I pray to Allah in the Heavens above, I pray to Allah to keep me away from harm, I pray to Allah that He forgives the wrong that I may do, I pray to Allah to grant me the power to walk on water.
Obama's Prayers To Allah
I pray to Allah in the Heavens above, I pray to Allah to keep me away from harm, I pray to Allah that He forgives the wrong that I may do, I pray to Allah to grant me the power to walk on water.
Maybe The White House Could Publish a Collection of Sob Stories... "The Saddest Stories We Never Heard”
Don't you just love those sad, sad, stories that Obama keeps getting in those daily letters.
I can see him and Michelle, sitting in bed at night, a stack of letters scattered around them and they are reading then aloud to one another. And trying to pick out the dumbest one to read on TV.
What a bunch of crap.
I particularly like the one about the women who had to wear her dead mother's false teeth.
And the one I received yesterday form that Mother in California, or was it in Ohio, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, oh I remember now, it was from Wisconsin where the family was struggling to make their mortgage payments, so the parents had to eat Cat Food. .. Obama was so struck by how powerful the story was, that he sent them a case of Fancy Feast.
Maybe he should stop reading letters and read some of those bills that I get in my mail every day..
The Health Care Summit
Tonight I wasted 5 or 6 precious hours watching that Bull-Shit thing that they called a debate..
The Health Care summit was a sham - After a brief period of consultation ,the President or should I say the Messiah,expressed his self-serving, arrogance and lectured the Republicans once again. What matters to Obama and his ilk, is turning America into the socialist utopia they believe in.
Will somebody please tell our Dear leader that it's not "just Republicans" that oppose this entitlement, its 75% of voters..
Americans will have this forced down their throats even though most oppose this massive government takeover of our health care system. With further government intent to mandate all must carry insurance or be fined, the Dems still found a way to "redistribute the wealth"
If you were as stupid as I was and watched the whole gadilla, you saw His Majesty wide it up by threatening to have his henchmen Pelosi and Reid get it passed one way or another. This shows the Democratic majority knows how to wield THE RAW ABUSE OF POWER to get their way. But you libs have gone too far, this time, it's time to pay the piper. Come November, you all are on your way out the door.
The Republicans would have to be dumber than dumb to have any part of this.
You know what galls me? I've worked all my life and have not been able to afford health insurance at times...yet ANY ILLEGAL can break our laws, come into our country - and get FREE HEALTH CARE anytime they choose.
The summit was basically a joke. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid gave their same old stupid sob stories and like always the Dems looked angry, manipulative and deceitful. The same old sob stories that are always used were brought up again, a typical leftist tactic...play on emotions. The lady from Nebraska that needed this and the little girl for Kentucky that needed that, and the Grandmother from Wisconsin that was pregnant at the age of 88 that was uninsured.
Where was Joe Wilson when we needed him!
The Messiah can hold his Health Care summits until he is blue in the face and the result will be the same. OBAMACARE IS DEAD. The Obama Democrats are continuing to slide in the polls every day while the Republicans are winning every election that comes its way.
See you in November.
Film #14: The Gate (1987)
A giant hole in Glen’s backyard has blown open and started erupting chunky demons and liquid black plumes of pure evil.
No, I’m not describing his morning bathroom visit after a night of Taco Bell, whiskey shots and ill-advised 4 a.m. ice cream.
This demon hole out-back of Glen’s house in 80s movie “The Gate” was caused not by partying but by that scourge of the 1980s parent…curiosity and heavy metal music!
(“Damn kids and their devil music! Opening up portals and summoning demons and what-not and… ahhhhh, hell, I’m taking a nap. ZZZZ.zzz.Zzzzz.)
C-Rating: 2.9 out of 5.0
Of course it is for kids, kids love that stuff! Kids that age don’t need to be sheltered. In fact, most of them have seen or heard enough horrors in middle school alone that would make any adult poo their shoe. The 1980s horror movie understood this, and treated their young audience with respect. The movies didn’t pull any punches – because life doesn’t pull any punches. They showed kids how they really were (swear-word spewing a-holes) and didn’t mind if they gave you nightmares following the flick. Actually, that IS the point of a horror movie, isn’t it?! Somehow we have lost our way in the modern age.
This film was by no means great (I did give it a 2.7 after all). It didn't pioneer any special effects or thrill us with a story that was entirely original, but it did rock the full arsenal of effects available at the time and what the story lacked in basic originality it more than made up for in creative execution. I found myself marveling at the level of effects employed in such a low-key film; it had it all: stop motion, Claymation, animation and latex creature moldings! Say what you will about non-CGI effects, but what they lack in clarity they make up for in texture (you could feel the skin of the big daddy demon at the end of the film - he was amazing!).
I found myself knowing exactly where the story was going but surprised that I was surprised by how I was led there (confusing right?). This film had a magic captured so well by the majority of 80s horror/fantasy films: it felt realistic in spite of its own absurdity. The Gate transported me back to a simpler time and I felt all the richer for it!
The Skinny: If you have a soft spot in your heart for the 80s (i.e. neon apparel, nonsensically styled hair, disturbingly trusting parents) then you owe it to yourself to go digging around the ol' back yard for this gem of a flick."
Things the RDHP Learned from “The Gate”:
(Special note: Nick was feet away from meeting Chelsea Clinton as a wee lad in London, circa 1995, but he didn't have the guts to profess his love. Now his nights are filled with salty tears. Just kidding, Mel! (No, he's not kidding)
From Cuddly to Fugly:
The Olsen Twins:

No, I’m not describing his morning bathroom visit after a night of Taco Bell, whiskey shots and ill-advised 4 a.m. ice cream.
This demon hole out-back of Glen’s house in 80s movie “The Gate” was caused not by partying but by that scourge of the 1980s parent…curiosity and heavy metal music!
(“Damn kids and their devil music! Opening up portals and summoning demons and what-not and… ahhhhh, hell, I’m taking a nap. ZZZZ.zzz.Zzzzz.)
Glen is just your typical foul-mouthed 80s era 10-year-old. He loves NASA, model rockets, and pissing off his older sister Al’s teenage friends. He even has a rockin’ tree house in his backyard (Lucky!), but one day a storm rolls through and just crushes the hell out of it (Ha-ha!).
After half-price Mexicans remove the singed tree stump on the cheap, Glen and best bud Terry discover that below the former tree lies a mysterious hole. And what else do you do with a dark hole? You explore it, and explore it deep! The friends find radically rare rocks in the hole, but after busting one open strange happenings begin to occur. It doesn’t help when Terry begins reciting lyrics from his heavy metal albums, one of which just so happens to be based on an ancient book of evil that if read aloud can summon dark overlords to overtake the earth (isn’t that the basis for Scientology?)
Soon evil spirits and crazy stop-motion beasts are pouring out of that backyard crevasse. It’s not a hole at all, but a gateway to the hideous, power-hungry underworld! With Al and Glen’s parents out of town, it is up to the kiddies to save mankind from hell-level destruction in the 1987 kid-thriller “The Gate.”
RDHP Ratings and Reviews
C-Rating: 2.9 out of 5.0
Chris Dimick summons:
“Satan Bless the 80s. What a magical decade for horror, and to be a child. Watching The Gate is like stepping into a Hyper-color time-machine. From the second we pressed play, I felt like I was 8-years-old again – as I was in 1987 – playing hackie sack with my brothers and getting four-inch cuts from my slap-bracelets. If anything, Gen Xers, watch this one not for the scares, but for the serenity of time gone by.
But you gotta love 1980s horror movies for more than just the nostalgia. They were just so innovative, imaginative, and willing to break a few eggs to make that dead fetus omelet.
Horror movies today are just so PC, especially “scary” movies made with a younger audience in mind. The Gate was essentially made for ‘tweens, kids really, yet the content at times is radically hardcore by today's kid-flick standards. One example: Glenn actually watches his father’s face melt off into a puddle as old Dad tries to strangle him to death. What?! This is for kids!
Of course it is for kids, kids love that stuff! Kids that age don’t need to be sheltered. In fact, most of them have seen or heard enough horrors in middle school alone that would make any adult poo their shoe. The 1980s horror movie understood this, and treated their young audience with respect. The movies didn’t pull any punches – because life doesn’t pull any punches. They showed kids how they really were (swear-word spewing a-holes) and didn’t mind if they gave you nightmares following the flick. Actually, that IS the point of a horror movie, isn’t it?! Somehow we have lost our way in the modern age.
Don’t be fooled by my 2.9 rating. It may seem low, but it is just in comparison to all of the other great movies we have watched as part of the RDHP. As a rabid fan of 1980s horror, The Gate had it all: whinny teens with gnarly period clothing; stop motion face-melting; cute yet crazy wicked demons; realistic kids; commentary that heavy metal is actually devil metal.
Best of all, The Gate had an original story that can captivate the kid inside all of us – there is nothing cooler than thinking a wild adventure lurks right in your own backyard. Actually, I believe the latter is an old Boystown pickup line. Hey, to each his own!"
N-Rating: 2.7 out of 5.0
Nick Rich summons:
“Now this movie is just good clean fun; and by 'good' I mean 80s-licious and by 'clean' I mean true to the spirit of that time period. I really enjoyed growing up as a child in the 1980's: there was action, adventure and people just seemed more chill (maybe the constant threat of nuclear annihilation is good for a society - who knew???). The Gate just screamed the 80s - seriously, there were like 15 scenes where pre-pubescent boys were screaming their confused vocal chords off... and I loved every crackling minute of it!
I found myself knowing exactly where the story was going but surprised that I was surprised by how I was led there (confusing right?). This film had a magic captured so well by the majority of 80s horror/fantasy films: it felt realistic in spite of its own absurdity. The Gate transported me back to a simpler time and I felt all the richer for it!
The Skinny: If you have a soft spot in your heart for the 80s (i.e. neon apparel, nonsensically styled hair, disturbingly trusting parents) then you owe it to yourself to go digging around the ol' back yard for this gem of a flick."
Things the RDHP Learned from “The Gate”:
-All heavy metal records end with satanic sermons
-Torturing moths is not cruel, it’s “neat”
-“Parents-out-of-town” teen parties always involve telling scary stories
-The Lee sisters make male children puke
-Kids should always know where Dad keeps his gun. They may need it to shoot a demon.
-The Bible can double as a high powered explosive
-Dancing with the family dog can kill it
-Special Edition DVD covers are so special they have characters on it that weren't in the movie:
-Special Edition DVD covers are so special they have characters on it that weren't in the movie:
Treasures buried in the RDHP’s Backyard:
-Golden nuggets
-Fidos 1-4
-"Killed in battle" G.I. Joes (Duke, your dying screams were pathetic)
-Pirate booty
-Stella's "Groove"
-Pirate booty
-Stella's "Groove"
-XFL “He Hate Me” Jersey
-Jimmy Hoffa
-Unmailed love letters to Chelsea Clinton
-Unmailed love letters to Chelsea Clinton
-Radio Shack Tandy 1000 PC
-Two dozen hobo skulls
(Special note: Nick was feet away from meeting Chelsea Clinton as a wee lad in London, circa 1995, but he didn't have the guts to profess his love. Now his nights are filled with salty tears. Just kidding, Mel! (No, he's not kidding)
From Cuddly to Fugly:
Actor Stephen Dorff looked so cute in “The Gate,” portraying Glen as a pudgy sweetie pie. One look at his drug-rattled face today makes one cry for the ravages of time. That boy went from Cuddly to Fugly! In Stephen Dorff’s unfortunate honor, a list of other child stars who stopped being cute when their body hair began to sprout...
Stephen Dorff:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
The Olsen Twins:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Macaulay Culkin:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Zack and Cody:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Haley Joel Osment:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Danny Bonaduce:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(
Rainbow Bright:
Cuddly :)
Fugly :(

Quote of the Viewing:
[Glen and Terry harass big sister Al’s friends, saying how gross girls are.]
Nick and Chris in pre-teen squeak voice:
“Ohhh man. Teen girls just have cooties falling out the ying-yang, Terry!”
“Ohhh man. Teen girls just have cooties falling out the ying-yang, Terry!”
Cliché Quote of the Viewing:
Chris: “Damn, that is a lot of evil coming out of that hole.”
Nick: “That’s what she said.”
Obama: I Ain't No Stinkin Socialist!
Barack Obama told business leaders Wednesday that he's no socialist plotting a government takeover of the economy. His administration isn't anti-business, he said in a speech to the Business Roundtable, an organization of chief executive officers of major U.S. corporations. "It's pro-America and I don't apologize for it." "Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, I am an ardent believer in the free market," Obama said.
Just think about the magnitude of what is happening today - the President of the Untied States trying to convince people that he is not a socialist...
Glenn Beck calls Obama a racist, Obama calls Beck a Liar.
Obama can't be a racist. After all, his own grandmother was a 'typical white woman'.
Beck's comment is nothing unusual. It is honestly true, but it is not ok for a white man to call a black man a racist even though our illustrious president was the first person to call that Connecticut police officer a racist. White men are the most discriminated against in this country and if you do not believe it open your eyes and just watch and listen. Our country is going to Hell in a hand-basket and our "wonderful" president is taking us there faster
And Bill Clinton says, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
Oh, the double standard?
Just think about the magnitude of what is happening today - the President of the Untied States trying to convince people that he is not a socialist...
Glenn Beck calls Obama a racist, Obama calls Beck a Liar.
Obama can't be a racist. After all, his own grandmother was a 'typical white woman'.
Beck's comment is nothing unusual. It is honestly true, but it is not ok for a white man to call a black man a racist even though our illustrious president was the first person to call that Connecticut police officer a racist. White men are the most discriminated against in this country and if you do not believe it open your eyes and just watch and listen. Our country is going to Hell in a hand-basket and our "wonderful" president is taking us there faster
And Bill Clinton says, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
Oh, the double standard?
Our college campuses are such "beacons of light"
On the History Channel last night I saw Van Jones speaking as a sage-like expert on a ridiculous chicken-little show predicting the world falling apart, unless we listen to the big government progressives. No counter-views, of course. I suggest that the History Channel be true to its name, and only look back, rather than making asinine shows that predict the future based on frauds such as man-induced climate change.
The former green jobs czar in the Obama administration and self-avowed communist has landed a job at an Ivy League school, where he'll be teaching your children why America is racist, capitalism is bad, and redistribution of wealth is good. We have often commented on how academia leans far to the left and how nutty professors like the infamous Ward Churchill can find acceptance for their wacky philosophies. So it was not a total surprise last week when Princeton University announced that Van Jones will be back to school.
The former green jobs czar in the Obama administration and self-avowed communist has landed a job at an Ivy League school, where he'll be teaching your children why America is racist, capitalism is bad, and redistribution of wealth is good. We have often commented on how academia leans far to the left and how nutty professors like the infamous Ward Churchill can find acceptance for their wacky philosophies. So it was not a total surprise last week when Princeton University announced that Van Jones will be back to school.
Health Care "Reform" is dead! Long Live the American Voter
Us Republican Americans have lost sleep praying, and writing to our congress people to not allow this Death Care Bill to take place. Many of us who have been fighting for pro life efforts have lost sleep because we were worried about a government funded abortion program under Democrat rule. Several baby boomers have lost sleep because of the “death care” provision that sparked fears in our seniors. Several of us lost sleep because we don’t want to bankrupt the nation, receive less quality of health care and rob our children of their futures.
And we will continue to fight to Kill and Bury this Health Care bill. We are telling people like the Senator from Nebraska to kiss off
Tell Louisiana to Kiss off
And the Senator from Florida to Kiss off, And the SEIU to Kiss off, And the UAW to Kiss off
And AARP to Kiss off, And we are Telling the Trial Lawyers to Kiss off!
Obama has spent a good part of 2009 bribing Senators, holding meetings behind closed doors and voting in the middle of the night. He can Kiss off as well. When are liberals like you and like him going to get the message ... American’s Don’t Want This Bill. How long are you going to remain in denial? We don’t want NO stinkin Health Care Bill! Not His way and Not your way. Can you hear us now? Pelosi, can you hear us now ? Reid, can you hear us now? Obama, can you hear us now? What part of this do they not understand? The purpose is to kill the insurance companies leaving the government the only entity capable of providing health insurance. Consider, the insurance companies will have to accept people with pre-existing conditions but can't raise their rates to cover the increased costs and so die. The people are in peril of losing their healthcare and the government rushes in to rescue them with a complete takeover of the healthcare industry. Everybody is happy and the government is our hero. That's the plan. I hope people aren't stupid enough to fall for it. This plan screams European Socialism and the ideologue in the Oval Office will not stop until he gets something.
NO more CLOSED door meetings. Where ate all those televised meeting on Cspan.
NO more back room deals. No more bribes. What is it that these parasites don't get?
Why do you think that Scott Brown won? Because of the huge government health-Care bill.....the bill that will require $500,000,000,000 in cuts to Medicare.....the bill that will add four trillion to our deficit.....the bill that hits me with a 40% insurance tax that members of the UAW don't have to pay....the bill that will strip my mother of her "Medicare Advantage Program" but will allow retirees in one state only (Florida) to keep that program....the bill that will increase my state taxes for Medicaid expansion but one state (Nebraska) won't have to pay for Medicaid expansion. This bill is JUNK. It should DIE. We need to get out a blank sheet of paper and start all over on this bill.
In addition to the brazen deception, the price controls will drive the insurance companies out of business and we have back door Government run health care. Who needs a public option when they have it under another name? This whole deal is beyond outrageous. No one can be this naive. He is knowingly trying to destroy the private sector and taking the country down with it.
If you have any doubts that Obamacare is not just anothe word for rationing, here are some eye openers. First, Obamacare relies on cutting health care costs (which means cutting health care services) for the elderly and poor:
As you stand in a long line, hoping we will get what we need, and dreading the news that no…our sick Grandmother is too old and is not worth saving. Or No, that third pregnancy is not really necessary. You might begin to change your mind and ask yourself, why did I want this crapola in the first place! The end result will be that we will have fewer doctors treating more patients.. It’s inevitable.
This morning I will once AGAIN call my congressman and tell him to kill this bill and start from scratch....or else I'll tell him to start packing his bags. As I have been doing every time Obama brings this bill back from the dead.
And as for Harry Reid, there’s only 10 months until he like many of the others will be thrown into forced retirement by angered voters who are saying enough is enough and we are not going to take it anymore..
And we will continue to fight to Kill and Bury this Health Care bill. We are telling people like the Senator from Nebraska to kiss off
Tell Louisiana to Kiss off
And the Senator from Florida to Kiss off, And the SEIU to Kiss off, And the UAW to Kiss off
And AARP to Kiss off, And we are Telling the Trial Lawyers to Kiss off!
Obama has spent a good part of 2009 bribing Senators, holding meetings behind closed doors and voting in the middle of the night. He can Kiss off as well. When are liberals like you and like him going to get the message ... American’s Don’t Want This Bill. How long are you going to remain in denial? We don’t want NO stinkin Health Care Bill! Not His way and Not your way. Can you hear us now? Pelosi, can you hear us now ? Reid, can you hear us now? Obama, can you hear us now? What part of this do they not understand? The purpose is to kill the insurance companies leaving the government the only entity capable of providing health insurance. Consider, the insurance companies will have to accept people with pre-existing conditions but can't raise their rates to cover the increased costs and so die. The people are in peril of losing their healthcare and the government rushes in to rescue them with a complete takeover of the healthcare industry. Everybody is happy and the government is our hero. That's the plan. I hope people aren't stupid enough to fall for it. This plan screams European Socialism and the ideologue in the Oval Office will not stop until he gets something.
NO more CLOSED door meetings. Where ate all those televised meeting on Cspan.
NO more back room deals. No more bribes. What is it that these parasites don't get?
Why do you think that Scott Brown won? Because of the huge government health-Care bill.....the bill that will require $500,000,000,000 in cuts to Medicare.....the bill that will add four trillion to our deficit.....the bill that hits me with a 40% insurance tax that members of the UAW don't have to pay....the bill that will strip my mother of her "Medicare Advantage Program" but will allow retirees in one state only (Florida) to keep that program....the bill that will increase my state taxes for Medicaid expansion but one state (Nebraska) won't have to pay for Medicaid expansion. This bill is JUNK. It should DIE. We need to get out a blank sheet of paper and start all over on this bill.
In addition to the brazen deception, the price controls will drive the insurance companies out of business and we have back door Government run health care. Who needs a public option when they have it under another name? This whole deal is beyond outrageous. No one can be this naive. He is knowingly trying to destroy the private sector and taking the country down with it.
If you have any doubts that Obamacare is not just anothe word for rationing, here are some eye openers. First, Obamacare relies on cutting health care costs (which means cutting health care services) for the elderly and poor:
As you stand in a long line, hoping we will get what we need, and dreading the news that no…our sick Grandmother is too old and is not worth saving. Or No, that third pregnancy is not really necessary. You might begin to change your mind and ask yourself, why did I want this crapola in the first place! The end result will be that we will have fewer doctors treating more patients.. It’s inevitable.
This morning I will once AGAIN call my congressman and tell him to kill this bill and start from scratch....or else I'll tell him to start packing his bags. As I have been doing every time Obama brings this bill back from the dead.
And as for Harry Reid, there’s only 10 months until he like many of the others will be thrown into forced retirement by angered voters who are saying enough is enough and we are not going to take it anymore..
Sneaky Obama
So Obama will meet with the Republicans and this time Tevevise the debate. How nice of him. What he is really doing is showing that the Republicans don't want his Heath care reform bill and that they are the ones responsible for blocking it.
What part of this does President Obama not understand? We don't want your health care reform Bill! It's that plain and simple.
Where is everybody? NOBODY has ANYTHING to say about this?
No one believes that the president's health care summit with Republicans is about bipartisanship. Republicans fear that it is a trap intended to hold them and their ideas up to ridicule. And though the president and his party certainly want to shift the blame to Republicans after months of unilateral failure by Democrats, that's not the real purpose of the health gabfest. This summit is all about Barack Obama. It's always about him.
Obama is a typical politician: His words and actions don't match up. While technically thats true, Obama lies out both sides of his big yap. I think its more that people know his agenda and are rejecting it.
He can't come out and say "I'm a Marxist, love me." Naturally his words won't match his Marxist actions. But beware of Socialist's bearing gifts
So now, out of desperation, he wants to throw his fellow Dems under the bus and go for this reconciliation scheme. He just doesn't get the fury this is going to unleash. Bring it on string bean. We're going to stop you! It has become apparent that this guy doesn't think he needs congress in order to implement his agenda. This is going to get real interesting throughout the next 12 months. I'm starting to think that he's not going to be running in 2012 and never really planned to... They don’t give a hoot what the American people want. They’re going to ram this through whatever it takes, and whatever the cost. Current estimates are only about $829 BILLION, but who’s counting? We all know government programs always come in way over budget, but who’s counting Timothy Geithner?
I'm beginning to doubt the intelligence of Obama. Who are we going to blame next? Did you get all you wanted and hoped for? Not to late to vote for the next congress! Get informed and get involved. Write your congressperson today!
We don’t want your original or your compromised version! We don't want your health care reform bill! What part of government control is the problem that you do not understand? But then communists always like government over the private sector. If the government got out of the regulation of health insurance companies and let them compete instead of few having a monoply on services, prices would come down. Only an idiot is against profit. If it were not for profit, there would be no jobs. This of course will usher in the new Government health care program that will cover every person in America regardless of citizenship, regardless of whether they are employed or not, whether they have a family they can not afford to feed or house. The working taxpayer will be covering the cost for all in this country. It’s another way of Redistributing the wealth. Don't fall for it America, it will be the most disastrous program to ever strike the freedom out from under your children and grandchildren's feet. Americans if you are NOT angry you don’t get it!
I predicted that the Democrats will pass something called Health care "reform" because their base demands it and they think they have to. But it doesn't take a Rocket scientist to see that they can't possibly satisfy the requirements of increasing coverage, without reducing benefits, raising taxes on the middle class, or ballooning the debt. So they will increase coverage on some currently uninsured, but fall well short of the universal coverage liberals want. Medicare benefits for seniors will have to be reduced, fees and higher premiums will be levied on the middle class, and the deficit will explode in the coming years if this monstrosity is passed.
Sure, the extra Prostate exams will raise costs, but they plan to save money by cutting out the lube and the rubber glove. All we as citizens and taxpayers need to do is bend over and take it up the wazzool.
The democrats assumption is that opposition will fade once it is passed. This is more Hope and Change bull-shit. They are the ultimate fools, victims of their own propaganda. The more people understand the real ramifications of this so called "reform", the fewer will be happy with it, and the Democrats will pay a big price in 2010 and 2012 far greater than they can possibly imagine. And let us say Amen!
Glenn Beck didn't disappoint us last night when he closed the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference as the Key Note speaker. Beck did the job that was work that the RINO's refuse or are unable to do!
Beck is right to point out the evils of 'progressivism'. I spend a lot of time now spreading the word and educating others about what the "progressive" movement really is and I purposely call it the "Oppressive" Movement in hopes the name will catch on. The term aptly describes what these people are all about. The Republicans had better start listening to the Tea Parties if they want to have a chance of getting back in power. They Better Not Run a Rino Again Unless They Want to Keep the Kenyen in Office for Another Term. I am sick of Big Government and the crazy spending in both parties, but the only way this foolishness is going to end is with a real Conservative in office. I can only pray that Obama doesn't succeed with his diabolical plan to destroy the US and remake it under sharia law before today's heroes like Beck, Palin, and the Cheneys have a chance to save it from the socialist who use of a teleprompter tells us all we need to know about affirmative action.
America requires REAL change! We need to vote them all out and get leaders who really care about the people. America really needs a "Change" now, it's our only "HOPE"
Glenn Beck was great! He was funny and edgy. He ripped the RINOs who infect the Republican party, he carved up the Liberal/Progressive/Marxists who are destroying this country.
He is honest, humble and gives a great educational lesson in economics and politics. He should be the Communications Director and Spokesman for the candidate in 2012.
Ironically, it took the most radical, socialist, dictator loving, big-Government, big spend Mao Obama to wake up the silent majority who are sick of this type of man in the White House and want NO MORE of it.!!
We are in a fight for our lives - Glenn Beck makes this clear to millions every day. He reveals their diversions and distractions and misdirections and rallies the troops on their real point of attack. And the Liberals know it, that's why he's in their cross-hairs now.
We are in a fight for our lives - Glenn Beck makes this clear to millions every day. He reveals their diversions and distractions and misdirections and rallies the troops on their real point of attack. And the Liberals know it, that's why he's in their cross-hairs now.
Great speech Glenn you are a great American and thank you for speaking the truth. The American people are longing and begging for the truth. Glenn Beck is a breath of fresh air and a straight shooter, he does not sugar-coat his words.
You did great Glenn Beck and if you happen to feel a pat or two on the back tonight and no one is there, It’s just The Gipper saying ATTA BOY and thanks!!
Sorry Tiger, But I Didn't Buy It.
The spectacle of Tiger Woods's apology yesterday morning was nauseating.
Who wrote this choreographed drama? And how many times did he rehearse his lame performance? Everything from beginning to end was staged.
"I knew my actions were wrong. But I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. " Well Duh! Now you woke up?
"I was wrong. I was foolish. I don't get to play by different rules."
Well yeah you were and your dams sorry that you got caught aren't you!
And why in hell was he on as many stations as the state of the President's union address? Maybe because it was just as lame. What's wrong with this picture? Or should I say, what was NOT wrong with this picture! He's the highest paid athlete in America and maybe the world, and he was caught with his pants down! Maybe he should get a job on Obama's administration with the rest of the cheats. While Tiger was acting like a cry-baby on the golf course, the media kept it quiet. I wonder if they would they have done the same for any other golfer? This man has taken a huge fall from the pinnacles of a god-like status to what he is today, a totally fallible human being lacking character. He's made his apology but has he come to terms with the consequences of his actions.
And what was that slam at the media for following his family around. While I do agree that a celebrities family should be kept out of these things but I would have to ask Tiger why didn’t HE think of that when HE cheated on HIS OWN family!
Let's face it, I think he owes the public an apology and an explanation for the simple fact that he made his fortune by selling us his squeaky clean persona. Sure he’s a good golfer but he never would have had close to the amount of endorsements he had if he was discovered early on to be your average cheating husband. I personally don’t care that he cheated but if you’re going to use your image to make money you better be prepared to be called on your ass when you’re caught lying. And why did he wait 3 months to do this act ? Maybe because it took that long for his wounds to heal. And why did he hide from the Police for 3 months, and not answer any questions for 3 months? But now he wants his sponsors and fans back. Let’s see if Saturday Night Live makes hey over this one!
People are gullible he knows that his endorsements are on the line this speech was to save his business and not for any other reason. If people knew that he was screwing every barmaid in town do you think they would be buying the products that he was selling? No, they’d be less likely to purchase products he endorsed. These are the people that effectively gave him the keys to his nice yacht so if you’re going to build the bulk of your fortune off of being a public figure you shouldn’t be able to hide once it’s found out you’re full of crap. And now he still wants the same idiots to overpay for everything he endorses just because He's sorry now because he loves money. In his book we are just peons. I don't care what he does with his life. He was treated as an squeaky clean idol, and all the schmucks went out and bought those products because it has his name behind it. Well Tiger, them days are gone, throwing your golf clubs up in the air every tine you miss a shot is over, yelling curse worda at the officials when they make a call against you is over! In other words, he's not some demi-god or a role model like he thinks he is, he's a person who can't keep his willy in his pants. Just like our ex-president.
Let's see if his attitude around the links changes from being a brute, cursing and hitting clubs to having a more meek and humble attitude? Then we can tell if his apology is real or not. In other words has he really changed? Until then, I still think that you are a big rich cry-baby and that your Daddy isn't around to wipe your ass anymore so you better come down to earth and face reality. Well Tiger, your poorly written apology didn't sway me one bit.
What I saw yesterday was a guy that was deep in doo doo trying to save his gold mine empire of endorsements.
And Tiger, you were never a celebrity, you were another dude who played golf, but couldn’t take the pressure of being rich and still acting like a man..
I get tired so easily of these High Profile Celebrities that suddenly feel the need to publicly apologize after they get caught and then think it will all just go away -but I got news for you... You were not believable at all. Not to me...
Look, the bottom line is that he is a public figure, selling us his Nike crap and American Express and such like he is God’s gift to humanity. . He owes me nothing and he owes you nothing, he cheated on his wife, and the last I checked that is not my sister.. But don’t try to come across as someone you are not. He’s a cheat and a fake and if you can't be loyal to your family who can you be loyal to.. tell me that
Do I hate Islam and Muslims?
Try to blow up the two towers TWICE. Commit genocide on your own people. Blow yourself up in public areas.
Anyone remember Palestinians dancing in the streets and shooting in the air, to show how happy they were. ... right after the planes hit the World Trade Towers.. on 9/11? I do!
Just small things like that. I'm not saying all of you are evil but your Koran specifically says that killing anybody that doesn't agree with your doctrin is good. And like me, not everybody hates you, we don't support you, but we don't HATE yo
I stand by MY beliefs.
And I won't be hypocritical about it.
As for my posting that I’m not very fond of Islamic Muslims, I see no reason for anyone to feel that way they are just following the standard beliefs of their faith. Lets look at the video tape.
4 September 1972 - Munich Olympic Massacre of the entire ISRAELI Olympic team .
18 April 1983 - April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. 63 killed. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
26 February 1993 - World Trade Center bombing, New York City. 6 killed. The attack was attributed to Islamic Muslims.
13 March 1993 - 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. The single-day attacks resulted in over 250 civilian fatalities and 700 injuries. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
24 December 1994 - Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
25 June 1996 - Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
14 February 1998. The 1998 Coimbatore bombings occurred in the city of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 46 people were killed and over 200 were injured in 13 bomb attacks within a 12 km radius. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
7 August 1998 - 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. Over 4000 people were injured. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
12 October 2000 - USS Cole bombing, 56 killed, and the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims. And Bill Clinton promised their capture and punishment.
11 September 2001 - 4 planes hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and The Pentagon by 19 hijackers. Nearly 3000 dead.The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
13 December 2001 - Suicide attack on India's parliament in New Delhi. Aimed at eliminating the top leadership of India and causing anarchy in the country. Allegedly done by Pakistan-based Islamist MUSLIM terrorist organizations.
3 March 2002 - Suicide bomb attack on a Passover Seder in a Hotel in Netanya, Israel. 29 dead, 133 injured, the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
9 March 2002 - Café suicide bombing in Jerusalem; 11 killed, 54 injured. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
7 May 2002 - Bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured. And yes, the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
24 September 2002 - Machine Gun attack on Hindu temple in Ahmedabad, India. 31 dead, 86 injured. And once again the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
12 October 2002 - Bombing in Bali nightclub. 202 killed, 300 injured. Guess wo was to blame!
16 May 2004 - Casablanca Attacks - 4 simultaneous attacks in Casablanca killing 33 civilians (mostly Moroccans) carried by Muslim Terrorists...
11 March 2004 - Multiple bombings on trains near Madrid, Spain. 191 killed, 1460 injured. (alleged link to Al-Qaeda) And we all know who they are.
3 September 2004 Approximately 344 civilians including 186 children, are killed during the Beslan school hostage crisis.[128][129]
2 November 2004 - Ritual murder of Theo van Gogh (film director) by Amsterdam-born jihadist Mohammed Bouyeri. Also done by Islamic Muslims
4 February 2005 - Muslim militants attacked the Christian community in Demsa, Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people.
February 20, 2010 10:37 AM
Blogger the malcontent said...
7 July 2005 - Multiple bombings in London Underground. 53 killed by four suicide bombers. Nearly 700 injured. And the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
23 July 2005 - Bomb attacks at Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort city, at least 64 people killed.
29 October 2005 - 29 October 2005 Delhi bombings. Over 60 killed and over 180 injured in a series of three attacks in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival. Islamic Muslims once again,and again.
9 November 2005 - 2005 Amman bombings. Over 60 killed and 115 injured, in a series of coordinated suicide attacks on hotels in Amman, Jordan. Four attackers including a husband and wife team were involved, also Muslims.
7 March 2006 - 2006 Varanasi bombings. An attack attributed to Islamic Muslims, over 28 killed and over 100 injured, in a series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi. government officials. Carried out by Muslims Terrorists.
11 July 2006. Mumbai, India. 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings were a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay). 209 people lost their lives and over 700 were injured in the attacks. Yep you got it, Muslim terrorist once again..
26 July 2008. Ahmedabad, India. Islamic militants detonate at least 16 explosive devices in the heart of this industrial capital, leaving at least 49 dead and 160 injured. A Muslim group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen claims responsibility. Indian authorities believe that extremists with ties to Pakistan and/or Bangladesh are likely responsible and are intent on inciting communal violence. Investigation by Indian police led to the eventual arrest of a number of militants suspected of carrying out the blasts, most of whom belong to a well-known terrorist group, The Students Islamic Movement of India, done by Muslim terrorists again. Sound like a broken record yet?
26 November 2008. Mumbai, India. Muslim extremists kill at least 174 people and wound numerous others in a serious of coordinated attacks on India's largest city and financial capital. A group calling itself the Deccan Mujaheddin claims responsibility, however, the government of India suspected Islamic militant Muslim Terrorists
February 20, 2010 10:41 AM
Blogger the malcontent said...
September 2002. When the FBI arrested Sahim Alwan, Yahya Goba, Yasein Taher, Faysal Galab, Shafal Mosed, and Mukhtar al-Bakri, the press dubbed them the “Lackawanna Six,” the “Buffalo Six,” or the “Buffalo Cell.” Five of the six had been born and raised in Lackawanna, New York. These six citizens of Yemeni were arrested for conspiring with terrorist groups. They had stated that they were going to Pakistan to attend a religious training camp, but instead attended an al-Qaeda jihadist camp.
August 2004. Members of a terrorist cell led by Dhiren Barot were arrested for plotting to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other financial institutions in New York, Washington, and Newark, New Jersey. They were later accused of planning attacks in England. The plots included a “memorable black day of terror” that would have included detonating a dirty bomb. A police raid on Barot’s house in Pakistan discovered a number of incriminating files on a laptop computer, including instructions for building car bombs.
August 2004. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain, Two leaders of a mosque in Albany, New York, were charged with plotting to purchase a shoulder-fired grenade launcher to assassinate a Pakistani diplomat.[23] An investigation by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and local police contributed to the arrest. With the help of an informant, the FBI set up a sting that lured Mohammed Hossain into a fake terrorist conspiracy. Hossain brought Yassin Araf, a Kurdish refugee, as a witness. The informant offered details of a fake terrorist plot, claiming that he needed the missiles to murder a Pakistani diplomat in New York City. Both agreed to help. Aref and Hossain were found guilty of money laundering and conspiracy to conceal material support for terrorism and later sentenced to 15 years in prison.
June 2005. Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat, Umer Hayat, a Pakistani immigrant, and Hamid Hayat, his American son, were arrested in Lodi, California, after allegedly lying to the FBI about Hamid’s attendance at an Islamic terrorist training camp in Pakistan.
Hamid was found guilty of supporting terrorism and was sentenced to 24 years.[26] Umer’s trial ended in a mistrial. He later pleaded guilty to lying to customs agents in his attempt to carry $28,000 into Pakistan.
April 2006. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, Ahmed and Sadequee, from Atlanta, Georgia, were accused of conspiracy, having discussed terrorist targets with alleged terrorist organizations. They allegedly met with Islamic extremists and received training and instruction in gathering videotape surveillance of potential targets in the Washington, D.C., area, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank.
May 2007. Fort Dix Plot, Six men were arrested in a plot to attack Fort Dix, a U.S. Army base in New Jersey. The plan involved using assault rifles and grenades to attack and kill soldiers. Five of the alleged conspirators had conducted training missions in the nearby Pocono Mountains. The sixth helped to obtain weapons. The arrests were made after a 16-month FBI operation that included infiltrating the group. The investigation began after a store clerk alerted authorities after discovering a video file of the group firing weapons and calling for jihad. The group has no known direct connections to any international terrorist organization.
February 20, 2010 10:42 AM
Blogger the malcontent said...
March 2008. Hassan Abujihaad, a former U.S. Navy sailor from Phoenix, Arizona, was convicted of supporting terrorism and disclosing classified information, including the location of Navy ships and their vulnerabilities to Azzam Publications, a London organization that provided material support and resources to terrorists. Abujihaad was arrested in March 2007 and pleaded not guilty to charges of supporting terrorism in April 2007. In May 2008, he was convicted by a jury and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
June 2007. In New York City, at JFK Airport Plot, Four men plotted to blow up “aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at the John F. Kennedy International Airport” in New York City. They believed that such an attack would cause “greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks.” Authorities stated that the attack “could have caused significant financial and psychological damage, but not major loss of life.
Russeel Defreitas, the leader of the group, was arrested in Brooklyn. The other three members of the group–Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, and Abdel Nur–were detained in Trinidad and were extradited in June 2008. Kadir and Nur have links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean. Kadir was an imam in Guyana, former member of the Guyanese Parliament, and mayor of Linden, Guyana. Ibrhaim is a Trinidadian citizen, and Nur is a Guyanese citizen. The men pleaded not guilty to the charges and are awaiting trial as I type this. Lets hope they burn in Hell.
Hasan was born in Virginia to Palestinian parents who emigrated from Jordan and killed 13 American Soldiers and injured 31. May He BURN IN HELL also.
Yes, I know it, I know because I’ve heard people like you say it over and over again, that the Muslims are a peace loving people & are not all fanatics like the terrorists. Yes, I heard that one before. Yes, some people are basically bad. Some are worse than others, and won't be made better by any scripture.
June 2007. In New York City, at JFK Airport Plot, Four men plotted to blow up “aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at the John F. Kennedy International Airport” in New York City. They believed that such an attack would cause “greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks.” Authorities stated that the attack “could have caused significant financial and psychological damage, but not major loss of life.
Russeel Defreitas, the leader of the group, was arrested in Brooklyn. The other three members of the group–Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, and Abdel Nur–were detained in Trinidad and were extradited in June 2008. Kadir and Nur have links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean. Kadir was an imam in Guyana, former member of the Guyanese Parliament, and mayor of Linden, Guyana. Ibrhaim is a Trinidadian citizen, and Nur is a Guyanese citizen. The men pleaded not guilty to the charges and are awaiting trial as I type this. Lets hope they burn in Hell.
Hasan was born in Virginia to Palestinian parents who emigrated from Jordan and killed 13 American Soldiers and injured 31. May He BURN IN HELL also.
Yes, I know it, I know because I’ve heard people like you say it over and over again, that the Muslims are a peace loving people & are not all fanatics like the terrorists. Yes, I heard that one before. Yes, some people are basically bad. Some are worse than others, and won't be made better by any scripture.
President O-Bow-Ma
The Leader of the Free World, the president of these United States, does not bow to Any Man. A appeasing coward,a servant,the enslaved,the inferior,or a worshiper of the Arab dictator.These would bow down.Obama is ?? take your pick,But he is definitely NOT OF PRESIDENTIAL CALIBER.And Certainly not the character for the President of The USA. This is a "No Confidence" aka president who not only diminishes the highest office in our nation to the world -He is also destroying our country,our way of life,our liberty and freedoms,and violating our constitution and the rights of We The People.He obviously screwed up taking that oath purposefully since his actions and agendas violate do not defend ,protect or abide by it.Nor do his cronies in congress and the senate. Obama, Pelosi,Reid and several others need to be impeached and replaced with competent people loyal to this country,this peoples, Our Constitution. They work for us.It's time all of them are reminded of that fact.
The bow is not so much the issue as it is who the president shows his subjection too. He did not bow to the queen so this is not an issue of protocol or courtesy. Nor has he bowed to anyone since. This is a direct and intentional indication by the president that he feels himself to be subject to the higher authority of the Saudi monarchy. This president shows greater affinity and duty to people other than Americans. The president is supposed to be first and foremost the representative of the citizens of the united states. If we, as a representative republic err in the establishment of our policies it is not the place of the president to replace the voice of the people with his judgment. It has always been the policy of this people that we the people choose the policies of this government. Not the president. This is not an error this is direct affront to the American people and the president's duty to comply with the policy of America. Millions for defense but not one penny in tribute. Obama has intentionally overthrown this policy giving all his effort to tribute and platitudes rather than supporting the policies of this nation. He has weakened this nation and his actions have given strength to the morale of our enemies which will be paid for in American blood! I hope all you Lefties are happy you voted for this fascist.
The bow is not so much the issue as it is who the president shows his subjection too. He did not bow to the queen so this is not an issue of protocol or courtesy. Nor has he bowed to anyone since. This is a direct and intentional indication by the president that he feels himself to be subject to the higher authority of the Saudi monarchy. This president shows greater affinity and duty to people other than Americans. The president is supposed to be first and foremost the representative of the citizens of the united states. If we, as a representative republic err in the establishment of our policies it is not the place of the president to replace the voice of the people with his judgment. It has always been the policy of this people that we the people choose the policies of this government. Not the president. This is not an error this is direct affront to the American people and the president's duty to comply with the policy of America. Millions for defense but not one penny in tribute. Obama has intentionally overthrown this policy giving all his effort to tribute and platitudes rather than supporting the policies of this nation. He has weakened this nation and his actions have given strength to the morale of our enemies which will be paid for in American blood! I hope all you Lefties are happy you voted for this fascist.
Film #13: The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
Rejoice for the miracles of science!
Octomom’s octuplets?! They would just be a twinkle in Nayda Suleman’s eye -- without science.
Processed meat?! Beef, turkey and rat steak would cry with loneliness, condemned to hug a plate in solitude… without science.
Don’t even get us started on the horrors of a world without Press-on nails!
Sure, our lives are better because of these scientific accomplishments. But all marvels of the modern age could never compare to the truly fantastic invention showcased in the 1930s film “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
Title character Dr. Henryk Savaard is a brilliant sawbones who created a machine that could somehow – gasp! – keep a person’s heart and bodily functions operating by machine alone! Yeah, we’re with you, disbelievers. Mechanical life support systems? Pssst! Leave it to the movies to come up with such absurd ideas.
Okay, maybe a mechanical heart would be more enthralling to folks in 1939. After all, back then they were curing heart disease with leaches, a pint of buttermilk, and a back shave. Dr. Savaard spent years creating his machine, but he needs to test it on a human subject. Enter the completely inconsiderate medical student, who forgos his fiancé's cries and agrees to let Savaard stop all his bodily functions in order to test the machine. Boy, the things men do to get out of a wedding!
Midway through the experiment, the med student’s fiancé goes all Andy Dick and calls the police, stating Savaard murdered her lover! Stupid dames!
The police storm Savaard’s house, find the chillin’ student, and place the doctor under arrest. Savaard tries to explain, saying if they would only let him go he could revive the unresponsive test subject. The coppers don’t buy it, and off to the iron bar hotel he goes.
At the lead of a crusading district attorney, a jury pool of backwoods yokels take a horse whiz on scientific nobility and convict Savaard of murder. His sentence, a Texas necktie party. Before he is led to jail, Dr. Savaard flips a verbal bird to each person who convicted him, vowing his revenge from beyond the gallows!
Months later, one by one the jury members are found strung up by their necks in what police first believe are suicides. Soon an awesomely old-school newspaper man who covered the Savaard trial connects the dots. Could Dr. Savaard have returned from the grave to enact his revenge? Find out, in the 1939 popcorn thriller “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
RDHP Review and Ratings:
C-Rating: 3.1
Chris Dimick orates:
"Movies are more fun when you get to root for the bad guy. Most of us try to be good and follow the rules of society. Yet all that goodness can be so lame. It is cathartic to cheer for a character, even the unsavory ones, as they exact revenge on those who done them wrong. No actor can illicit this sympathy for the villain better than Boris Karloff, the star of “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
Maybe it is his insanely interesting voice, deliberate acting or dark, evil eyes. But when Boris takes to the screen, all a person can do is side with him -- right or wrong. He is just so entertaining to root for.
The kitschy plot is nostalgically endearing, especially paired with the scenes dripping with stereotypical 1930's fair (i.e. the newspaper man culture, gruff coppers, slimy lawyers, ignorant/scared townsfolk and "delicate" women). This film felt crisp, clean and oddly wholesome - like biting into a freshly picked apple. Of course there were a few worms... the occasional poor line delivery (even by Boris), plot holes (in the end we still weren't sure what the machine physically did) and annoying suspension of disbelief (some characters were unnecessarily dim). However, the ignorance and poor choices the characters made in this film ending up making me more passionate about it - Chris and I both yelled (multiple times) at the hapless nurse who indirectly killed her fiancé because of her own fear and inability to follow instructions.
The Skinny: If you're in the mood for greased hair, fast talking, smoking in any situation and the days when newspapers were relevant, then by golly, TMTCNH may be just up your alley, mister!
P.S. Chris, don't think I didn't notice your cloned copy of The Skinny ("The What's-What")! Remember, cloning never turns out well..."
RDHP Salutes Miracles of Science:
The Internets
Body Parts the RDHP Would Replace If We Could
-Eyebrows (if only we had the full shields of Jason Schwartzman!)
-Hair (so it would be affordable to be Powder for Halloween)
-Appendix (it would be nice not have a ticking-time-bomb-deathtrap in us)
-Our inner thighs (curse our mothers for giving them to us!)
-Our tiny boobies (All those racy men’s magazines make us feel so inadequate)
Things That Sound like Boris Karloff:
Karloff has one of the most mesmerizing voices (you've heard him narrating the animated How The Grinch Stole Christmas). Here, things that remind us of his mouth-sounds...
A British frog
Chris when romancing himself in the bathroom mirror
Soft lullabies
Corpses choking
Auto GPS systems (we wish!)
Grandpa mumbling in his sleep
That man who lives at the bus stop
Welcome to the Random Corner:
Random Song:
This little ditty has been in Chris' head since watching The Man They Could Not Hang. All that science talk must have done it:
Random Thing Scarier than this Movie:
While a “horror movie” per say, The Man They Could Not Hang was quite tame even by 1930s standards. For true terror, turn your head to the seas and behold the puke-inducing sight of
Read the hilarious story (thanks, Michelle) by Chicago Tribune columinist John Kass at http://www.latimes.com/ct-met-kass-0217-20100217,0,7154335.column?page=1
Octomom’s octuplets?! They would just be a twinkle in Nayda Suleman’s eye -- without science.
Processed meat?! Beef, turkey and rat steak would cry with loneliness, condemned to hug a plate in solitude… without science.
Don’t even get us started on the horrors of a world without Press-on nails!
Sure, our lives are better because of these scientific accomplishments. But all marvels of the modern age could never compare to the truly fantastic invention showcased in the 1930s film “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
Title character Dr. Henryk Savaard is a brilliant sawbones who created a machine that could somehow – gasp! – keep a person’s heart and bodily functions operating by machine alone! Yeah, we’re with you, disbelievers. Mechanical life support systems? Pssst! Leave it to the movies to come up with such absurd ideas.
Okay, maybe a mechanical heart would be more enthralling to folks in 1939. After all, back then they were curing heart disease with leaches, a pint of buttermilk, and a back shave. Dr. Savaard spent years creating his machine, but he needs to test it on a human subject. Enter the completely inconsiderate medical student, who forgos his fiancé's cries and agrees to let Savaard stop all his bodily functions in order to test the machine. Boy, the things men do to get out of a wedding!
Midway through the experiment, the med student’s fiancé goes all Andy Dick and calls the police, stating Savaard murdered her lover! Stupid dames!
The police storm Savaard’s house, find the chillin’ student, and place the doctor under arrest. Savaard tries to explain, saying if they would only let him go he could revive the unresponsive test subject. The coppers don’t buy it, and off to the iron bar hotel he goes.
At the lead of a crusading district attorney, a jury pool of backwoods yokels take a horse whiz on scientific nobility and convict Savaard of murder. His sentence, a Texas necktie party. Before he is led to jail, Dr. Savaard flips a verbal bird to each person who convicted him, vowing his revenge from beyond the gallows!
Months later, one by one the jury members are found strung up by their necks in what police first believe are suicides. Soon an awesomely old-school newspaper man who covered the Savaard trial connects the dots. Could Dr. Savaard have returned from the grave to enact his revenge? Find out, in the 1939 popcorn thriller “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
RDHP Review and Ratings:
C-Rating: 3.1
Chris Dimick orates:
"Movies are more fun when you get to root for the bad guy. Most of us try to be good and follow the rules of society. Yet all that goodness can be so lame. It is cathartic to cheer for a character, even the unsavory ones, as they exact revenge on those who done them wrong. No actor can illicit this sympathy for the villain better than Boris Karloff, the star of “The Man They Could Not Hang.”
Maybe it is his insanely interesting voice, deliberate acting or dark, evil eyes. But when Boris takes to the screen, all a person can do is side with him -- right or wrong. He is just so entertaining to root for.
This movie tore ass through the plot. It had to with a run time of just 64 minutes. Really, it could have been longer. Things didn’t start to get interesting until the last 15 minutes, when the remaining jurors and prosecutors unknowingly enter a horrific trap inside Dr. Savaard’s home. Each is told they will die at a specific time, and then accidentally contributes to their own demise – with a little nudging from a dead man. The third movement of this film is the most exciting, but also the most rushed. When the characteristic-1930s abrupt ending came, I was left wanting more killing of those stupid-ass jurors! Dr. Savaard deserved more revenge, yet both he and the audience are constrained from satisfaction by the short run time.
The Whats-What: TMTCNH is a great movie to watch when in a hurry to catch the latest episode of LOST, but don’t arrive to the movie wanting a lot of substance. You’ll leave wanting more, and feeling guilty for siding with evil."
N-Rating: 3.0
Nick Rich orates:
"Talk about a film with heart! It didn't originally have one so they made the main invention of the film a glass one! Now that I have my requisite horrible pun out of the way I can actually tell you that The Man They Could Not Hang was rather enjoyable.
Good ol' Boris is hard-pressed to disappoint in my experience with him, and his performance in this film further solidified that impression! There's just something about Karloff that makes you want to listen to him for hours on end... which actually worked against his favor in this film considering its run time. You really have nothing to lose checking out this film - and just may gain an enjoyable hour!The kitschy plot is nostalgically endearing, especially paired with the scenes dripping with stereotypical 1930's fair (i.e. the newspaper man culture, gruff coppers, slimy lawyers, ignorant/scared townsfolk and "delicate" women). This film felt crisp, clean and oddly wholesome - like biting into a freshly picked apple. Of course there were a few worms... the occasional poor line delivery (even by Boris), plot holes (in the end we still weren't sure what the machine physically did) and annoying suspension of disbelief (some characters were unnecessarily dim). However, the ignorance and poor choices the characters made in this film ending up making me more passionate about it - Chris and I both yelled (multiple times) at the hapless nurse who indirectly killed her fiancé because of her own fear and inability to follow instructions.
The Skinny: If you're in the mood for greased hair, fast talking, smoking in any situation and the days when newspapers were relevant, then by golly, TMTCNH may be just up your alley, mister!
P.S. Chris, don't think I didn't notice your cloned copy of The Skinny ("The What's-What")! Remember, cloning never turns out well..."
Things We Learned From Watching The Man They Could Not Hang:
-Standard rates for freaks: 50 cents to look, $1 to touch
-Bike chains work great for motorized hearts
-Ground breaking surgery should be performed in your personal home
-Heart transplants with perfectly healthy people is totally cool if they volunteer
-Mechanical heart pumps look like glass breast implants
-Every gift science gives to man gets twisted it into a thing of hatred
RDHP Salutes Miracles of Science:
(We still can’t figure out how they get so much flavor into one tiny square!)
Air Freshener
(What did we do with those Jurassic smells before?)
The Wheel
(Not just for travel)
(Soooo many uses!)
(Soooo many uses!)
(How else could we handle life?)
(They are half ice and half pop! WTF? This must be an instrument of the devil!
Burn the witch, burn the witch!)
Fanny Banks
(How did we save our money before this came along?
I’ve heard of coin slots, but this is ridiculous!)
(Causing delicious cancer since 1893!)
(There is no better way to unwind after a long day at the office)
(Three wonderful words. Tiger Beat magazine)
The Internets
(What did people do to waste time at work before this invention?)
Mobile homes
(For centuries the trash of society had to just sleep in the streets)
(For centuries the trash of society had to just sleep in the streets)
(Each year these little lady robots get more and more realistic looking!)
Body Parts the RDHP Would Replace If We Could
-Eyebrows (if only we had the full shields of Jason Schwartzman!)
-Hair (so it would be affordable to be Powder for Halloween)
-Appendix (it would be nice not have a ticking-time-bomb-deathtrap in us)
-Our inner thighs (curse our mothers for giving them to us!)
-Our tiny boobies (All those racy men’s magazines make us feel so inadequate)
Things That Sound like Boris Karloff:
Karloff has one of the most mesmerizing voices (you've heard him narrating the animated How The Grinch Stole Christmas). Here, things that remind us of his mouth-sounds...
A British frog
Chris when romancing himself in the bathroom mirror
Soft lullabies
Corpses choking
Auto GPS systems (we wish!)
Grandpa mumbling in his sleep
That man who lives at the bus stop
Welcome to the Random Corner:
Random Song:
This little ditty has been in Chris' head since watching The Man They Could Not Hang. All that science talk must have done it:
Random Thing Scarier than this Movie:
While a “horror movie” per say, The Man They Could Not Hang was quite tame even by 1930s standards. For true terror, turn your head to the seas and behold the puke-inducing sight of
Read the hilarious story (thanks, Michelle) by Chicago Tribune columinist John Kass at http://www.latimes.com/ct-met-kass-0217-20100217,0,7154335.column?page=1
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