Oh-oh, Obama’s in deep doo doo again... , A new Washington Post-ABC News Poll less than nine months before midterm election day finds the same proportion of Americans pondering a change in their congressional representation as were thinking the same thing back in 2006 and 1994, the last two times that control on Capitol Hill changed parties dramatically.
Storm clouds over the U.S. Capitol
Only a few months ago, experts predicted the usual historical pattern in the first midterm elections of a new Democratic president, with some decline among his party's members, who currently control the White House and both the House and Senate.
But no one foresaw anything so dramatic as could be developing this early in 2010.
The new survey finds seven out of 10 Americans disapproving of the job Congress is doing under the leaderships of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Unhappy doesn't begin to reflect the deep outrage many people in my circle feel about what has happened to our country in the past year. Disgusted is more to the point!
Obama knows he is in trouble with the American people. His words don't change a thing..and his agenda remains the same...the hope and change to trash our capitalistic system and the free market with socialism.
Expect some real "Hope and Change" coming to America in the next election.
As for the Democrats in general…I think we know now that there’s not going to be any earth-moving change in the way they act. They are still spineless, and spineless people don’t make waves. They do, however, respond to pressure. If us folks keep the heat on, then maybe we’ll see some change, but it’s going to take a while. In the meantime, I suppose we should be glad that the GOP is digging in deeper and deeper in every election.
The biggest threat to America in the next decade is Terrorism, but it's not only is not Terrorism. Terrorism is just the tip of the iceberg It's the people we elect as our leaders that we have to worry about as well.
This administration is PATHETIC. For 8 years Bush was vilified by these idiots and now decorum is our patriotic duty. I cant wait for grownups to take over in Washington because these guys are not ready for prime time. In fact Obama’s incompetence is putting us all in grave danger.