Our Dear Leader, Barack Obama ended his 10day Hawaiian vacation to return Monday to the Washington he never really escaped.(Poor Baby)
Obama and his family boarded Air Force One on Sunday evening for an overnight flight, capping off an 11-day trip that would be remembered more for an al-Qaida affiliate's botched attempt to bring down a Christmas Day flight about to land in Detroit from Amsterdam rather than the hours spent on golf courses or at luaus. The failed terror attack refocused the president's trip from R&R on the island of Oahu to a river of memos from homeland security aides.
Even though it was called a vacation, the trip to Obama's childhood home was hardly the holiday most Americans seek. Between golf outings, he phoned his homeland security secretary and counterterrorism adviser for regular updates. Rather than restaurant recommendations, the president was handed thrice-daily updates from the White House Situation Room. And an attack that killed seven U.S. intelligence officers put him on the phone with the CIA director before heading to the island's North Shore for a party with high school friends.
Does anyone here really give a crap? Rather than feeling sorry for Zippo, I think many of us will remember his 3 day lag to get to the microphone or should I say "get to the Teleprompter" and inform the American public about what the hell was going on with your ignorant Secretary Janet Napolitano's performance, telling us that "The system worked.". They all make me sick!
I think that the real tragedy of the botched terror attempt was not that it nearly killed almost 300 of our innocent people. No, NOT the outrage that His Majesty's vacation was cut shout by having to work!
Should President Obama take his family on vacation to Hawaii during the Christmas holidays? Of course he should. I don't begrudge the president taking some time off, and good for him if he has roots in a tropical paradise that also happens to be on American soil. But I am being deeply troubled by Obama's business-casual demeanor in Hawaii since the terrorist attack over Detroit on Christmas Day. Is he our president only when it suits him to be? Was that not a national emergecy? Disn't it call for him to get his ass on Air Firce One and return to Washington and address the nation. After all he did return for one night when his friend got hit by a "surf board". So WTF was the big deal? Either Obama needs to be a President ornot, he can't have it both ways, being president means more than flying off to Paris to have a dinner date with his wife. Yesterday, I read a post on a (paron the expression) Liberal blog that " he is undera lot of pressure" Well pardon me, what US president wasn't ALWAYS under lots of pressure? That's what this job is all about.. STUPID! Christmas for a US president is not only standing under the Mistletoe and hanging popcorn from the tree. And it's not having Oprah join him in Copenhagan for Lobsters and Russian beluga caviar!
Obama has been on vacation for eleven months...There has never been a US President that has had so much time off and away from the White House...The only thing Obama has accomplished is PUSHING HIS MARXIST COMMUNIST AGENDA UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH THE HELP OF THE NEW AMERICAN SOCIALIST/MARXIST PARTY (formaly the Democratic Party).
He was not working in Hawaii! He was constantly on the golf links or walking the beaches and, when this story broke, his aides did not tell him for 3 hours, so as to not disturb his game. Excuse me, are we are not in a war on terrorism and he didn’t make a statement until 3 days later.
And for the Libs that are reading this.. Before you open your big mouths...Yes Bush went to Camp David often, but the BIG difference was that Bush spent those vacations working.