Seven in Ten Americans believe that the Democrats' loss of their 60 seat super majority in the Senate is a positive move for the country.
With the stunning Republican come-from-behind victory in Massachusetts. With the STUNNING win in the fight for control to take back our country . The 2010 election begins now. I expect history to repeat itself. I expect Obama, Reid and Pelosi to follow the Carter lampoon. I expect the Democrats to raise taxes and raise spending. I expect them to push for nationalized health care, the fairness doctrine, and the union system. I expect there will be a backlash in 3 years. As Conservatives, it is time to dust ourselves off, look to the principles of Reagan and Goldwater and Gingrich that served us so well in the past, and begin the fight anew.
If there is a lesson to be learned from this election, it’s that Republicans cannot and should not just stand by and let the left get their way.
Count me among those that are applauding this stunning Victory..
And so I say this to President Obama. Enjoy your presidency for now, because tomorrow and every day after we will begin the fight to prevent everything you stand for.
They pretty much have two choices. Take over the country or try to convince every body that despite their attempt to trounce all over everything this country stands for, they're really harmless, lovable, caring kitty cats.
Didn’t you think Obama was going to fire someone over the Christmas Bomber screw ups? Now we know that Eric Holder decided by himself to treat him as a crook instead of a terrorist. But still no firings. No economic team firings. Is it possible Obama thinks we will all forget? Or does his lack of executive experience show starkly here too.
But what about that outer 30 percent?
Quite frankly I think it's going to be every rat for himself on this stinking ship of fools.