How'm I Doin?

As New York's Mayor Ed Koch used to say: "HOW'M I DOING?"
In the midst of all the euphoria and hope coming from the inauguration of Barack Obama, I feel it's my duty to remind you that not everyone feels the "Obama hope and changy thing is working."
Obama has made quite a mess of things, in record time.
There are those who believe that Obama has already demonstrated that he is not a good President. Some of these people are just Democrat-haters. They are among those who, using some kind of new logic, blamed Bill Clinton for the 9/11 tragedy and felt that George W. Bush, who had been President for almost a year and ignored all the warnings, bore none of the responsibility for it. Then there are those who just feel Obama is an example of "too good to be true." And finally, there are those who enjoy puncturing balloons of hope. So, there were people who felt that Obama has been doing a poor job "from Day One."
On the day of the inauguration, the stock market went down 332 points. Nice work, Mr. President. Over and over again over the past few months, he promised millions of new jobs. But while he was wearing his fancy tux, many people were still out of work.
First President Obama campaigned in New Jersey and Virginia but his Democratic Gubernatorial candidates lost. Then he traveled to Massachusetts to appear with Martha Coakley’s Senate campaign, but she also lost.
President Barack Obama suffered another setback Monday as a fifth Democratic senator, centrist heavyweight Evan Bayh, decided not to run for re-election in dismay at the bitter political climate. Obama, reportedly tried to talk Bayh out of retiring, but now we learned his answer was that he was tired of the way Congress has been acting and that he no longer has any faith in them. And that this was not the Democratic party he once knew.

Obama faces a looming Republican resurgence and risks watching strong majorities in Congress crumble in November mid-term elections, and with them his ambitious reform agenda.”

Doesn’t this make Obama 0-for-4? He can’t afford to lose the Senate with two Supreme Court nominations on the horizon.
It all started to go down hill at the inauguration when Aretha Franklin's hat looked like something Dick Cheney tried to shoot. We've been told over and over again that Barack Obama and his wife Michelle care deeply about family and family values. If he rally cared about his wife, then why didn’t he tell her that she was wearing an Ugly dress at the inauguration?
In one year, our current president has spent more than all our previous presidents combined. I'd say he deserves an 'F'. You can see why my favorite bumper sticker says, "So far, he sucks."
Then, we have Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the absurd notion that you cannot effectively serve your country if you’re gay.
In his first year in office, Barack Obama has had to wrestle with a sinking economy, cope with pirate attacks and try to rebuild America's image abroad. Bowing to his Dictator heros. Having his party quit on him. Losing the Olympics. Bailing out everybody except our Brave troops in Afghanistan. And the list goes on and on.. So how do you rate the President so far? Bad? Worse than Bad? Terrible? Horrible? Or Indifferent?
Anybody who wants to believe that this guy is showing his supposed leadership qualities simply has his or her head firmly planted in the sand. (I could have suggested that their heads were planted firmly up their Ass’s, but I’m trying to keep it clean.)
And the disappointments don’t stop here. There’s the issue of transparency. Again, President Obama has failed to live up to his campaign pledge on this topic. There’s the promise that we’d do business differently in Washington by eliminating special interests. This hasn’t happened. Just take a look at the mess that health care reform is in.
And don’t think that I’m avoiding the inevitable biggie. The Great Attorney General Lap Dog Eric Holder said last year the trial of Mohammed and four others would take place in federal court in Lower Manhattan, near where the World Trade Center once stood. How this ignorant decision was made, we will never know. We were going to give this murdering bastard a microphone so he can spew his anti-American hatred against the USA, for all the world to see.

When the whole country as well as the rest of the world began laughing at us and calling the administration all the names that they deserved to be called, Out of the blue, Our Dear Leader is giving the matter a second thought. How civilized of him. Well Hallelujah, thank God for little things! Every major speech he’s given, from the Rev. Wright apologia to his latest Health Care missive, are bordering on incomprehensible.
And yet after all of this, we have these MORONS in Congress that have the balls to say that the Republican are “siding with the enemy” .
The Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declares the war in Iraq "is lost", with our troops still in the field, Dick Durbin, Democratic Senator from Illinois compares our soldiers in the Middle East to Nazis, Barack Hussein Obama, our Democratic President, claimed we were "air raiding villages" in Iraq. Obama that 90 days to make up his mind about sending more troops to Afghanistan at the General's request. And the GOP IS SIDING WITH THE TERRORISTS??? Please. Never in the history of the United States has a political party been so divisive, so seditious or so corrupt as the Democrats.
Actions speak louder than words, and rhetoric is always trumped by reality. And in this case, Obama’s actions and the reality of his presidency, thus far, leave a whole lot to be desired.

I’m still waiting for more of the change we can believe in.

But retribution is approaching. NOVEMBER 02, 2010 and NOVEMBER 06, 2012
There is only one way to stop this train wreck. And that is to vote out every last Democrat/Liberal on the ballot.