Should Janet Napolitano be Fired... NOW? The Crotch-Bomber Failed -- and So Did Obama!

Relax folks, Janet Napolitano is on the job. What could possibly go wrong? She will protect us from those evil returning Vets, Tea party goer's, and other Bible clingers.
has learned that as early as August of 2009 the Central Intelligence Agency was picking up information on a person of interest dubbed “The Nigerian,” suspected of meeting with “terrorist elements” in Yemen.

Sources say “The Nigerian” has now turned out to be Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. But that connection was not made when Abudulmutallab’s father went to the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria three months later, on November 19, 2009. It was then he expressed deep concerns to a CIA officer about his son’s ties to extremists in Yemen, a hotbed of al Qaeda activity.
Of course, Barry is right there to blame others
Obama said a “catastrophic breach” allowed the alleged Christmas Day bomber to set his attack into motion, as it emerged that multiple U.S. agencies met in mid-November to discuss a warning from the accused bomber’s father.

The father of terror suspect met on Nov. 19 with the Central Intelligence Agency at the U.S. embassy in, Nigeria, and told of his son’s likely radicalization, according to U.S. officials. That led to a broader meeting the next day in which the information was shared with representatives of the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the State Department, a U.S. official said.
The president’s scramble to contain a potential political liability came as U.S. and Yemeni authorities said they were investigating whether the plot was hatched by former Guantanamo Bay prisoners now believed to be leaders of al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, the claimed source of the attack.
The president said he made his comments because new information pointed to a serious breach of national security. He said a warning made by the suspect’s father to U.S. officials in Nigeria “could have and should have” led to the suspect to be banned from flying. “A systemic failure has occurred, and I consider that totally unacceptable,” he said.

But let me ask you all … are the “Intelligence Agencies” really to blame here? Is this Obama’s administration’s fault?
Should we BLAME Obama? Why not? He is to blame just as mush as George Bush was to blame for Katrina! He’s President has been for nearly a year, and all those dysfunctional bureaucrats belong to him. Whether he likes it or not. He has to take the blame for this along with that Ass-hole Janet Napolitano. She has set a new world record for the amount of stupidity one person can possibly have.
The Democratic leaders are always out there to blame someone else. There’s a long history of that in the Democratic party. And why did Obama issue his first public statement on the matter 72 hours after the event? Didn’t he get the word sooner than that or wasn’t his stooges able to reach him on his surf board! This is more evidence that the left has no idea what is going on in America, not to even mention the rest of the world.
So I say it’s time for Janet Napolitano to hit the road, and perhaps move in with Rosie O'Donnell.

I’m surprise they aren’t blaming Bush. It’s quite strange, usually no one blames Obama because it could turn racial.