It's a new game now., It's Not Ted Kennedy's Seat ANYMORE!

"With all due respect, it's not the Kennedy seat and it's not the Democrat's seat -- it's the people's seat." There was never a more truthful, honest statement from anyone. The Democrats have totally forgotten that these seats are all property of the American people, not the other way around!. This isn't Ted Kennedy's' seat. It's a seat that is representative of the people of Massachusetts. Actually, the only seat that was Ted's, was the drivers seat in the car pictured above. He never admitted to that.

Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in a drunk driving accident with a suspended driver's license while committing adultery, and then used his family connections to avoid responsibility. Ted also was kicked out of college for cheating TWICE. The man was an alcoholic serial cheater who abused woman and conspired with the Russian against Reagan. And yet he was a Hero to the Democrats.
The American people are fed up with that way of thinking.
This is the Major problem of the Democratic party. They think that once they are elected that they are free to do whatever they want regarding their radical agenda. America is fed up with this arrogant attitude and want some real hope and change like Scott Brown would bring!.

Speaking of stupidity, the liberal Oh, Pardon Me, I mean the “Progressives” all over the blogisphere are now trying their usual tactics trying to discredit Scott Brown because he posed in his birthday suite when he was in his 20's. Well big deal... Who did that KILL?
Since it's basically one-party rule in Washington nowadays, Democratic leaders including Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been having a field day by pushing Obama's beloved healthcare legislation through Congress without the normal conference committee work involving both party's members from both houses. Hows that for, "Honest Leadership Open Government"?
If he (Scot Brown) is responsible for killing anything hopefully it will be that Disgusting Health-care bill that the Democrats passed in the middle of the night behind closed doors. That was real American wasn't it!

The three biggest hateful, spiteful, LIARS on the face of the Earth, standing behind a sign that reads: HONEST LEADERSHIP. OPEN GOVERNMENT. You can't make it up.
How many times have these three looked in to the cameras and said: "We're trying to do this in a Bi-Partisan way. We're trying to work with the other side." And how many of these SECRET MEETINGS have they had? How many BEHIND CLOSED DOORS MEETINGS has this Star Chamber had, since THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER, took office?
I thought that all of this stuff was gonna be on CSPAN? President Golfer must have PROMISED that a hundred times. Go check it out.
How many more DEAD OF NIGHT VOTES are there gonna be? WHAT'S THE RUSH? Why don't they want anyone to SEE THIS THING?
They would kick their Grandmother to the curb, if that's what their "Dear Leader" told them he wanted them to do..
And don't tell me, it's about The Greater Good. They don't do ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, but THEMSELVES. Hence, the Parade of BRIBES that were handed out. That should be their Tag Line. "So Good, we had to Bribe Folks To Vote For It." And NOTICE, they've EXEMPTED THEMSELVES, THEIR STAFF, and THEIR FAMILIES from THEIR OWN LEGISLATION. Why? Because it's not good enough for THEM. It's only good enough for YOU, and YOUR FAMILY. Understand?
That alone, should be enough to KILL THIS BILL.

What an arrogant asshole. When you have nothing else to criticize but another man's truck, the party is in serious trouble. Oh yeah and the whole let's blame Bush for everything is a card way over played, this is your mess Mr. President!!
Let Massachusetts show the rest of the country how to lead the way to taking back congress One Seat at a Time.
And you Liberals, Progressives, or whatever you want to be called today... eat your hearts out!