Janet Napolitano says that the “system worked”


The system worked?

This has to be the most titanically stupid comment yet by a titanically stupid administration.It’s one for the ages.This is a primo candidate for disappearance down the MSM coverage hole. This has got to be the most asinine thine ever blabbered by anyone that the American public has ever heard!

If the system worked, why was there a bomb on the plane?What SYSTEM are you talking about , Janet? The terrorists? This is exactly what I expected from this woman. She is so far from being up for this job. Instead of focusing on what needs to be fixed, she has to minimize the problem so as to deflect the blame. The only correct answer is, “We screwed up and will do everything we can to see that it is corrected”. This is the “blame everybody else” administration. Maybe this is Bush’s fault too. Thankfully the bomb failed and the only thing that happened is that the terrorist is now a eunuch. Our enemies must look at her and laughing their ass's off. But I'm telling you my friends, this is beyond funny, it’s downright scary.

And where has the Great One been for the past FOUR days? Why hasn't he addressed the nation about this? I she too busy walking the Beach's in Hawaii? Bt=y the way, he's on vacation, for the third time this year, courtesy of the you and I the US taxpayer.

Maybe Obama's thinking of some way to blame this on Bush! Obama will Dither Dally as long as he can before he makes a statement, like the sending more troops to Afghanastan decision ,and before he addresses the fact that "The System did NOT work" as Janet misstated and Muslims are going to be Terrorists, regardless of who is in the white house and how many BOWS BO makes!

The Obama administration has more dangerous and incompetent fools – starting with The One himself than any in my lifetime, if not the lifetime of the Republic.

I wonder how many American's feel safe with Hussein and Janet Napolitano at the helm of Homeland Security? I know that I don't! And can we call them TERRORIST'S now?

I say throw all these bums out that Opie Dopeie appointed and impeach this imbucile we have for for a President. NOW!

What kind of freaken MORON’S are running this country! Beginning with her embrace of the impotent euphemism “man-caused disasters” to the hit job on conservatives and veterans that she was forced to apologize for, to her assertion that crossing the border illegally isn’t a crime per se, to her boneheaded claim that 9/11 terrorists came in through the Canadian border, Janet Napolitano has confirmed time and again that she’s not ready for prime time.

Today, she caps off her horrible year by playing Big Pollyanna in the wake of the Flight 254. The botched bombing — foiled by a faulty detonator and brave passengers, not by homeland security bureaucrats or any preemptive measures by intel officials — shows that the in Janet Napolitano’s fantasy world.
Lets see- police were called to investigate a possible break-in where the neighbor states two BLACK men were breaking into a home. So officer arrive and encounter Mr. Gates a black man, who fits the general description of the persons described by the neighbor. Now had they said two white guys were breaking in, then a black man would not fit the description. So the officer asked the black man to identify himself as all they had to go on at this point is a break in by two black males (gee Mr Gates is a black male) so how is that racial profiling ?? That is called investigating a possible crime nothing more. Had Mr Gates simply provided identification to the officer so that he could be eliminated as a suspect this whole scene could have been avoided. Instead he threw a fit and tried to play the race card and was uncooperative with a criminal investigation (that happens to be a crime- you idiots). The only one who made this a racial issue was Mr Gates. He has only himself to blame for what happened. BUT OBAMA tell us NOT to jump to conclusions.

A Muslim doctor in the Army emails an al-Qaeda cleric to ask him if killing American soldiers is permitted by the Koran. The FBI looks into it and concludes he is doing innocent “research” and no formal investigation is warranted. And he shoots up 31 of of our brave American Troops

A Nigerian traveler with ties to al-Qaeda — and whose own father has flagged him as being dangerous because of his extremist views — wants to board a plane to the US. DHS decides the information isn’t specific or credible enough to even warrant an extra pat down.

It sure appears that political correctness is running amuck in our government. I would like to know if they have been directed to avoid even the appearance of profiling, thereby giving muslims, Nigerians, and other “misunderstood” peoples of the world a free pass.

The Fort Hood terrorist attack that killed our soldiers was not a terrorist attack according to Napolitano and Obama. According to them - it was a man made something or other. What do you expect from these two failures? Obama runs around the world bowing to anyone who will laugh at the fool, and Napolitano is worried about Vets who fought for our Country that may not like the Obama administration. We're getting rid of all of you in 2010.

Can we please "Jump to Conclusions" now!