As another New Year growing near ley us review where we've been and where we would like to be going in the new. And what do we really want our place to be in the world in the new year. So I thought before I set new goals for myself and our country, I should reflect on Barack Obama’s faults, and “HOPE” that they are not repeated, or do we want “CHANGE”.
So who is? Obama? Michelle? I guess that they are.. And how about the rest of the Democratic party? I think that they are crapping in their pants right now. I don’t think that I have seen so many screw-ups in my adult life. And the latest even with our Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has really caused the “Shit to hit the Fan”
You and I owe it to yourselves, your families, and the Nation to vote for candidates not only who are most in line with your value system, not only just what may seem popular. You owe it to yourself to research the issues, you owe it to the safety and well-being of our beloved county. You owe it to the working slobs who go out there every day and try to bring home an honest buck and those who pay their fair share of taxes and to our brave fighting men and women out there in harms way every day while we sit behind our computers and bitch about the stupid things we see on TV like who won AMERICAN Idol, or what that ass-hole David Letterman said on his dumb Top 10 List. And what Katie Couric said about Sarah Palin! Who gives a Rat’s Ass about what that Dim Wit ditsy moron thinks! Yes the candidates, and the full spectrum of political parties that are available to you are influenced by radio & TV commentators. Perhaps 2010 is the year you begin voting on YOUR principle’s rather than the slanted strategy that the main stream media brainwashes you with.
The year 2009 was an amazing political year it was a year when we saw a half pint like Barack Obama being inaugurated to the highest office in the land. We saw things like the stimulus package ( who ever even heard that term before?) We saw Tea Parties, Town Hall meetings, the Rose Garden Beer Summit with Professor Gates and Officer Crowley ( if that wasn't the funniest thing ever to take place in the White house) , the Nobel Peace Prize farse, we saw a Commanding General beg for more troops in Afghanistan, and our Dear Leader dilly Dally for 3 months before he made a decision , we saw a 2300 page health care reform bill get approved in the middle of the night without being read by anyone. The swine flu shots otherwise known as H1N1 being refused to be taken by health care workers. Rising unemployment not seen before for decades. A decline in the stock market not seen since the Great depression of the 1930's. And Barack Obama sang the "We Didn’t Start the Fire" song but blamed everything on George Bush..We learned a new meaning for the word "Inherited" . We saw the President of the United States BOW before Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah. And a presidential aide say: "It wasn't a bow" but the president was simply tying his shoe. We even saw The president give the Queen of England an iPod ( that was made in Japan) . While the First Lady padded her on her back. Dear People of the United Kingdom, please accept my sincerest apologies, that was so embarrassing.
We saw Obama fly to Copenhagen with Michelle and Oprah and two jumbo Jets full of his friends and cronies to pitch for the 2016 Olympics, and came home empty-handed. That little event cost us taxpayers more than the $1.5 million dollars. And cost Obama a bruised ego.
We saw Senator's like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu fold like a cheap camera when a package of money was waved at them. The consensus on Nelson as I write this is bad news for him...They were asking people from Nebraska what they thought of his actions and one lady asked how he could tell her the bill was a “great bill', when he hadn't even read it”
We also saw Obama’s and Eric Holder’s idiotic decision to bring "THE ALLEDGED" (oh how I hate that word "alledged")Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York to face charges in a civilian federal court is so insane that I don’t even know where to begin. We just had a terror attack in the sky last week and another 3 weeks ago at fort hood and now this moron wants to bring terrorists into New York to face trial? You people who voted for this inexperienced clown should be proud of yourselves. Obama even refuses to say Ft. Hood was a terrorist act and now this! I'm coming to the conclusion Obama doesn't like us. He is giving these monsters who murdered 3000 Americans those Americans rights. Holder is a disgrace. This is the man who wouldn't prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation. I am so sick of Obama's apologizing to everybody but his own country that I’m sick. . Obama needs to remember he is the United States Commandeer in Chief.
And let us not forget that Obama quietly appointed a Communist to a government advisory position. The position of "Green Jobs Czar" was given to an admitted Communist Van Jones. This action by Obama only reinforces the fact that he holds little if any regard for American democratic values.And if it weren’t for one of the lefties most hated people GLENN BECK, we would never had know it.
As Dick Cheney said: “As I’ve watched the events of the last few days it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war.” This is SO true, there is so much crap on Obama’s plate from Healthcare ( which he has been focused on for the past 10 months) to discrediting George Bush, to Closing Gitmo, and flying all over the world having dates with is Belle Michelle, going on TV talk shows like the “cool” guy he is, to bailing out everything and everyone in sight that he is bankrupting this nation. If he wanted to show some balls, and some smarts, Obama could start by asking for the resignation of his Homeland Security Secretary.
The liberals are so in love with this phony that even negative publicity seems to be good publicity for the Obamas. Like Michelle’s buying those $450.00 sneakers and wearing them in a Soup Kitchen.
This brings me to my Liberal friends, (or shall I say "My Liberal foes!) Obama's support base of hard-core liberals may not even know anything about it since they tend to watch the liberal news and liberal talk shows, while dismissing anything that comes from other sources. They sneer at non-liberal sources, they discredit ANYTHING that is said by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck,Bill O'Reilly, or anyone else than may have some facts that are negative to their Dear leader. The liberal sources they follow and believe in like Dan Rather or Al Franken distort the news or ignore it if it's not favorable. But if they say anything, anything at all that is negitave about Sarah palin or George Bush, they will run with it until they drop.. Never even questioning that if Obama's purpose was to destroy America, what would he have done differently? And that is THE most SCARY thing.
Is no one is paying attention his vow for a "Civilian National Security Force." or to put it another way.. "Brown Shirts"
I believe Americans are smart enough to hold their politicians accountable by rewarding the good ones and punishing the bad ones. What we need are politicians that are honest to us. That does not always happen unless people like me, and you, become actively engaged in the political process and not just during election campaigns. Honesty and accountability should not take vacations and neither should we in holding politicians' feet to the fire.
Like when this attempted airplane bombing first happened the very first thing the president should have done was make a statement. He should have addressed the nation and tried to calm things down. This was an act of terror on the United States not a disaster in another country. THIS WAS OUR COUNTRY!. This was NOT a lone act by a lunatic.
He is only interested in being on TV when he is the focal point. He does not give a crap about the US citizens.
Playing golf, surfboarding, dining in fancy restaurants, hangin with Oprah and walking the beaches around in Hawaii is so typical of this president.
I am not saying he should have immediately flew back to Washington but making a statement (live) WAS required. So he made one Yesterday, 4 days later. Well that was TOO LATE! Obama will do absolutely nothing other than bow to Muslim”royalty”. Expect hundreds of Americans to die because of Obama’s weakness. The terrorists sense it and will continue to act on it.
This applies for politicians at every level. If a council member promises to help fixing up a park near your house, demand to know why there is still litter at the playground. If your state representative says she will help create a safe passageway from your neighborhood to your child's school, demand to know why drug dealers still loiter at the end of your block. If your United States senator claims that expanding health care to cover all uninsured Americans is a top priority, demand to know why he voted against health care legislation that would do just that. In other words, demand accountability. We need a president who ACTS when our country is in danger. If it mean me as a private citizen calling or writing my representatives to tell them, "Good job," or "Hey, what the hell are you thinking?" I mean me as a contributor donating 20 or 50 bucks to good candidates mean me as a voter keeping politicians honest and holding their feet to the fire when they say one thing on the campaign trail and do something different once in office.
This leads me to my political New Year's resolution.
My First New Year resolution for 2010 is to make Political Correctness history
I hope that the loony-left segment of the Democrats are seeing the error of their ways.
Barack Obama – Please change on the White House by fumigating and exorcizing all evil spirits from the premises before you leave it in 2012.
Sarah Palin – Tell Katie Couric, David Letterman that their days in the public eye is limited. And keep giving em hell, you have them so afraid of you that they don’t know what to do next.
Al Gore – Continue to support the Global Warming Bull-Shit and pray there is still anyone that gives a damn or believes you.
Joe Lieberman – Try to figure out what party are in and who's ass needs to be kissed next.
Dick Cheney – Keep up whatever you are doing. It’s finally getting to them.
George W. Bush – It’s time that you stopped playing Mr. Nice Guy and open your mouth.
Rush Limbaugh – Get Barack Obama impeached for ruining the economy and lying to and dragging America into 3rd worldism.
Glenn Beck - Don’t stop.
Eric Holder - Shut up and go away.
Michelle Obama - Try harder to Love America.
I need to get on a treadmill more often and ditch the cigarettes.
I also need to spend less money buying everything that I fall in love with at Saks and Bloomingdale's.
Also I just remembered that I resolved several years ago NOT to make anymore New Years resolutions.
And finally, I resolve to not point out to my friends how inept Barack Obama is because you can’t convince stupid people about anything obvious..
Thus, my New Year's resolution for this year is that people all over the country, especially in African American communities, where the need is most acute, rise up and become actively engaged in their communities. Hold your politicians and community leaders responsible for doing what they say they will do. Improvement must come from within, but unless we also make politicians more responsive to our needs, it is a losing battle.
The system worked?
This has to be the most titanically stupid comment yet by a titanically stupid administration.It’s one for the ages.This is a primo candidate for disappearance down the MSM coverage hole. This has got to be the most asinine thine ever blabbered by anyone that the American public has ever heard!
If the system worked, why was there a bomb on the plane?What SYSTEM are you talking about , Janet? The terrorists? This is exactly what I expected from this woman. She is so far from being up for this job. Instead of focusing on what needs to be fixed, she has to minimize the problem so as to deflect the blame. The only correct answer is, “We screwed up and will do everything we can to see that it is corrected”. This is the “blame everybody else” administration. Maybe this is Bush’s fault too. Thankfully the bomb failed and the only thing that happened is that the terrorist is now a eunuch. Our enemies must look at her and laughing their ass's off. But I'm telling you my friends, this is beyond funny, it’s downright scary.
And where has the Great One been for the past FOUR days? Why hasn't he addressed the nation about this? I she too busy walking the Beach's in Hawaii? Bt=y the way, he's on vacation, for the third time this year, courtesy of the you and I the US taxpayer.
Maybe Obama's thinking of some way to blame this on Bush! Obama will Dither Dally as long as he can before he makes a statement, like the sending more troops to Afghanastan decision ,and before he addresses the fact that "The System did NOT work" as Janet misstated and Muslims are going to be Terrorists, regardless of who is in the white house and how many BOWS BO makes!
The Obama administration has more dangerous and incompetent fools – starting with The One himself than any in my lifetime, if not the lifetime of the Republic.
I wonder how many American's feel safe with Hussein and Janet Napolitano at the helm of Homeland Security? I know that I don't! And can we call them TERRORIST'S now?
I say throw all these bums out that Opie Dopeie appointed and impeach this imbucile we have for for a President. NOW!
What kind of freaken MORON’S are running this country! Beginning with her embrace of the impotent euphemism “man-caused disasters” to the hit job on conservatives and veterans that she was forced to apologize for, to her assertion that crossing the border illegally isn’t a crime per se, to her boneheaded claim that 9/11 terrorists came in through the Canadian border, Janet Napolitano has confirmed time and again that she’s not ready for prime time.
Today, she caps off her horrible year by playing Big Pollyanna in the wake of the Flight 254. The botched bombing — foiled by a faulty detonator and brave passengers, not by homeland security bureaucrats or any preemptive measures by intel officials — shows that the in Janet Napolitano’s fantasy world.
Lets see- police were called to investigate a possible break-in where the neighbor states two BLACK men were breaking into a home. So officer arrive and encounter Mr. Gates a black man, who fits the general description of the persons described by the neighbor. Now had they said two white guys were breaking in, then a black man would not fit the description. So the officer asked the black man to identify himself as all they had to go on at this point is a break in by two black males (gee Mr Gates is a black male) so how is that racial profiling ?? That is called investigating a possible crime nothing more. Had Mr Gates simply provided identification to the officer so that he could be eliminated as a suspect this whole scene could have been avoided. Instead he threw a fit and tried to play the race card and was uncooperative with a criminal investigation (that happens to be a crime- you idiots). The only one who made this a racial issue was Mr Gates. He has only himself to blame for what happened. BUT OBAMA tell us NOT to jump to conclusions.
A Muslim doctor in the Army emails an al-Qaeda cleric to ask him if killing American soldiers is permitted by the Koran. The FBI looks into it and concludes he is doing innocent “research” and no formal investigation is warranted. And he shoots up 31 of of our brave American Troops
A Nigerian traveler with ties to al-Qaeda — and whose own father has flagged him as being dangerous because of his extremist views — wants to board a plane to the US. DHS decides the information isn’t specific or credible enough to even warrant an extra pat down.
It sure appears that political correctness is running amuck in our government. I would like to know if they have been directed to avoid even the appearance of profiling, thereby giving muslims, Nigerians, and other “misunderstood” peoples of the world a free pass.
The Fort Hood terrorist attack that killed our soldiers was not a terrorist attack according to Napolitano and Obama. According to them - it was a man made something or other. What do you expect from these two failures? Obama runs around the world bowing to anyone who will laugh at the fool, and Napolitano is worried about Vets who fought for our Country that may not like the Obama administration. We're getting rid of all of you in 2010.
Can we please "Jump to Conclusions" now!