I can now say for the first time in my adult life I am proud of Massachusetts.

So the Obama agenda has come to a screeching halt. What went wrong? I'll tell you.you can't make huge promises and not follow through or be deceitful.you can't have a spine made of spaghetti and let partisan nutcases steamroll you. Obama was and is unprepared to be President, This position is way over his bony little head. The man is "Clueless: about what the American people want and what we need. We don't need a Socialist Dictator to tell us what to do and how to do it.

There is no room for Obama's agenda in America - his ideology is clearly the spawn of everything America is against - he is a racist, a Socialist (and possibly a Communist), a narcissist, incompetent, corrupt and a control freak. Obama would like to see the United States weak so that he can take his egomaniac plans for control on a global scale - just look at every Dictator in history and you will see the same traits in Barack Hussein Obama and his agenda. There needs to be a major hearing on who is behind Obama (George Soros) and why Obama and his handlers (Axelrod and Emanuel) are following the game plan of leftist radicals. Every move they have made is to seize power beyond what the Constitution mandates, and to compromise the interests of the United States.

He capitulated to congress.

He allowed Nancy Pelosi, andHarry Reid to take the lead, when he should have been the leader.

He didn’t play hardball after getting beaned early in the game.

He failed to fight the way he promised.

He took over the auto industry.

He took over private banks.

He took over private investment firms.

He has funded unions with tax payer money.

He has funded Acorn with taxpayer money.

Acorn is giving taxpayer money away to pimps with 13 Guatemalan child prostitutes in the basement.

He has surrounded himself with communists dictators (Czar's) with a penchant for eugenics.

He is trying to take over the DNS of the Internet(Cybersecurity Act of 2009).

He is trying to take over all medical care.

He has spent more tax money than any person in the history of the human race.

He is still fighting two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

He is in literal collusion with every outlet of media, save one.

He is inciting race warfare.

He is inciting class warfare.

He is calling our Veteran's, Founding Father's, Libertarians, and Conservative's - Terrorists (DHS).

He started a war with Fox News.

He is trying to tax the very air you breathe with cap and trade.

He still has not dissolved Fannie and Freddie, or the Community Reinvestment Act- the reason for the housing, stock, bond, and dollar collapse.

He is giving Muslim terrorists at war with US the Rights of the US Citizens that the terrorist just tried to exterminate.

He is trying to destroy this Country so he can rebuild it in a progressive/liberal/socialist/communist utopia.

There is one problem. His plan only works in Countries where the population isn't armed.

He has shut down our missile defense projects. Eliminating the primary purpose for the existence of government.

He has told our spies not to defend us.

He has told our Navy Seals and Marines that if you defend us, you will be punished.

This has lost many of the independents who wanted someone who would lead.

This lost many on the left who wanted someone who would fight for their ideals.

Now, this year, he’d better pick up the battle axe and kick some fanny. Congressional fanny. “Conservative” fanny. “Tea Party” fanny.

If President Obama leads, and battles when leadership calls for that, he’ll regain respect from his base and the independents.

Republicans will NEVER respect him, so the only thing to do with them is to battle them.
What went wrong?
Too many uninformed people voted for him! And they voted for him for the wrong reasons!
They thought he was Jesus and he turned out to be just a Street Community Organizer, at best.

He knows what he wants, and he knows how to placate the Liberal base stupidity to get it.

How long will it take before them to catch on?