So Obama will meet with the Republicans and this time Tevevise the debate. How nice of him. What he is really doing is showing that the Republicans don't want his Heath care reform bill and that they are the ones responsible for blocking it.
What part of this does President Obama not understand? We don't want your health care reform Bill! It's that plain and simple.
Where is everybody? NOBODY has ANYTHING to say about this?
No one believes that the president's health care summit with Republicans is about bipartisanship. Republicans fear that it is a trap intended to hold them and their ideas up to ridicule. And though the president and his party certainly want to shift the blame to Republicans after months of unilateral failure by Democrats, that's not the real purpose of the health gabfest. This summit is all about Barack Obama. It's always about him.
Obama is a typical politician: His words and actions don't match up. While technically thats true, Obama lies out both sides of his big yap. I think its more that people know his agenda and are rejecting it.
He can't come out and say "I'm a Marxist, love me." Naturally his words won't match his Marxist actions. But beware of Socialist's bearing gifts
So now, out of desperation, he wants to throw his fellow Dems under the bus and go for this reconciliation scheme. He just doesn't get the fury this is going to unleash. Bring it on string bean. We're going to stop you! It has become apparent that this guy doesn't think he needs congress in order to implement his agenda. This is going to get real interesting throughout the next 12 months. I'm starting to think that he's not going to be running in 2012 and never really planned to... They don’t give a hoot what the American people want. They’re going to ram this through whatever it takes, and whatever the cost. Current estimates are only about $829 BILLION, but who’s counting? We all know government programs always come in way over budget, but who’s counting Timothy Geithner?
I'm beginning to doubt the intelligence of Obama. Who are we going to blame next? Did you get all you wanted and hoped for? Not to late to vote for the next congress! Get informed and get involved. Write your congressperson today!
We don’t want your original or your compromised version! We don't want your health care reform bill! What part of government control is the problem that you do not understand? But then communists always like government over the private sector. If the government got out of the regulation of health insurance companies and let them compete instead of few having a monoply on services, prices would come down. Only an idiot is against profit. If it were not for profit, there would be no jobs. This of course will usher in the new Government health care program that will cover every person in America regardless of citizenship, regardless of whether they are employed or not, whether they have a family they can not afford to feed or house. The working taxpayer will be covering the cost for all in this country. It’s another way of Redistributing the wealth. Don't fall for it America, it will be the most disastrous program to ever strike the freedom out from under your children and grandchildren's feet. Americans if you are NOT angry you don’t get it!
I predicted that the Democrats will pass something called Health care "reform" because their base demands it and they think they have to. But it doesn't take a Rocket scientist to see that they can't possibly satisfy the requirements of increasing coverage, without reducing benefits, raising taxes on the middle class, or ballooning the debt. So they will increase coverage on some currently uninsured, but fall well short of the universal coverage liberals want. Medicare benefits for seniors will have to be reduced, fees and higher premiums will be levied on the middle class, and the deficit will explode in the coming years if this monstrosity is passed.
Sure, the extra Prostate exams will raise costs, but they plan to save money by cutting out the lube and the rubber glove. All we as citizens and taxpayers need to do is bend over and take it up the wazzool.
The democrats assumption is that opposition will fade once it is passed. This is more Hope and Change bull-shit. They are the ultimate fools, victims of their own propaganda. The more people understand the real ramifications of this so called "reform", the fewer will be happy with it, and the Democrats will pay a big price in 2010 and 2012 far greater than they can possibly imagine. And let us say Amen!