Entertainer Of The Year!

Tiger is a star, a sexy pretty-boy, a famous athlete, the biggest name in golf. He can get girls in any city, any port, any hour of the day or night. He did not want an extra-marital affair. He wanted multiple affairs, multiple one night stands, multiple, ongoing sex contacts to juggle. He wanted non-committed sex with a series of women (eleven so far and counting), whom he had no intention of marrying.

To Tiger, sex is a sport, like golf, a form of entertainment, another way of scoring. He is no different than all the other alpha-male rock stars, actors, politicians and businessmen. Perhaps I should alter my views a bit. The personal lives of sports figures may be the least important thing on earth–except to those who are personally involved.
Is he any different from the other Sports thugs? Yeah, I guess so, he really hasn’t hurt anyone except himself, and his wife and his kids, and his fans, and his sponsors, and the whole Golf industry, and the people that looked up to him as a role model. Besides those, who has he hurt!
Tiger’s preference for (some might say addiction to) impersonal prostitution-like sex is not unique. Think about presidents Jack Kennedy and Bill Clinton and their non-stop philandering. More recently, think about Eliot Spitzer (Client #9). I hesitate to count the number of groupies Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones might once have had. We are not talking about love affairs. We are talking about a locker-room like release of tension and a male need to sexually dominate women while avoiding any real intimacy. We are not talking about Playboy-era Bunnies but about the normalization of post-hardcore pornography; about being accustomed to naked lap and pole dancing women in strip clubs, in movies, on television, and in hip hop and rap musical videos. Is it fair to compare Tiger Woods to Barack Obama. Why not? The both have been marketed as something they are not.
Are you as stunned as I am to see that famous and wealthy African American men … still seem to consider having a White Woman for a wife to be a step up to the pinnacle of the social scale!
But in all seriousness, with all the accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement and all the laws passed to improve the situation of African Americans, I am stunned to see that famous and wealthy African American men, for example Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson, still seem to consider having a White Woman for a wife to be a step up to the pinnacle of the social scale. Indeed, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and Sammy Sosa, apparently have taken the White Woman Trophy Wife thing a step further and tried to turn themselves White! And lets not forget the unforgettable O.J. Simpson, who always went for the White ladies. That all of Tiger’s liaisons were White Women is of some interest to me too, his claim to being “Cablinasian” or whatever. But was Tiger Woods’ actions a surprise? unexpected? No! He as always been a wise ass spoiled little brat. He has always been known to throw his clubs in the air when he made a bad shot and to curse like a drunken Sailor. Role Model? I think not.
Don’t blame me…I voted for John McCain, and I hate golf.