"How dumb does the White House think we are?"

White House Party Crashers Linked to Obama’s Radical Pal Rashid Khalidi
Well when they refused to allow Desiree Rogers the white house social secretary to testify about the party-crashers, it showed just how DUMB they think we are. Her first responsibility, at State Dinners, is not to look glamorous. It is the safety and security of the first family. She dropped the ball. She should submit her resignation, She is CLEARLY hiding something. And Michelle Obama owes an apology to the nation for rewarding her dumb, lazy, worthless, self-aggrandizing friend, DESIREE ROGERS, with such an important job. This whole bunch of people are such worthless a-holes not worthy of their important positions. And Obama should be thanking God for the Tiger Woods story so that this story got swept under the rung..........again.. I know that If those two sorry ass nut jobs showed up at a party I was having or working, I’d have their ass’s kick out so fast and so hard they would still be flying. But if you asked me, there’s NO way these people got past the Secret Service on their own. Obama just didn’t want their names to appear on the White House logs, he was and is hiding something and it could prove to be embarrassing.