Just Calling A Spade A Spade! Oh forgive me, that was not Politically Correct. I should have said, I'm just calling it as it is, or as I see it.
Ah, that's much better.
Cheney and Palin just telling us what everyone already knows. Obama is weak, a pacifist apologist, and is soundly mocked around the world. He and the Democrats treat terrorism like jaywalking. Why don't the Islamic/Muslim terrorists like us now that we are more nice to them? Now that our Dear Leader is kissing their ass's and bowing down to them and apologizing his bony head off to them! And degrading America all over the third world! . Nothing has changed. It never was Bushes fault, they will try to kill us no matter who is in the White House. democrats need to wise up and realize that before it's too late. Admit they were wrong about Bush and confront the real enemy-terrorists, not Republicans!
And why did it take Obummer 10 days to recognize that it was a terrorist attack on that Detroit airliner? And that the "YOUNG NIGERIAN" was a terrorist! Please forgive me for using that un-called for word "terrorist"
So after about a week, he left dear old Hawaii and came home to give the nation his interpretation of what's going on with his administration's lack of brains. Hebawled out his highest-level officials on the botched up Christmas Day terror attack on an airliner bound for Detroit, taking them jointly to task for "a screw-up that could have been as he called it disastrous" Did he say that heads would roll? Well sort off, he really left that up in the air... as always. But he did remind us that he was...."connecting the dots". Obama is an expert at not connecting dots and screw ups. When the hell are the dots going to be connected?
Oh and his newest line is........ "I will not tolerate it!"
The hope and change mantra is now the hype and spin mantra.