Just In Case, If You Don't Think That Liberals Are Nuts, Think Again.

Yes, Think Again: The Conspiracy Nuts Have All But Taken Over The Internet!

Here is a Comment write by a known Liberal Blogger who many follow around these parts and treat her like she is an authority on the worlds politics. Her Lap Dogs pat her on her back or on other body parts every time she puts a Republican dowm.
In a recent glance at her blog I found this:

Shaw Kenawe said...
"I think you're right.

I do believe that people like "the malcontent" are paid trolls who slum the internet looking to disrupt anything being discussed by liberals and conservatives."

Just one look at her "blog" will show anyone with any doubt what is really going on. Those folks really believe it is their duty to preserve the lies about Barack Obama.
Either by denial or by omission or both, they believe all of the accusations made by their Lefty heros, be it Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Holder or the rest of the mob that can’t shoot straight. No matter how outrageous nonetheless, they stand in alliance and support, sustain, and defend the, lies, stories, and bull that they all perpetrate.

What I would really like to know is.. How do these guys get such great jobs? And how much does it pay? And if it pays well, how do I get a job like that?

I ask you, is this INSANE? Is this the thinking of a rational person? Can a real like American that is permitted to walk the streets alone without a caretaker actually believe this?

Well maybe it’s an honor, to be put down by the same inept crazed thinker that HARBORS SUCH HATRED for True Patriotic American citizens such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Lou Dobbs, George Bush, Dick, Cheney and so many others.

The same CRAZED Conspiracy Democrats that believed George Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance, and were running rapport defending Van Jones only because it was Glenn beck who exposed the dirty communist bastard. And not only did they defend him, but they defended Barack Obama for putting him in office.
A well known Psychiatrist Lyle Rossiter who wrote that he had decided that liberals must be mentally ill and as a whole have irrational beliefs and emotions said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton must be suffering from mental disorders. And according to Lyle, liberals reinforce perceptions of being victims... Was he saying that liberals are mentally insane? I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do believe that the majority of Democrats are weakly minded sissies, girly men and manly women, who are afraid of the reality and look at the universe through rose-colored glasses. Just take a look at the Democrats that control the House and Senate. Along with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Franks, Joe Biden, and even the late Ted Kennedy are raving lunatics trying to pass all these socialistic agendas.
And you know what comes AFTER a weakly minded society? Fascism, Socialism and Communism.

We know that 0bama is a Fascist Narcissist Petulant Man-Child, and Pelosi and Reid are his brown shirt storm troopers lackeys. America doesn't want your taxes, spending, bailouts, welfare, government takeovers of companies, Cap & Tax,, payoffs for votes, amnesty for illegal aliens, backroom deals for lobbyists and unions, commie radicals and tax cheats as czars, worshiping at the global warming religious zealots alter, Miranda Rights for terrorists, surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan, bowing to dictators in North Korea and Iran, and your socialized Green Healthcare with government paid for abortion and death panels.

We are sick of calls for bi-partisanship, only to have your savior 0hhBumma say "I won", or have Reid or Pelosi kill every bi-partisan attempt at legislation by not even letting it see the light of day. The liberal democratic bi-partisan way is "My way, or the highway". And taking his so called “Transparencies” into closed door rooms.

New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts was just the opening battle in the war to take back the country from the Marxists. Lady Liberty is smiling again because the Tea Party Express YES, the “Teabaggers” are saving the country and returning it to a Republic. We will make congress responsible in 2010 and in 2012.
Isn't it nice that these one-term Presidents are so easy to spot in a crowd? I'm not sure who will be the next President, or what political party that new President will come from but anybody that breathes air will be able to defeat OhhBama in 2012. I'm certain of that.
Whenever someone disagrees with a liberal they are quick to pull out the trusty race card. Every time someone disagrees with Obama the Democrats surmise it must be a racial thing. Here's a newsflash for you all......, just because he's black doesn't mean he can't be wrong. People disagree with him because he is a socialist Marxist dictator that is trying to ram an unwholesome agenda down the throats of hard working everyday white Americans. So you can take your race card and shove it!