YES HE DID! Scott Brown Wins Mass Senate & the People’s Seat over Coakley Massachusetts Becomes Obama’s Waterloo... THANK YOU SCOTT BROWN

For a Republican to win the the dark blue state of Massachusetts and of all things winning in a special election for the seat previously held by the "Great One" Ted Kennedy (the Swimmer) defies description.
Liberals and Democrats are scared to death of Scott Brown. It looks like could kill the Dem agenda. So now they have someone else to “TRY” and destroy the way they did Sarah Palin.
They certainly are crapping in their pants, otherwise they would be dusting off slick Willie and having him sent to Haiti. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama went to"support" Martha Coakley. Not sure if that helped or hurt her. Well the result showed that it didn’t help! Did it? But yes, the Libs are scared to death. There is nothing like a Massachusetts Republican on a mission.. The good part of Scott being elected is that he will send a message to the government that we do not want Obamacare, but the sad part is, I feel as though they will find a way, the Devil always finds a way. With the losses of democrat control in Mass, VA and NJ, they are running scared. This could be an upset and turn around the health care debate.. And it may be all over for Stinky Harry Reid as well.. I guess that even rounding up all the Dead Democrat to vote didn’t help them either.
But the One Term president. Obama is going forward with his health care plan. With NO CSPAN, and WITH more backroom deals. They will somehow squirm their way into passing this bill one way or another.
Now watch the Democrats play political suicide. And watch Obama create a hit list for the Senators that voted against him. ! VOTE OUT EVER HACK WHO VOTED FOR OBAMA CARE!