The Health Care Summit

Tonight I wasted 5 or 6 precious hours watching that Bull-Shit thing that they called a debate..
The Health Care summit was a sham - After a brief period of consultation ,the President or should I say the Messiah,expressed his self-serving, arrogance and lectured the Republicans once again. What matters to Obama and his ilk, is turning America into the socialist utopia they believe in.
Will somebody please tell our Dear leader that it's not "just Republicans" that oppose this entitlement, its 75% of voters..
Americans will have this forced down their throats even though most oppose this massive government takeover of our health care system. With further government intent to mandate all must carry insurance or be fined, the Dems still found a way to "redistribute the wealth"
If you were as stupid as I was and watched the whole gadilla, you saw His Majesty wide it up by threatening to have his henchmen Pelosi and Reid get it passed one way or another. This shows the Democratic majority knows how to wield THE RAW ABUSE OF POWER to get their way. But you libs have gone too far, this time, it's time to pay the piper. Come November, you all are on your way out the door.
The Republicans would have to be dumber than dumb to have any part of this.

You know what galls me? I've worked all my life and have not been able to afford health insurance at times...yet ANY ILLEGAL can break our laws, come into our country - and get FREE HEALTH CARE anytime they choose.
The summit was basically a joke. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid gave their same old stupid sob stories and like always the Dems looked angry, manipulative and deceitful. The same old sob stories that are always used were brought up again, a typical leftist on emotions. The lady from Nebraska that needed this and the little girl for Kentucky that needed that, and the Grandmother from Wisconsin that was pregnant at the age of 88 that was uninsured.
Where was Joe Wilson when we needed him!
The Messiah can hold his Health Care summits until he is blue in the face and the result will be the same. OBAMACARE IS DEAD. The Obama Democrats are continuing to slide in the polls every day while the Republicans are winning every election that comes its way.
See you in November.