Obama Under Fire!

As Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 46 percent, according to a new CBS News poll.He is going to stand before the US public and plead his case.
The first and main thing he's going to ask is "How come everybody's picking on me"
Why are we picking on him? I'll tell you why! Obama has soiled our White House with some of the most disgraceful, vile people imaginable. And he himself has lied and put this country through hell since he's in office. . And seeing a picture of him with his feet propped up on his desk in the Oval Office shows the contempt and disrespect Obama has for US and the Office.
Our great country deserves far better
And as we await the State of the Union address to be given tonight, a remarkable thing is happening to Rahm Emanuel, he is losing his aura of invincibility. Or to put it in a more correct perspective, HE IS BEING THROWN UNDER THE BUS!. Lets look at the video tape, a year ago, Emanuel was the untouchable attack dog for a president on top of the world. Now, according to some liberal critics, he is “a cowardly, petty, small-minded thug.” Discontent among liberal progressives against President Obama’s chief of staff has been bubbling for some time. It’s now nearing a boiling point, it's either he ( Rahm Emanuel) or Obama himself that's going to be the one to be called out on the carpet so to say. Someone is going to have to be the scapegoat for Obama after the losses in VA,NJ and ESPECIALLY in Massachusetts, which I think, resulted in death for Øbamacare, and the Democratic party.
And the real biggie to hit the fan is: Who is going to take the blame for the 9-11 trial to take place in New York? Here is where the Hot Seat is going to begin for the administration. Barack Hussein Obama and his fellow Jihad apologist Attorney General Eric Holder are hoping to repeat on that success with their newest smash hit “Blame America” starring 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but yes the heat is already on and someone is going to have to back off and take the blame for this shenanigan, because the people here in New York are getting, sick, and tired of being the showplace for Obama's follies. Futher proof that Obama does not care about the American people.