Janet Napolitano was right in her statement that the system worked as designed! My thoughts exactly.
Because it was designed like a piece of Shit is designed!
After 2001, Congress decided that the most important item in improving airport security after was to convert all of the worthless, democrat voting, airport security employees that allowed 911 to happen, into Democrat voting Federal employees with union contracts. And this is what they got!
His visa should have been revoked as soon as he was put on the watch list, shouldn't it? Shouldn't that be step one in the system? And how many lists do we have going on? A watch list, a no fly list,...if you make one, shouldn't you automatically make the other? What the hell is a "Watch List"? He was on a watch list. He was using his real name. And they let him on the freaken plane anyway. Don't they watch that he DOES NOT FLY? To these Demonrat elite idiots the system is always working...for them, but never for us.
This was a failure of the system, period. Those passengers and crew got lucky. It wasn't the government that protected them.
If Obama has any sense ( and I seriously) doubt that, he will ask not (TELL) Napolitano to resign and get someone who seems to have the sense that something pretty tragic almost happened on her watch. This woman is an idiot! Just goes to show the type of people Barry counts on for everyday problem solving. You can't blame anyone else... Not Bush, Not Nigeria, Not the dumb slobs that they have working at these Airports, Not even Dick Cheney! The Obama administration needs to grow up and face the fact that you can't always hide behind circumstances that are not in your control. You Own it. He wanted it! I am so pissed at this administrations lack of urgency in this issue.
And now I hear that they are offering a "DEAL" to this piece of shit they call "The Young Nigerian" Deal? I hope his balls have 3rd degree burns.
And once again President Barack Obama has said last night: "A full investigation has been launched into this attempted act of terrorism. We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat the violent extremists." He is still trying to "Connect the dots".
And once again it's us, you and I that will still suffer for the the brainless masses that are swarming, like suicidal lemmings, to vote for these odious Lab/Con/Lib politicians. Liars and cheats all.
It's you and I that will have to be treated like crap whenever er board an airplane, it's you and I that will have to sit in our seats for one hour before landing and we won't we able to put ANYTHING on our laps, nothing! And this ass-covering moron Janet Napolitano is saying mockable things like "The system worked."!