country . The 2010 election begins now. I expect history to repeat itself. I expect Obama, Reid and Pelosi to follow the Carter lampoon. I expect the Democrats to raise taxes and raise spending. I expect them to push for nationalized health care, the fairness doctrine, and the union system. I expect there will be a backlash in 3 years. As Conservatives, it is time to dust ourselves off, look to the principles of Reagan and Goldwater and Gingrich that served us so well in the past, and begin the fight anew. If there is a lesson to be learned from this election, it’s that Republicans cannot and should not just stand by and let the left get their way. Count me among those that are applauding this stunning Victory.. And so I say this to President Obama. Enjoy your presidency for now, because tomorrow and every day after we will begin the fight to prevent everything you stand for. They pretty much have two choices. Take over the country or try to convince every body that despite their attempt to trounce all over everything this country stands for, they're really harmless, lovable, caring kitty cats. Didn’t you think Obama was going to fire someone over the Christmas Bomber screw ups? Now we know that Eric Holder decided by himself to treat him as a crook instead of a terrorist. But still no firings. No economic team firings. Is it possible Obama thinks we will all forget? Or does his lack of executive experience show starkly here too. But what about that outer 30 percent? Quite frankly I think it's going to be every rat for himself on this stinking ship of fools.
For a Republican to win the the dark blue state of Massachusetts and of all things winning in a special election for the seat previously held by the "Great One" Ted Kennedy (the Swimmer) defies description. Liberals and Democrats are scared to death of Scott Brown. It looks like could kill the Dem agenda. So now they have someone else to “TRY” and destroy the way they did Sarah Palin. They certainly are crapping in their pants, otherwise they would be dusting off slick Willie and having him sent to Haiti. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama went to"support" Martha Coakley. Not sure if that helped or hurt her. Well the result showed that it didn’t help! Did it? But yes, the Libs are scared to death. There is nothing like a Massachusetts Republican on a mission.. The good part of Scott being elected is that he will send a message to the government that we do not want Obamacare, but the sad part is, I feel as though they will find a way, the Devil always finds a way. With the losses of democrat control in Mass, VA and NJ, they are running scared. This could be an upset and turn around the health care debate.. And it may be all over for Stinky Harry Reid as well.. I guess that even rounding up all the Dead Democrat to vote didn’t help them either. But the One Term president. Obama is going forward with his health care plan. With NO CSPAN, and WITH more backroom deals. They will somehow squirm their way into passing this bill one way or another. Now watch the Democrats play political suicide. And watch Obama create a hit list for the Senators that voted against him. ! VOTE OUT EVER HACK WHO VOTED FOR OBAMA CARE!
So now, after a few months of a "recovering" stock market Obama declares jihad against banks, and the outcome will be another Stock Market crash!!!. Yes, stocks tanked Again on Yesterday (Friday), the third day in a row, as Obama’s plan to put more restrictions on banks. It was the market’s biggest three-day plunge since last March.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 216.9 points Yesterday alone. Jobs, Safety, and lowering the Deficit That's what the people want, that's what the country NEEDS! After all kinds of backroom deals and greasing of palms the cheating senators to get votes,raking in billions in tax revenue Obama and his cronies are now putting on a show for their stupider than I thought lefty supporters to make the Banks and wall street fall AGAIN! How's that recovery doing for ya folks? Perhaps the Marxists in Washington want the market to tank so they can take away what ever is left of your your 401K or IRA and your life's savings! Bad move Obama. You still don't get it. You have become a one-term president with a legacy thats in the toilet! When can we officially call Obama’s policies the kiss of death? Any more reasons you need to realize that Obama is a Disaster? So I ask you again my leftist Foes, How's Socialism working for you?
So the Obama agenda has come to a screeching halt. What went wrong? I'll tell you.you can't make huge promises and not follow through or be deceitful.you can't have a spine made of spaghetti and let partisan nutcases steamroll you. Obama was and is unprepared to be President, This position is way over his bony little head. The man is "Clueless: about what the American people want and what we need. We don't need a Socialist Dictator to tell us what to do and how to do it.
There is no room for Obama's agenda in America - his ideology is clearly the spawn of everything America is against - he is a racist, a Socialist (and possibly a Communist), a narcissist, incompetent, corrupt and a control freak. Obama would like to see the United States weak so that he can take his egomaniac plans for control on a global scale - just look at every Dictator in history and you will see the same traits in Barack Hussein Obama and his agenda. There needs to be a major hearing on who is behind Obama (George Soros) and why Obama and his handlers (Axelrod and Emanuel) are following the game plan of leftist radicals. Every move they have made is to seize power beyond what the Constitution mandates, and to compromise the interests of the United States.
He capitulated to congress.
He allowed Nancy Pelosi, andHarry Reid to take the lead, when he should have been the leader.
He didn’t play hardball after getting beaned early in the game.
He failed to fight the way he promised.
He took over the auto industry.
He took over private banks.
He took over private investment firms.
He has funded unions with tax payer money.
He has funded Acorn with taxpayer money.
Acorn is giving taxpayer money away to pimps with 13 Guatemalan child prostitutes in the basement.
He has surrounded himself with communists dictators (Czar's) with a penchant for eugenics.
He is trying to take over the DNS of the Internet(Cybersecurity Act of 2009).
He is trying to take over all medical care.
He has spent more tax money than any person in the history of the human race.
He is still fighting two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
He is in literal collusion with every outlet of media, save one.
He is inciting race warfare.
He is inciting class warfare.
He is calling our Veteran's, Founding Father's, Libertarians, and Conservative's - Terrorists (DHS).
He started a war with Fox News.
He is trying to tax the very air you breathe with cap and trade.
He still has not dissolved Fannie and Freddie, or the Community Reinvestment Act- the reason for the housing, stock, bond, and dollar collapse.
He is giving Muslim terrorists at war with US the Rights of the US Citizens that the terrorist just tried to exterminate.
He is trying to destroy this Country so he can rebuild it in a progressive/liberal/socialist/communist utopia.
There is one problem. His plan only works in Countries where the population isn't armed.
He has shut down our missile defense projects. Eliminating the primary purpose for the existence of government.
He has told our spies not to defend us.
He has told our Navy Seals and Marines that if you defend us, you will be punished.
This has lost many of the independents who wanted someone who would lead.
This lost many on the left who wanted someone who would fight for their ideals.
Now, this year, he’d better pick up the battle axe and kick some fanny. Congressional fanny. “Conservative” fanny. “Tea Party” fanny.
If President Obama leads, and battles when leadership calls for that, he’ll regain respect from his base and the independents.
Republicans will NEVER respect him, so the only thing to do with them is to battle them. What went wrong? Too many uninformed people voted for him! And they voted for him for the wrong reasons! They thought he was Jesus and he turned out to be just a Street Community Organizer, at best.
He knows what he wants, and he knows how to placate the Liberal base stupidity to get it.
"With all due respect, it's not the Kennedy seat and it's not the Democrat's seat -- it's the people's seat." There was never a more truthful, honest statement from anyone. The Democrats have totally forgotten that these seats are all property of the American people, not the other way around!. This isn't Ted Kennedy's' seat. It's a seat that is representative of the people of Massachusetts. Actually, the only seat that was Ted's, was the drivers seat in the car pictured above. He never admitted to that.
Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in a drunk driving accident with a suspended driver's license while committing adultery, and then used his family connections to avoid responsibility. Ted also was kicked out of college for cheating TWICE. The man was an alcoholic serial cheater who abused woman and conspired with the Russian against Reagan. And yet he was a Hero to the Democrats. The American people are fed up with that way of thinking. This is the Major problem of the Democratic party. They think that once they are elected that they are free to do whatever they want regarding their radical agenda. America is fed up with this arrogant attitude and want some real hope and change like Scott Brown would bring!.
Speaking of stupidity, the liberal Oh, Pardon Me, I mean the “Progressives” all over the blogisphere are now trying their usual tactics trying to discredit Scott Brown because he posed in his birthday suite when he was in his 20's. Well big deal... Who did that KILL? Since it's basically one-party rule in Washington nowadays, Democratic leaders including Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been having a field day by pushing Obama's beloved healthcare legislation through Congress without the normal conference committee work involving both party's members from both houses. Hows that for, "Honest Leadership Open Government"? If he (Scot Brown) is responsible for killing anything hopefully it will be that Disgusting Health-care bill that the Democrats passed in the middle of the night behind closed doors. That was real American wasn't it!
The three biggest hateful, spiteful, LIARS on the face of the Earth, standing behind a sign that reads: HONEST LEADERSHIP. OPEN GOVERNMENT. You can't make it up. How many times have these three looked in to the cameras and said: "We're trying to do this in a Bi-Partisan way. We're trying to work with the other side." And how many of these SECRET MEETINGS have they had? How many BEHIND CLOSED DOORS MEETINGS has this Star Chamber had, since THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER, took office? I thought that all of this stuff was gonna be on CSPAN? President Golfer must have PROMISED that a hundred times. Go check it out. How many more DEAD OF NIGHT VOTES are there gonna be? WHAT'S THE RUSH? Why don't they want anyone to SEE THIS THING? They would kick their Grandmother to the curb, if that's what their "Dear Leader" told them he wanted them to do.. And don't tell me, it's about The Greater Good. They don't do ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, but THEMSELVES. Hence, the Parade of BRIBES that were handed out. That should be their Tag Line. "So Good, we had to Bribe Folks To Vote For It." And NOTICE, they've EXEMPTED THEMSELVES, THEIR STAFF, and THEIR FAMILIES from THEIR OWN LEGISLATION. Why? Because it's not good enough for THEM. It's only good enough for YOU, and YOUR FAMILY. Understand? That alone, should be enough to KILL THIS BILL.
What an arrogant asshole. When you have nothing else to criticize but another man's truck, the party is in serious trouble. Oh yeah and the whole let's blame Bush for everything is a card way over played, this is your mess Mr. President!! Let Massachusetts show the rest of the country how to lead the way to taking back congress One Seat at a Time. And you Liberals, Progressives, or whatever you want to be called today... eat your hearts out!
Vampires are sexy. So says pop culture. And who can blame 'em! Vampires have milk-white, cold, dead flesh. They indiscriminately drink warm blood out of man and beast with snarled teeth. And at moments notice they can turn into a rabid, hairy, squealing creature. Huh. On second thought, the RHDP thinks pop culture got this one wrong.
But vampires are sexy to Oskar, the 12-year-old lead character in the 2008 Danish film "Let the Right One In." However, we think Oskar would find a two headed goat sexy if it nuzzled his crotch right. You see, Oskar is sort of an attention starved sad sack.
First off, he lives in a crappy Swedish apartment complex, which is two fallen roof shingles away from Cabrini-Green status. Perpetually bullied at school, wimpy Oskar passes his after-school hours with fantasies of gutting his tormentors with a hunting knife. One night while practicing his stabbing technique on an innocent front lawn tree, a mysterious girl named Eli appears behind him. She's impressed by his knife work, and the two strike up a convo. Seems Eli and her "father" are new in town, and just moved in next door to Oskar. A few chance meetings turn into planned dates, and soon little Oskar is sharing blood-stained kisses with his new steady ghoul-friend. Poor Oskar, can't catch a break. He must have known his first chance at scoring would come with an asterisk.
As Eli eventually points out, she is not your average girl-next-door, but a vampire responsible for the various deaths occurring in town. (I've heard of a girl draining a fella's life force, but geez!) Each day, as the body count rises, so does Oskar blood temperature for Eli. But is the vixen merely getting him hot because she wants a home cooked warm meal? Oskar has a decision to make: continue to cohort with the hungry, murderous Eli, or turn his back on his one true friend and lover. Vampy action abounds in the 2008 frightfest "Let the Right One In."
The Low-Down: America, you have a thing or two to learn from those damn foreigners. We have been getting SCHOOLED by overseas horror filmmakers for the last ten years. "Let the Right One In" sinks that point in with two sharp fangs. Original, touching, and shock inducing, this Swedish film gave the RHDP a reason to once again embrace the recently soiled name of the vampire (And let me tell ya, did this one ever drink deep from our necks).
Who would have thought that an art film production and horror premise would mix so well? Each step of this film felt precisely constructed, deliberate -- and assembled into a solid paved plot walkway that any viewer could happily skip across.
The cinematography was stunning. Each shot was like a demented Swedish postcard. Red blood never looked so beautiful applied to snow. In fact, the scenery and cinematography were so soothing that when something truly horrific did happen, the shock seemed that much more satisfying. It was like awaking from a soft dream of snuggling with kittens only to find yourself actually in a gutter rubbing AIDS infected rats on across your face.
And when it came to shock, this one didn't disappoint. Some vampire movies make their death scenes all pussified and romantic. This one went right for the jugular (YES, PUN!), with seemingly harmless Eli catching prey off guard and just savagely rocking the mofos. Throw in a little violent spontaneous combustion, a head twisted backwards, a man melting his face with acid, and some mind-bending vampiric anatomical curiosities (trust us, it’s messed up!), and this one might finally scare some sense into all those Twitards. Vampires should be scary, and "Let the Right One In" brings the genre back to its roots. Sorry, Britney, Edward may seem sexy, but he should be much more bite than babe.
RHDP Ratings: C-Rating: 4.8 Chris Dimick declares: "I can't go against Bela Lugosi and his 1931 portrayal of Dracula. That is a classic, and incomparable to any film. But take that out of the running, and "Let The Right One In" is the best vampire movie I have ever seen. Vampire movies are usually all up in your grill with their historical subtext and sexiness. This movie goes for a more realistic take on the legend, and doesn't dwell that much in the lore. A very fresh approach. Not much really happens plot wise in this movie. This would usually make for an annoying snail's pace. But this is a work of subtly, a gasp that starts soft and eventually grows into a blood dispelling scream. Subtlety is where most horror movies falter, which is why it is so refreshing to view a film that excels in this area. Life, and especially love, are a series of moments stacked atop each other until the mind sums those parts into an experience or relationship. This film perfectly portrays that. It's the story of love and attraction, how a million little moments can build into a deep bond with a person -- human or vampire. Brick by brick, the young kids' relationship grows. And scene by scene, I fell in love with this no-holds-barred, smart flick."
N-Rating: 4.9 Nick Rich declares: "I was captivated from the first shot, darkness with snow sweeping in. When thinking back on this film I can’t come up with a single thing I didn’t like (hence the 4.9). There were some negative feelings when I thought of certain parts, but they were because the characters made me feel that way – not because the film was lacking. This film has everything I love in a horror movie: realism (you felt like there was a documentary crew following the Norwegian townsfolk around, and everyone looked average or below), stillness (the establishing shots were amazing in this film, you felt like you were living with the characters in the barren winter landscape), subtly (the relationships between all the characters were not overly defined, which stimulated the brain as it watched), creativity (everyone knows the story of the vampire, but this film made me feel as if I had only heard rumors and was now truly encountering them) and shocking moments (there were multiple times where I was genuinely caught off guard and could only screech “Ohh!” in response). This film was a pleasure to watch, a feast for the eyes that works its way into the mind. The Skinny: check this film out if you secretly love art house films but are too ashamed to tell anyone you love art house films; it will not disappoint."
Quote of the Viewing: [Eli lies down naked in bed with Oskar, and soon tells him again that she is "not a girl."] Chris: "When your girlfriend tells you she isn't a girl, and she is laying behind your naked ass, shouldn't you be concerned?" Nick: "Oskar, he is a troubled boy, Chris. Remember, he sleeps with a knife under his bed." (pause) Nick: "And he wears whitey-tighties... in freezing Sweden. Yep...issues."
People the RDHP Would be Most Scared to See as 12-year-olds FOREVER: - Regis Philbin. Can you imagine a world with his random outbursts coming from a pre-pubescent voice for all time? We can… and it’s terrifying! - Albert Einstein - Edgar Allen Poe. It’s creepy to see a mustache on a 12-year-old, and depressed child vampires are, well… depressing. - John and Kate Gosselin's kids. If they remained kids forever, it'd mean a forever of their parents on TV. Shudder! - Al Sharpton. He is creepy no matter what age.
Reasons the RDHP Would Wear Whitey-Tighties: - To avert a global apocalypse - If wearing them would allow us to time travel - Age related “body changes” - To scare off attacking Norsemen. Try it, it totally works. - To enhance our bulges:
REPUBLICANSCOTT BROWN WINS MASSACHUSETTS SENATE SEAT! I'm sitting in a bar in New York City right now, listening to those Democrats around me grumble about the Democrat Party going down the drain, and watching them cry in their beers.....
Bartender, bring me another Martini, it's time to celebrate!
You Liberal's objected to my admittedly pejorative term for Barack Hussein Obama because I call him Dear Leader. The left were so adamant about calling Obama "Hussein" No, no, no, he was NOT to be referred to as Barack Hussein Obama. So I substituted Dear Leader. And that pissed off our Lefty friends as well.
Think back on the names your liberal friends gave President George W. Bush with: Bushy, Chimpy, Dubyah Dummy, and the list went on... Don't you think that "Dear Leader" is far more respectful than any of those.
Yes, he is the constituted president of the United States for the next 3 years but if I were you, I wouldn't plan on a Congressional majority for more than another 1/2 a year . And by the way, I think that Haiti is as much Obama's fault as Katrina was George Bush's fault.
Yep. Our Dear leader, The Messiah gets 100% of the blame for Hati. This earthquake occured on his watch, and his resonse has be terrible. Thank God we have compassionate men and women in our military who quickly deployed to help these people. Meanwhile, the messiah is on the golf course trying to call the President of Hati whose county has no phone service or power...smart move idiot! But wait! Wait one munite here, I'm not at all finished. If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved? If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to ´Cinco de Cuatro¡' in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
And if George W.Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on ´Earth Day', would you have concluded he?s a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plans holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved? And bailing out hundreds of corparations while YOUR 401 and YOUR IRA and YOUR life's savings was tanking like a rock in the ocean!
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved? And if Laura Bush had siad the "for the first time I am proud of America." How would you have liked that one? Are you kidding me? That would have been the ruination of Laura Bush! And what would you have thought about President George Bush if he took a entertainer such as Oprah Winfrey all over the world along with an onterauge of hundreds for his own pleasure? And if George Bush had taken 3 months to make up his mind about sending more troops to Afganistan as HIS OWN General requested, what would you have said then!
Would there be outrage if George Bush's attorney general called this a “nation of cowards” on the subject of race? Or if he sided with an old friend of his over the word of a proffessional Police Force, because that old friend happend to be Black? Or Snubbing the Dalai Lama. Or freezing out the entire opposing party from nogiations? Or flying in his own Chef for a Pizza party! So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 10 months -- so you'll have three years and seven months to come up with an answer. Meanwhile, your Messiah is still blaming Bush for everything one year later. Your Messiah is not a leader, he's a community organizer.. Grorge Bush NEVER, ever, not evenonce blamed Clinton. He owned it and that is what strong leaders do. If Bush owns Katrina, then the messiah owns Haiti. So don't go blaming our Military (who are down there breaking their ass's) for the slowness in getting supplies to Haiti, blame Barack Obama!
MSNBC's ED Schultz making a startling remark on his radio show yesterday about SUPPORTING voter fraud in Massachusetts, so Scott Brown would lose. The audio is below along with the transcript. SCHULTZ : I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I'd try to vote 10 times. I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah, that's right. I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's exactly what they are.
I would like to know why MSNBC doesn't fire Schultz for saying this . This is just about as disgusting as it gets!However, I think it's a typical response from a typical Liberal. But the lefties talk about Glenn Beck and Rush! Where is the outrage over this?This truly is unbelievable. Makes you proud to be an American... DON'T IT!
Lying is a way of life for the lifers in politics. I think it was Lenin that said "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Unfortunately the public has such a short memory and the media is more than willing to continue re-telling the lies . That's why they should be put down like rabid dogs, they are demon spawn.
Obamas transparent? Give us a break... . I can see right through him. I’m not a fool. So he got through his first year by lying. Now we’re suppose to believe him….he’s gonna change. I wasn’t fooled the first time. Why should anyone be united in support of this far-left hollow man who continues in his goal to reduce this wonderful country to third-world status?
Children are friggin' creepy. I mean, just look at ‘em. They’ve been creepy from the start. Squirming and growing inside a woman’s abdomen!? Like some sort hybrid Alien creature? Ewww. After birth (now THAT is horror), babies take to snot covered upper lips and constant ear-piercing screams. Unsettling, to say the least. And even if you are the nicest, most kind parent, who’s to say your spawn won’t spaz one day and stab you in your sleep -- merely for denying them late-night ice cream? After all, they have access to your unguarded bedroom. See -- Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.
Still, most tykes aren’t nearly as frightening as the chilling children featured in the 1961 movie “The Innocents.” Now these kids will make you mess your underoos. In the flick, middle-aged spinster Miss Giddens is hired by an insanely wealthy Londoner to take care of his eeire niece and nephew, Flora and Miles, in a beautiful countryside mansion. The brats’ parents kicked the bucket, and were forced upon richie in spite of much protest. Not wanting anything to do with children (smart man), the uncle sent his wards away to his country home. But after their first nanny mysteriously croaked, a replacement was needed to look after the innocent cubs. Cue Miss Giddens, a woman who had always wanted children but could never trick a man to sleep with her. Now all of a sudden look what she’s got. Two seemingly perfect angels under her care. The run of a huge mansion on a beautiful estate. All the tea and crumpets she can shove into her wrinkled face. Big pimpin’, right?!
Wellllllllllllllllll, this is a horror movie after all. Soon those little angels start to show their true colors, and we aren’t talking petty arguments over bedtimes or tracking mud in from the garden. Spooky ghost sightings begin, horrific tales of past deaths in the mansion are reveled, and Miss Giddens soon suspects those tiny humans under her care might just contain more than one devilish soul. Weirdo kids abound in the 1961 mind-freak “The Innocents.”
The Low-Down: This one is ahead of its time, for subject matter alone. The RDHP is just gonna put it out there, right now, and let it sit on your mind like a fat man on a bicycle seat. This film features twinges of woman-boy love. And we are not talking Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher oh-you-go-miss-moore-gettin’-yo-self-some-young-man-meat cougar action. This is middle-aged woman and nine-year-old boy action. Yikes. Now, let’s be fair. This is not the main subject of the movie, just a side plot that makes perfect sense in the context of this ghost story. This is also 1961, and nothing graphic is shown or even suggested. We hate to give away spoilers, so we’ll just have to leave you wondering how this film's context can shape pedophilia. But it does. And that is one of its greatest qualities. The Innocents should be a cliché ghost story. The premise seems so worn. Somewhat unstable woman takes care of children in a haunted house. Screams ensue. Roll credits. But this one is much more complex. The cinematography and direction make the film enchanting to watch. Gorgeous English countryside doesn’t hurt either. There were sections of this film when various images of the ghosts gave some in the RDHP literal chills.
Setting goes so far in horror films, and this is no exception. The sometimes painfully slow build of tension as Miss Giddens figures out “What the fudge is up with those kids” is complemented by atmospheric visuals and excellent acting by all. Child actors usually make the RDHP puke their popcorn. But the performances by the actors who portray Flora and Miles is perfect, with just the right mixture of innocence and drama that is called for in the script.
The movie itself is not perfect, however. Some of the dialog was trite and awkward. The middle sections of the film needed a swig of 5-Hour-Energy, and the “why” certain things were happening to the children could have been spelled out in a clearer way. The movie is good, but what makes it near great is the last 30 seconds, which overshadows the first hour and thirty minutes. Those 30 seconds surprise you, shock maybe. It was an ending that had the RDHP saying “Oh no you didn’t!?” We think they did, and we think Miss Giddens might just be the founding member NAWBLA (North American Woman/Boy Love Association). Talk about creepy.
RDHP Ratings: C-Rating: 4.4 Chris Dimick cries: “Leave it to the early 1960s to knock my socks off with a surprisingly fresh, cutting edge and enthralling horror film. The Innocents made me long for the days when movie makers didn’t sacrifice art and substance for effects and sleaze. Just let me get out my soap box here, ugh, UGH, okay, I’m up and ready to rant: New horror films too often rely on gore, violence and shock to ‘scare’ viewers. This has been the case since the early 1970s, but the problem is films like Saw XXVI push the gross gauge further back each time, and we’ve gotten to the point that there is nowhere left to go in torture porn. That crap has just stopped being scary. The older films, like The Innocents, instead relies on atmosphere, tension and plot development to render screams. All those things you learned about in English literature class. And this one still shocks, but for much more subtle reasons. Not perfect, a little slow. But wow, what an ending!”
N-Rating: 3.5 Nick Rich cries: "The thing that made this one all the creepier to me is that my wife wants to have some of these!!! I too enjoyed this flick and while its ending totally redeemed the snails pace that is the first third of the movie, I couldn't bring myself to go quite as high as Chris did in his rating. FYI Chris ain't lying - little British kids in the 60's could act! This film had a constant trickle of creepiness thanks to the tots who were always just a bit off... their behavior felt like a splinter in your mind that you couldn't quite reach to pull out, making Miss Giddens' mounting desperation all the more palpable. Throw in some disturbing spook sightings, interesting camera shots and wild speculation as to what's going on and you have yourself a rodeo! Yee-haw! The Skinny: check this flick out if you're in the mood for a twisted Disney movie, cause Pollyanna takes the gloves off in this one!
Quote of the Viewing: [SPOILER ALERT] [Scene: First time caregiver Miss Giddens' actions have driven a girl insane and killed a young boy. She holds the dead boy in her arms, frozen in shock.] Nick: “I think she is gonna have a hard time finding another job as a nanny.”
Appetizer Clip:
Here's a quick scene to give you a flavor for the deliciousness that is this feature film.
Note: When kids start to sing freaky tunes, you know the hurt is comin'!
Other Children the RDHP Find Creepy: - The Olsen Twins (You still waiting for them to turn 18, creeper?) - Zack and Cody - Dakota Fanning (She carries on the tradition of The Innocents by being a disturbingly articulate child) - Rahm Emanuel (he’s a kid, right?) - The Grady Twins - Tweens (All of them. Hormones, yuk!) - That Jerry Macuire kid (Why do parents dress children up like adults? CREEPY!) - Any of Michael Jackson's "kids" (Like father like son? Dear heavens, let’s hope not)
Things the RDHP Learned from “The Innocents”: - Facing your demons is more than just an expression. It literally works! - Domestic violence is not something that should be openly discussed - Children will try to kill you during hide and seek - Daytime ghost sightings are even scarier than nighttime - you can't ignore/rationalize them! - If God doesn’t like you, and you die, you become a ghost - Rich city men HATE orphans - Never accept a job where your boss says you can never leave their employ (they don't end well!)
Nick's True Story Corner: One enchanted summer night in my youth, two friends and I decided to watch some horror films in a trailer located in the middle of the woods in northern Michigan (great idea right?). After a few films and well beyond the witching hour, we decided it would be a great idea to take turns sitting in the woods alone on a stump for 20 minutes apiece. Left alone with only our thoughts, the thick night air and fog curling over the moonlit landscape, we unanimously decided thereafter what the most horrifying thing to encounter in that moment would have been: singing children.