So how did you like that typical stupid Liberal/Progressive claptrap they called the State of the Union address last night? All I heard that dipstick say was "I did this, I want that, and oh by the way anything that is still a problem is George Bush's fault... I inherited it"
When Obama said "I Don't Quit" That really pissed me off. I thought that perhaps there was a chance that he might.
The president himself looked good. He strode down aisle, confident, seeming cool and collected, in command, kind of reminding me of A pre-war Benito Mussolini.
Madam Nancy’s hemorrhoids must have been itching and burning last night. she was jumping up and down at every lie and couldn’t seem to sit still.
During his State of the Union address last night, President Obama did something extremely unusual. He criticized and insulted the Supreme Court while the justices were sitting directly in front of him. Then, after insulting them, he called on Congress to “fix” the Court’s “mistake”. Justice Alito, breaking the tradition of justices not responding to what the President says, made a face, shook his head and mouthed the words “not true”. He should have yelled YOU LIE!
His dissing of the Supreme's was just plain dumb. And did you notice Justice Ginsburg...I hope she still has her mental faculties.
And how long do you think it will be before the resignations start? How long do you give Tim Geithner before he submits his resignation? It will not be long and the house of cards that Obama built will start to fall.
After that dreadful Massachusetts election defeat, you would think that Obama would suddenly become humble and start listening to America. But no, that only made him more arrogant then he already is.