President O-Bow-Ma

The Leader of the Free World, the president of these United States, does not bow to Any Man. A appeasing coward,a servant,the enslaved,the inferior,or a worshiper of the Arab dictator.These would bow down.Obama is ?? take your pick,But he is definitely NOT OF PRESIDENTIAL CALIBER.And Certainly not the character for the President of The USA. This is a "No Confidence" aka president who not only diminishes the highest office in our nation to the world -He is also destroying our country,our way of life,our liberty and freedoms,and violating our constitution and the rights of We The People.He obviously screwed up taking that oath purposefully since his actions and agendas violate do not defend ,protect or abide by it.Nor do his cronies in congress and the senate. Obama, Pelosi,Reid and several others need to be impeached and replaced with competent people loyal to this country,this peoples, Our Constitution. They work for us.It's time all of them are reminded of that fact.
The bow is not so much the issue as it is who the president shows his subjection too. He did not bow to the queen so this is not an issue of protocol or courtesy. Nor has he bowed to anyone since. This is a direct and intentional indication by the president that he feels himself to be subject to the higher authority of the Saudi monarchy. This president shows greater affinity and duty to people other than Americans. The president is supposed to be first and foremost the representative of the citizens of the united states. If we, as a representative republic err in the establishment of our policies it is not the place of the president to replace the voice of the people with his judgment. It has always been the policy of this people that we the people choose the policies of this government. Not the president. This is not an error this is direct affront to the American people and the president's duty to comply with the policy of America. Millions for defense but not one penny in tribute. Obama has intentionally overthrown this policy giving all his effort to tribute and platitudes rather than supporting the policies of this nation. He has weakened this nation and his actions have given strength to the morale of our enemies which will be paid for in American blood! I hope all you Lefties are happy you voted for this fascist.