A Left-wing Psycho

I’ve been blogging for 2 and a half years with 713 posts and all our Queen of Progressives comes up with a few sentences that in her suspicions and slanted mind is similar to other people's writings. And because of this, she calls me a cheat, a school yard bully, Blatantly dishonest and a SERIAL plagiarizer. And has been caught plagiarizing other people's work time and time again.
I make no mistake about the fact that many of my of ideas may come from stories that I have read on the internet or in the newspapers . This is what influence most peoples blogs, posts and or comments. So freaken what? To say that I’ve STOLEN other peoples work without giving them credit for it. And repeating it all over and over again like a broken freaken record is insane to put it mildly.
How insane is someone that scrutinizes ever line that someone else writes from 2 and a half years back and copies it into Google? That to me is the work of a INSANE lunatic. And then she has the couliones to say that she NEVER reads my blog. That is the profile of a psycho.
Lets not forget that we are talking about someone who spends her life calling Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin names and posting cartoons..
But we have to give her some slack after all she’s a Left-wing psycho, and that’s to be expecte