One has to only wonder, why would someone running 20 points ahead of an opponent resign? Is it because he feels he is not getting the support he needs from the current administration? But he was 20 points (55% to 35%) ahead and didn’t need Obama’s support!! His exact words were
"To put it in words I think most people can understand, I love working for the people of Indiana. I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress"
Well, wow, that’s a firecracker of a statement if I ever heard one!
Bayh's decision will without any doubt set the Dems scrambling for spin Doctor to inject some Snake Oil into the veins of those rats who might have the idea of following the Pied Piper. I guess that some Democrats do have a conscience and some decency after all! This Senator was always known to be a respectable Democrat and not a Progressive nutjob.. Either that or, what does this man know that we do not know? Or did he just see the writing on the wall? One has to wonder.
You have to admire the courage it took for this guy to go against his own party--particularly the Democrat Party--because they will usually do anything to protect their own, kind of like the Mafia. We saw that with the bribes handed out to those who wanted to vote against Obama’s Health-Care bill. They were jest met with a package of money along with special promises to benefit their own States, thus benefitting themselves. .
When Sen. Bayh announced that he won't seek reelection, claiming to be disenchanted with the political process, and that he was sick of Congress. Saying, "I simply reached the conclusion that I could get more done ... by doing something in the private sector" After Democrats spent billions of taxpayer dollars on a failed stimulus and voted to spend billions more for their unpopular government-run health care plan, I think it's fair to say that Americans are disenchanted as well.
Obama's approval rating has plummeted during his first year in office, and most Americans say they are unhappy with his handling of key issues and they direction that he is leading America. Most Americans do not believe Obama even deserves a second term in office, according to a new survey, many of these Dems are finally starting to wake up and realize what a far left out of control nutjob Obama really is and want to leave the sinking ship. The latest poll showed just 44% of Americans say Obama deserves a second term after his first year in office, while 52% said he does not deserve 4 more years.
Bayh’s exit gives Republicans another opportunity for another seat. Republicans now have Senate pick-up opportunities in at least eight states — Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, and North Dakota.
There are very few members of the old Democrat Party left. Most all of them have become zombie-ized into Progressives, Socialists, Marxists and Communists. It's probably too late for the radical wing of the Democrat Party to ever go back to being socially rational and fiscally sensible again in our lifetime.. . Once you've dined in style, basked in corruption and scammed the taxpayer to the hilt, it's pretty hard to give up that kind of lifestyle and power. Bayh is smart to get out before he becomes another body snatched from the Body Snatchers.