Again you seem to have distorted my comments. It looks like you folks there have a bad habit of doing that... What I blogged about and I stand by it was: Michelle Obama said that Obesity is the most dangerous thing facing America.
And I said that is not true, and that the “most dangerous thing facing America” was TERRORISM!
Well You Pick Your Poison" folks. A Big Mac, or jumping of a burning bombed Skyscraper?
I don't like the fact that Michelle Obama doesn't seem to have a real love for America, and I never did. And I really have any issue with anybody for encouraging people to feed their children and themselves healthier foods and encouraging less TV and more exercise, I encourage that myself. . And if Michelle Obama is pushing to stop childhood obesity, then that’s fine and dandy also. But please don’t call it the “MOST DANGEROUS THING FACING AMERICA”
Because if this is the way that she feels and the way that she thinks, then IGNORANCE, THE GREATEST THREAT FACING AMERICA?
Just look at how many terrorist plots and actions have taken place in the US since this Muslim sympathizer took office? Far too many and it does matter that we have a weak President who puts more effort in being a rock star than being a strong leader.
We have the opportunity to put the nails in those 9-11 terrorists coffins, and rejoice in the stinking smell of their nasty corpses rotting on their way to live in. And Our Dear Leader wants to have his trial right here in New York City. Well then please Mr. Obama move to down to NYC with your whole family and please bring Mr. Eric Holder and his family here with you. There are plenty of McDonald’s here where your wifie can protest.
Forcing the detainees at Gitmo to put on weight is torture worse than waterboarding. The detainees are held down while Big Mac hamburgers, Kentucky fried chicken and Nathan’s french fries and many other trans fat laden foods are poured over their face. The detainee has an overwhelming feeling of being bloated. This torture was originated by that monster George W. Bush and must end.
Once again...another clueless Compassionate Liberal Blogger is Completed Out of Control.
PS..... Those who oppose the messenger and become unbelievers can go elsewhere.