Glenn Beck didn't disappoint us last night when he closed the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference as the Key Note speaker. Beck did the job that was work that the RINO's refuse or are unable to do!
Beck is right to point out the evils of 'progressivism'. I spend a lot of time now spreading the word and educating others about what the "progressive" movement really is and I purposely call it the "Oppressive" Movement in hopes the name will catch on. The term aptly describes what these people are all about. The Republicans had better start listening to the Tea Parties if they want to have a chance of getting back in power. They Better Not Run a Rino Again Unless They Want to Keep the Kenyen in Office for Another Term. I am sick of Big Government and the crazy spending in both parties, but the only way this foolishness is going to end is with a real Conservative in office. I can only pray that Obama doesn't succeed with his diabolical plan to destroy the US and remake it under sharia law before today's heroes like Beck, Palin, and the Cheneys have a chance to save it from the socialist who use of a teleprompter tells us all we need to know about affirmative action.
America requires REAL change! We need to vote them all out and get leaders who really care about the people. America really needs a "Change" now, it's our only "HOPE"
Glenn Beck was great! He was funny and edgy. He ripped the RINOs who infect the Republican party, he carved up the Liberal/Progressive/Marxists who are destroying this country.
He is honest, humble and gives a great educational lesson in economics and politics. He should be the Communications Director and Spokesman for the candidate in 2012.
Ironically, it took the most radical, socialist, dictator loving, big-Government, big spend Mao Obama to wake up the silent majority who are sick of this type of man in the White House and want NO MORE of it.!!
We are in a fight for our lives - Glenn Beck makes this clear to millions every day. He reveals their diversions and distractions and misdirections and rallies the troops on their real point of attack. And the Liberals know it, that's why he's in their cross-hairs now.
We are in a fight for our lives - Glenn Beck makes this clear to millions every day. He reveals their diversions and distractions and misdirections and rallies the troops on their real point of attack. And the Liberals know it, that's why he's in their cross-hairs now.
Great speech Glenn you are a great American and thank you for speaking the truth. The American people are longing and begging for the truth. Glenn Beck is a breath of fresh air and a straight shooter, he does not sugar-coat his words.
You did great Glenn Beck and if you happen to feel a pat or two on the back tonight and no one is there, It’s just The Gipper saying ATTA BOY and thanks!!