OK, That's It I Quit. I tried to post a reply on the Progressive Prima Donna's blog. And like always she shot me down with her typical name-calling insulting response.
Well boo-freaken-hoo. So, I deleted my effort and walked away.
She can take her SHIT flicking Bull-Shit and stick it where the Sun Don't Shine. I have taken all the liberal Bull-Shit that I want to take.
So much for Openness and the need to promote civil discourse. And the liberal folks who are sick and tired of the BS that goes on in other blogs. And HER friend and CRONIE tells us how hard they try to promote civil discourse, and about Internet terrorists. What a vivid display of dishonesty.
I say so much for the typical Liberal Bull-Shit that flows from their mouths like water from Niagara.
These liberals smoking dope need to wake up & smell the coffee! Enough is enough,
And as for the debate between Joe Biden and Dick Cheney, It's like comparing John (Duke)
Bringer of the next REAGAN!!!